29. Lost And Found

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"Dean, calm down." Sam said gently.

"I can't calm down! He's gone! I need to find him! This is my fault! I knew he should've stayed here!" Dean spoke at a thousand miles an hour.

"Dean, this isn't your fault. This isn't anybody's fault."

"I'm gonna go look for him."

And Dean left to find his angel. Those damn demons.

Dean spent hours upon hours searching for him. He wasn't sure how long it was, but he knew it was worth it when he found him on the side of the road.

Dean abruptly stopped the car to check on him. He was still alive, thank god. He panicked, unsure what to do. He just stayed there and held Cas in his arms until he came to.

"Dean?" He rasped. Dean looked down at him.
"You okay? What happened?"

"The demons. They wanted information. Dean... are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me. You're the one who was grilled for info."

"You look as though you haven't slept in days."

"Hours. I've spent a long time trying to find you."

"You should rest. I'm capable of driving us to the bunker."

"Come on, Cas. You're hurt, you're bleeding. I'll drive. I'm fine." He lied. He knew he wasn't. He was exhausted.

"Dean. You need to rest. Okay?"

Dean sighed. "Fine."

He gave Cas his keys and plodded to the passenger seat. He fumbled with his seatbelt until he managed to get it on, and grabbed Cas's hand.

"Dean, I should have both of my hands on the wheel." Cas murmured. He got no response.

He looked over at Dean, who was asleep. He half smiled and entwined their fingers, driving back to the bunker one handed.

(A/N: Thanks @destiel_666_baby for this idea! You da best! XD)

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