The End...?

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Don't freak out about the title I'm not leaving forevs

Lately I've been thinking, fandom wise. I'm not sure how...into destiel I am anymore. I mean I ship it, just not so much that I wanna write fanfic anymore. I'm sorry guys, but you should've known it couldn't go on forever. Please don't cry guys, I'm sorry.

I won't quit writing this tho, it's my proudest achievement even if I cringe at 99% of it. So I'm thinking of just turning it into a sorta "random OTP one shots/imagines"? Would that appease y'all? So I'm really really sorry to my loyal readers, it's just,,,, times have changed, and we must move on with whatever dignity we have. I wish it would never come to this. I'm really sorry guys.

Or maybe I'll pick it up in a different book? Not sure. It's just difficult to say goodbye, ya know? I'm just not feeling up for this anymore, I guess. Not to mention my mom just got out of surgery to remove a tumor in her lower back so I had a crying spell/anxiety attack today (she's fine btw so don't worry). Watching jacksepticeye helped but...still. God I'm so nervous to post this because I don't wanna say goodbye but I need to move on from this, ya know? I want people to know me for more than just the "destiel one shots guy". I wanna be known for being a genuinely good author. I guess this is sorta why Jack stopped playing happy wheels. It makes me sad but I feel like I need to move on. As difficult as it may be. I feel guilty but I know I have to do this.

So I'm prolly gonna start a new fanfic with a bunch of imagines in it or something. Maybe some ships like destiel or phan or something (but I think I've even run out of inspiration for the ships in general and I'm just all about imagines. Huh). I hope you guys understand and don't form an angry mob. Don't worry, I won't delete this fic. I'll just leave it up and maybe edit so I don't cringe too harshly. Ahh editing, so beautiful and necessary for survival.

So this very well could be the end of ASliceOfDeansPie presents, Destiel One Shots. Truly the end of an era. But it was coming sooner or later, we all knew that. And I'm so sorry I never made part two of the YouTube one I feel hella guilty over that one oops. Maybe I'll finish that as a last hurrah sorta thing, if I can muster up the inspiration. Idk sorry guys.

So, for perhaps the very last time, Peace Off my Mini Marshminions!

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