12. How Destiel Should Become Canon (SEASON NINE SPOILERS!!!!!)

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._.__.~Cas's POV~.__._.

I finished the demon summoning spell. It couldn't have been true. He couldn't have been....

Dean appeared in front of me, standing in the devil's trap sketched on the floor, his eyes as black as night. I was beside myself. Dean truly was... an abomination.

"What do you want, Cas?" Dean growled.

"Dean... I have a confession. I need to get it off my chest."

"What is it?"

I sighed. "I believe I am attracted to you in a romantic way."

Dean scoffed. He clearly couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Seriously? You have the hots for me? I'm a demon!"

"Not to me. You're still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago. I don't care what Crowley did to you. What I'm trying to say is... I love you. Cursed or not."

"Well, tough." Dean sneered.

A little part of me died right there. His harsh words stung me. If I had only told him sooner, before he became a demon. I could've possibly gotten a better response. Now I was hurting, not just because of my failing grace.

Because of what my righteous man has become.

I did the only thing I could think of. I appeared in front of Dean, the sound of fluttering wings echoing throughout the room, and pressed my lips against the demon's.

Time seemed to stop as we kissed. All of my worries seemed to float out of my mind. A tear slipped past my eyelids, because I knew this would be the only kiss we would share.

Our one blissful moment.

I pulled away and looked into Dean's cold, dark eyes. I missed the beautiful bright green shade which sparkled in the sunlight. They reminded me of summer's grass coated in morning dew, the sunlight reflecting off the blades.

All of a sudden, something strange happened.
Dean fell to the floor unconscious. I knelt beside him, consistently wondering what I had just done to my beautiful demon. Was this my doing?

Smoke began to pour out of Dean's mouth, dissipating in the air. Hot tears began to cascade down my cheeks, worried about my hunter.
Dean soon stopped coughing up smoke, and he looked up at me with the beautiful green eyes that I fell in love with.

"Dean?" I whispered. Dean smiled his warm smile.

"I think you just cured me, Cas. I'm... human!"

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