30. The Ole Switcharoo (Sabriel Style) :) WARNING: LAST MINUTE SMUT

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(This is a version of the hunt they were on, but with SABRIEL XD Also @boohooi1 thanks! And I must ask, what does your username mean exactly? I'm just like "wut?" :\)

"Samwich, is there something you should tell me?" Gabriel smirked at the long haired brunette in front of him. "Samantha".

"Just shut up and change me back."

"I would if I could."


"This witch used blood magic. There ain't nothing like it. It's too powerful for even me. The only way to get you back to normal is if she reverses it or if she dies."

Sam sighed. "Great."

"I'm sure there are advantages to bein' a lady." He emphasized the word "lady".

"Like what?"

"I don't know! I've never been in a bootylicious body before."

Sam scoffed. "You're unbelievable."

"So I've been told, Samantha."

"Shut up." Sam snapped sternly.

"No need to be so dour. So, uh, how's it feel in there? Does it feel... nice?"

Sam went expressionless. "What? Shut up."

"And I love how even your female counterpart is like eight feet tall."

"I'm six foot five."

"Whatever, Green Giant."

Sam sighed, ready for a change of subject. "How long until Dean and Cas kill this bitch?"

"Shouldn't be too long, Sam N' Ella. Just wait."
And they waited. It wasn't long before Sam got a call from Dean.

"Sammy, we got her. Ding dong, the witch is dead. How you feeling?"

"I'm still a friggin girl."

Dean laughed. "Don't worry. It'll wear off. Eventually."

They both hung up and Sam sighed. Gabe couldn't tear his eyes off him (her). Sam caught his gaze.


Gabe didn't respond. He just grabbed Sam by the shirt and closed the gap between them.

Sam's eyes widened at the unexpected gesture, but he or she soon kissed him back. He or she wasn't sure what he or sh--it was doing.

Sam melted into the kiss, Gabe's hand on the back of its neck. Sam wrapped its arms around his neck, and Gabe got its legs around his waist. At least his Moose was in a woman's body, otherwise this would be a lot more difficult.

Sam's hands became entangled in his wavy, hazel hair. Their tongues began exploring each other's mouths, Gabe's pants getting tighter. Sam broke free for just a moment.

"Let's take this elsewhere."

"Your room?"

"Hell yeah."

Gabe carried Sam to its bedroom. He pressed it against the wall, his erection grinding into Sam's crotch. Sam began to unbutton Gabe's shirt, and ripped it off. Sam would've been hard by now if he still had the right parts.

Gabe began to strip his Moose, unable to look away from its new parts. Sam licked its lips seductively. It got down on its knees and unbuttoned Gabe's pants. It unzipped them with its teeth and pulled them down, beginning to suck on his head.

Gabe shuddered with pleasure and began to moan. Sam was very playful as a woman. She (I'm going with she) took all of him in, Gabe moaning even louder. He hated the fact that she had completely taken control, but he knew he was absolute putty in her dainty, beautiful hands.

Sam got him on the bed and took Gabe inside her. She was new to this... role, so she did her best. She went slowly at first, teasing Gabe with delight.

"Faster. Come on. Fuck me harder." He begged.

She picked up speed ever so slightly, knowing that she had him wrapped around her finger.

"Wanna come, baby?" She growled. Gabe moaned in response.

She slammed into him, the bed creaking. She kept pounding into him, and Gabe finally came inside of her. She went faster and faster, moaning with absolute pleasure. They arched their backs, reaching their climax at the same time.

"Oh, god, yes!" Gabriel yelled, proceeding to make inhuman noises. He'd never been so satisfied in his life.

Sam ground her hips into him with such force, he screamed out her name. "OH, SAMSQUATCH!"

She just bit her lip and kept going and going and going.

"Say my name. Say my name. Say. My. Name." She moaned loudly.

"Oh, god, Sammy! Samwich! Oh, you bad girl!"

Sam never realized how much she craved this. To feel Gabe come inside her was pure satisfaction.

She gripped his shoulders and continued to fuck him harder than she ever fucked anyone else. She thought the bed would break because they were going at it so hard.

"Say it. Say it!"


Sam smiled down at her little Trickster. Right then, right there, he was her little bitch.

She pounded into him some more until she rolled over on her back, the two of them breathing heavily.

"You... are... amazing." Gabe panted.

"There's a lot more where that came from." She--no, he replied. Sam was back to his old self again.

"Oh, look at that. I smell round two coming up in about five minutes."

(A/N: This took quite a turn. It was supposed to just be making out. Then I sorta got turned on by it and thought, what the hell? Why not follow through? Okay, so this was meant to be published a long time ago, but I got distracted by shiny things. And other stuff I've been writing. Like a football player!dean and cheerleader!cas thing. "Cheer Me On". I've got like two chapters done now. Woohoo! So this will be the last one in the celebration era. I'm gonna be nice since now I've got FIIIIIIVE THOUSAAAAAND REEEEAAAADS!!! :D LOVE YALLS!!)

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