43. When In Rome, Bring Dean Home

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Dean honestly didn't know what the hell he was doing. He was talking to Cas about two hours prior to the situation he found himself in.

"Dean, what is this place?" Cas asked, pointing to a picture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Sam's laptop.

"It's France. What're you doing on Sam's computer? You know he'll throw a hissy fit."

"I don't understand that reference. Where is France exactly?"

"Somewhere far, far away. Europe."

"Do you think we can go there?"

"Cas, we-we'd have to-to fly there," Dean chuckled nervously, knowing he couldn't bring himself to get on a damn plane.

"What's wrong with flying? I did that all the time."

"I'm not getting on a damn airplane, Cas!"

And somehow he managed to get himself on Southwest Airlines.

"You seem nervous." Cas whispered as they sat on the plane.

"Yeah, no I'm not." He whispered back, his leg twitching up and down.

"Are you afraid of planes?"

He scoffed. "Yeah, right. Like I'm scared of a giant hunk of metal flying through the air at four thousand feet going at a hundred miles an hour that could crash to the ground at any minute. You must be crazy."

"Yes, I must be."

"Alright, I admit, I do get a bit nervous on planes. But dying in a plane crash doesn't sound too pleasant."

"I have heard that the odds of a plane crashing are astronomical. Dean, you hunt monsters as a profession, why should an airplane be so frightening?"

"It just is, okay!" He hissed through his teeth.

"There is no need to be 'snippy'." He formed air quotes around snippy.

"Would you quit it with the air quotes, dude? Seriously?"

Cas looked down embarrassedly. "Sorry." He mumbled.

"Ah, it's fine. I just don't like flying, end of story."

"Then why would you agree to fly to Paris with me?" He looked Dean dead in the eye.

Because I love you and there's no way in hell I would let you go to the city of love by yourself so you could get hurt by some random, rapist stranger with a pocketknife, and I would regret my decisions for the rest of my life. "I dunno, just 'cause."

Cas sighed and looked back out the small window. "That's not an answer, Dean."

"I know. I just knew you wouldn't take no for an answer, and I knew I wasn't gonna let you go alone." Because I'm so in love with you.

He leaned back and tried to relax, until he realized they were already in the air. He immediately tensed and was close to hyperventilating. Cas noticed this and turned to look at him.

"Dean, are you okay?"

Dean squeezed his eyes shut and chuckled sarcastically. "Friggin peachy."

Cas grabbed his hand, the hunter's demeanor shifting completely. He suddenly relaxed and looked into his angel's eyes. "It's alright, Dean."

Dean found himself lost in those eyes. He had never seen eyes so blue. Cas's eyes were something special. Those were the eyes Dean fell in love with.

He entwined their fingers, the corners of his mouth twitching upward, threatening a smile. Cas smiled as well, which didn't help the butterflies in the aerophobic hunter's stomach.

"It's gonna be a long trip, Cas. We should get some rest." He murmured.

Cas cleared his throat awkwardly as he released his hold on Dean's hand. "Yes, we should."

Dean just looked at anything but Cas. It was incredibly awkward at this point. He leaned back in his seat and slowly drifted into unconsciousness, completely forgetting he was even in an airplane.

._.__.~Several Hours Later~.__._.

Cas and Dean disembarked the plane and eventually made it out of the airport. Dean looked over at his angel, who was taking in all of his surroundings with a large smile on his face. At least he was happy.

They found a nice hotel to stay at and rented out a room. As uncanny as it was, there was only one room left, and it was only one bed.

"It's fine, Cas, I can just sleep on the floor." Dean offered, even though he really wanted to share that one bed with his angel.

They found their room and went inside. It was rather nice, in fact. It was very... French.

"Cas, I didn't know you could speak French." Dean referred to the impressive French speaking seven minutes earlier when Cas translated everything these people were saying.

"I speak all languages, Dean. English, French, Spanish, etcetera."

"Can you speak Klingon?" Dean smirked, causing Cas to tilt his head.

Dean shook his head. "Nothing, it's-never mind."

"So, where is the Eiffel Tower?"

"Gimme a second, I'll look up directions from here." He was using google maps on his iPhone to get directions to the Eiffel Tower.

"Dean, didn't we leave at 8:15 in the morning?"

"Regrettably, yes. I should be asleep at the bunker right now. Why?"

"I'm only asking because it seems to be getting dark at a rapid pace. It's a bit concerning."

Dean chuckled. "Don't worry, man. I think it's called jet lag or something."

"Jet lag causes nighttime to come faster?"

"In a sense, I guess. Ah, here we go. I've got directions from here to the Eiffel Tower. Let's go, we'll catch a cab."

He approached the door until Cas said, "You mean allons-y."

Dean looked up at him. "What?"

"We're in France, Dean. To us, it's let's go. To them, it's allons-y."

He half smiled. "Alright then. Allons-y."

They took a cab to the Eiffel Tower, because Cas mysteriously had euros in his trench coat (if euros are French currency cuz I dunno).

They soon arrived at the Tower, the sun setting on the horizon, turning the sky into a beautiful blend of bright orange and pink.

"It's beautiful, Dean." Cas beamed.

Dean looked down at his angel. "Yeah, I know I'm enjoying the view."

Cas looked up at him, his vibrant blue eyes full of curiosity. He noticed the way Dean stared at him.

"Dean, is something wrong?"

But Dean gave no answer. Something in his brain had suddenly clicked. They were in the city of love. Paris, France. He'd never get this sort of opportunity again. And his instincts kicked in.

He leaned down and kissed his angel, cupping his face in his hands. Cas immediately pressed his hands to Dean's chest out of surprise, but he eventually melted into the kiss. They stood there like that, all of time frozen in place. But it eventually began again.

Dean pulled away, blushing immensely, as was Cas.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Dean mumbled.

"Don't be." Was all Cas replied.

They spent some more time in Paris and soon returned to the airport. Dean wasn't even nervous on that plane. Because he knew that as long as he had his angel, he'd always be safe.

(A/N: MAAAAATT SMIIIIITH THOUSAAAAAND REEEEAAAADS!!!! As in eleven. Get it? He's the eleventh doctor........ Okay bye.

Peace Off, My Mini Marshminions!)

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