83. It's Like A Standing Up Bath

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Dean and Cas both had feelings for one another, but neither of them knew their feelings were mutual. Once they realized they were in the same boat, they did everything together. They were constantly at each other's side, loving the other with all their heart.

One night, they were in their room watching a movie that made Cas cry his eyes out. This surprised Dean, but then again, now that his angel was human, his human emotions would kick in.

"Relax, baby, it's just a movie." Dean comforted.

"I know, but... Dean... she'll never let go. She'll never let go." Cas sobbed.

"Don't worry. Your heart will go on."

Cas looked up at him with teary blue orbs. "Don't even joke about that."

Dean chuckled. "It's getting late. I'm gonna get a shower, then we can get some sleep."

"A shower? It's like a standing up bath, yes?"

"Uh, yeah, pretty much."

"I would like to try one of those."

Dean grinned. "Why don't you join me? If I'm gonna share a shower with anyone, it's bound to be you."

Cas smiled. "Okay."

They went into the bathroom, Dean turning on the water. They slid off their clothes and got in the shower, the lukewarm waters washing over them.

"This feels... pleasant." Cas grinned.

Dean returned the smile. "Good. Know what you're supposed to do now?"

"Um... I think so?"

Dean chuckled. He started massaging his fingers through the ex angel's hair. "You gotta get your hair nice and wet. Then you wash it with shampoo. Then you rinse it off. Okay?"

"It seems as simple a task as any."

He enjoyed the feeling of Dean's fingers in his hair. He felt the water soak into his scalp as Dean continued to play with his hair. He never imagined a shower could feel so relaxing.

Dean took the bottle of shampoo and squirted a small amount in his palm. He put the bottle back and started washing Cas's hair. The little angel couldn't help but smile.

"This feels wonderful, Dean."

Dean smiled back. "Good. Good, you sweet little angel."

Cas felt through his hair, gathering the soap suds in his hands. He played with the little clouds of soap, the smile still planted on his face.

He suddenly clapped his hands together, the suds dispersing in both the angel and the hunter's faces.

They both chuckled. "Sorry, Dean."

"It's fine." Dean laughed.

Cas squeezed his left eye shut. "Dean, I feel a powerful stinging sensation."

"You have soap in your eye. Here, let me help."

Dean rinsed his hands off so there weren't any suds there and started gently rubbing Cas's eye.

"It still hurts." Cas complained.

"Don't worry. Let's just rinse it out."

Cas adjusted his position so the water fell where his eye was. The soap started washing out, but it still felt watery. Then again, he was in the shower.

"Dean, it-" His words were cut off when Dean gently kissed his eye.

He caressed the angel's face in his hands. "Feel better?"

"I believe so. But it feels... watery."

"C'mon, let's get dried off and we can deal with it. Are there anymore suds in your hair?" He started combing through the angel's hair.

"I don't think so." Cas rubbed his eye in annoyance.

"Hey, don't irritate it too much. It'll just start to-"

"OWW!" Cas clutched his now enflamed eye.


They got out of the shower and dried off with their towels. Cas's eye was looking a bit irritated. Cas was looking a bit irritated.

"Deeeeaaaaan," He whined. "It huuuuurts!"

Dean chuckled at his adorable childlike demeanor. "It's okay, baby. Let me try to kiss it better again." He gently kissed the angel's eye.

"It doesn't heeelllp." He groaned.

"Let's go to our room, okay?"

Cas nodded and, with his towel wrapped around his waist, followed Dean to their bedroom. Cas wanted a robe like his hunter's.

"Dean, can I have a robe?"

"You just want everything, don't you?" Dean smirked.

Cas didn't get that it was a joke and looked down at his feet bashfully. "I'm sorry."

Dean chuckled. "Cas, I was just kidding, okay?"

The angel automatically perked up. "Oh. Okay."

"And yes, you can have one. I just need to find one for you."

"Thank you, Dean." He smiled and pecked his hunter's cheek.

They got dressed into comfortable clothes and Dean began to inspect Cas's eye.

"Does it feel better now?"

"Yes. A little. It just still feels watery."

"You'll be fine."

It was getting pretty late, so they decided to go to bed. They held each other close in the dark, snuggled up in the warm blanket.

"Dean?" Cas whispered, yawning tiredly.


"I love you."

"I love you too, angel."

(A/N: What do Time Lords and clowns have in common?

They both have vehicles that are bigger on the inside. *cue rimshot*

*cough* clown cars *cough*

Sooooo, yeeeeaaaaah, sorry if this sucks, but writing about couples after you've been dumped is a lot harder than I thought. :\

I'm gonna publish the first chapter of that fic tonight at 9ish. I'm gonna update every Thursday at like 9 unless I can't for some reason. I think I can easily stick to my schedule cuz I've already written like fifteen chapters now as I might've mentioned.

If you read, bring tissues. You need it.

Oh, and I might be getting a video game for Christmas. And if I do, I have a feeling I'll get obsessed with it CUZ IT LOOKS LIKE AN AWESOME DUCKIN GAME XD

It's called Devil May Cry, and I THINK it's like in a weird order. So like there's 3, 1, 4, and 2. IN THAT ORDER. ?

Trust me, this game, it's like Supernatural threw up on it or something :3 There's this character named Dante and he's trying to get back at this guy for killing his mom and corrupting his brother I think. Turns out, his father is this demon guy, and he's like a big deal sort of demon, and his mom must've been an angel, CUZ HE HALF DEMON HALF ANGEL WUUUUUT?!

Yeah, I'm already addicted.

Peace Off My Mini Marshminions!)

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