10. What's With All This White Stuff?

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Dean and Cas were on the couch. They just finished watching a movie.

"I always knew there was something fishy about Hans. I just knew it." Dean smiled at his review. He gave him a small kiss.

"There's something you haven't done yet as an official human."

"What's that?" Cas asked with a smile.

"A bath."

"And I take it this is a mandatory procedure?"

"That's one way of putting it." They went to the bathroom, Dean filling the tub with water. He looked at Cas and just kissed him. He didn't want to stop. But he had to.

"I don't really know how to do this." Cas whispered bashfully.

Dean smiled. "Let me help you." He whispered back, slipping off Cas's trench coat. He got the rest of his clothes off and Cas got in the tub.

"It's very warm. Like your hugs."

"That's what I was going for." Cas smiled and looked up at Dean, who was crouching behind the tub. He gave him an upside down kiss. He got Cas's hair plenty wet and proceeded to massage the shampoo through it.

Cas smiled. "This feels very good. It's relaxing."

Dean smiled at his ex angel. "Good." Cas scooped some of the suds out of his hair.

"What's with all this white stuff?"

"That's just what happens to soap and shampoo and stuff."

"Okay." He started to grow very tired. He couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. He didn't realize he fell asleep until Dean woke him up with a pat on the cheek.

"Cas, you've gotta stay with us, buddy." Cas groaned.

"Do I have to?" He mumbled.

Dean chuckled. "I still need to rinse your hair out, dry you off, get you dressed. It looks like you're too tired to do this stuff yourself."

Cas yawned. "Do I honestly need to get dressed?" He didn't get an answer. Either that or he didn't hear it. He tried to stay awake, but that was proving to be a challenge. He was pretty sure he nodded off every now and then, but he immediately woke up.

He felt Dean rinse his hair out and he began to drain the tub. He started drying him off with the towel.

"You still awake?" Dean asked.

"Mm-hm." Was all Cas could answer. He didn't want to be awake, though. Ever since he became human, all he wanted to do was sleep. It was a distraction from everyday human needs. It was his favorite thing.

He opened his eyes for a few seconds to find that he was wearing Dean's robe. He didn't know when he put it on him, nor did he care. It was very long on him and the sleeves went well past his arms. Dean lifted him up and carried him to their room, much to Cas's relief. He was too tired to walk.

"You still need to get dressed." Dean whispered in his ear.

Cas groaned. "Do I have to?"

Dean smiled. "Yeah, you kinda do." Cas kinda blacked out everything after that. He opened his eyes to find that he was in Dean's lap, wearing a black AC/DC T-shirt and plaid pajama pants. Dean gave him a kiss on the forehead. Cas yawned and stretched his arms a bit.

"Can I sleep now?"

Dean smiled down at his little angel. "Yes, you can sleep now." Cas smiled too.

"I love you, Dean."

"I love you too, Cas."

Dean laid him down on the bed and cuddled up next to him after turning the light off. Although now Cas was too tired to sleep, as odd as it was. Until Dean sang to him.

"Deep in the meadow,

Under the willow.

A bed of grass,

A soft green pillow.

Lay down your head,

And close your sleepy eyes.

And when again they open,

The sun will rise.

Here it's safe,

Here it's warm.

Here the daisies guard you,

From every harm.

Here your dreams are sweet,

And tomorrow brings them true.

Here is the place,

Where I love you."

And that night, Cas got the best sleep he ever experienced. Because there it was safe. Because there it was warm. Because there the daisies guarded him from every harm. Although he didn't quite understand that. Because there his dreams were sweet and tomorrow brought them true. Because he was in the place where Dean loved him.

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