32. I Suck At Chapter Titles So Imma Call This One Skiing

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Cas had become fascinated with human activities. But the thing he found the most interesting? Skiing.

He had become quite fascinated by the sport, and watched it on television all the time. It looked quite enjoyable.

Dean walked in on Cas watching a skiing event on TV. He seemed enthralled.

"Is that skiing?" He asked.

"Yes. Would you like to watch it with me?" He never even looked away from the screen.

A sudden, spontaneous thought popped in Dean's head, and he never even contemplated it before opening his big, fat mouth. "Why watch it when we could go skiing ourselves?"

Cas looked up at him with bright eyes. He looked like a kid in a candy store. Or Gabriel. He had a big smile on his face, which was a rare occasion.

"Do you mean it?" He beamed.

"Absolutely." Dean blurted. What was he doing?

Cas jumped up and threw himself into Dean's arms, his legs wrapped around his waist. "Oh, Dean! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He shrieked.

Dean smiled and wrapped his arms around the little angel. "No problem. Anything for you, Cas."

._.__.At The Ski Resort~.__._.

Dean had no idea what the fuck to do.
He'd never been skiing before. Then again, neither had Cas, and he didn't seem too hesitant.

Dean never thought he'd ever ski in his life. It didn't seem relevant to... anything. But now that he was here with Cas, he knew there was no turning back now. Great.

They wore their thick layers of winter clothing, Cas wearing his trench coat underneath it all of course. They got on the ski lift thing, and Cas couldn't sit still.

Dean thought it looked so cute when he got excited. He thought to tell him how he felt many times over, but he never did. The thought of all that emotion scared him stiff.

And when they actually started skiing when they got off the lift, Dean wasn't sure whether he was thrilled or terrified. He didn't know what the hell he was supposed to do.

He was starting to regret not paying the money for an instructor.

He was very wobbly, which wasn't a good thing. Not to mention he didn't know how to slow the damn thing down.

He was going a bit too fast for comfort, and he internally panicked. It reached the point that it wasn't all that internal.

"Okay, I think I'm done now!" He yelled. "Where are the damn brakes?"

He lost control of himself and ended up crashing into Cas. They hit the ground, Cas landing on top of him because Dean was trying to break his fall. He was laughing as though it were nothing.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, I'm super."

"If you watched more skiing events, you'd know to slow down by turning your toes towards each other and pushing your heels further apart."

"Really? That's it?"

"That's it."

"Huh. I really need to google this stuff."

They found themselves gazing into each other's eyes. Dean blushed as he stared into that beautiful, vibrant blue. Suddenly, Dean closed the gap between them. And Cas kissed him back.

They pulled away, Cas resting his forehead against Dean's.

"What was that for?" Cas asked.

"Because I love you." Dean whispered. Cas cupped Dean's face in his mittened-up hands. He smiled, suppressing a giggle.

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