17. The Last Wing Fluff Thing In The Collection

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The bunker was freezing. Something was wrong with the heater and the bunker became Antarctica. Minus the snow.

Cas was unaffected by the wintry weather since he was an angel. But he could tell the boys were at their wit's end. It seemed like the cold was unpleasant.

He knew things were starting to get worse because they were constantly shivering and their noses were becoming red. And while Dean looked adorable with a crimson nose, Cas had a feeling it wasn't a good thing.

It was late one night when he appeared in Dean's room. Dean was wrapped in three thick blankets to fight the cold.

"What is it, Cas?" He asked shakily, his breath slightly visible in the air.

"I believe this cold weather is having a negative effect on you."

"Gee, you think?" Cas sighed and appeared on the bed next to him.

"I have the solution, but you'll have to come closer."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Cas outstretched his arms. "Come here, Dean."

"What the hell are you-"

"Dean. It's alright." Reluctantly, Dean got into his lap, the blankets still covering him. And Cas did something unexpected.

He unfolded his big black wings and wrapped Dean in them. This caught him by surprise and he jumped a little.

"It's okay, Dean. They're just my wings."

"Cas, since when have you had wings?"

"I've always had them, but I usually hide them from human sight. I see now they could be useful."

And they were. Dean could feel himself start to warm up. Cas's wings were rather cozy. They were very soft.

Cas removed the blankets to make it easier to cover Dean. The wings were very warm, like a heated blanket.

"You're just full of surprises aren't you?" Dean asked quietly. He could feel himself grow more and more tired. The wings were quite relaxing. He tried to sleep but soon found he couldn't.

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" Cas whispered in his ear.

"A bit." Dean yawned. Cas smiled down at him as he played with his hair, running his fingers through it.

"Say you, say me

Say it for always, that's the way it should be

Say you, say me

Say it together, naturally

I had a dream I had an awesome dream

People in the park playing games in the dark

And what they played was a masquerade

And from behind walls of doubt a voice was crying out

Say you, say me

Say it for always, that's the way it should be

Say you, say me

Say it together, naturally."

It was one of the few songs Cas was familiar with. He looked down at Dean, who had fallen asleep in his arms. And wings.

He held him close to keep him warm. He wanted to make sure that he didn't freeze to death. He rested his forehead on Dean's.

"Good night, Dean. My frozen little hunter."

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