104. A quick fic i wrote for MidgetWaffle cuz they had nothing to read

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(A/N: I wanted to post this in the comment section, but my phone wouldn't let me for some reason, so here you go 😊)

Dean was the new kid at school. He was nervous, having no friends, not knowing much about this place, it was too nerve wracking. His first class, English, wasn't so bad. The teacher was pretty nice, and she cracked a few jokes every now and then. His second class was physics, which was okay. He was always advanced in physics, so he wished the teacher wasn't as slow as he was, but otherwise, it was alright. But his third class, math, was the one that changed his life.

He sat in his assigned seat, next to a boy with dark hair and blue eyes. The boy began to speak to him. "You're the new student, right?"

Dean glanced over at him. "Yeah. Dean. And you are?"

"Castiel. Everyone calls me Cas." He rummaged through his belongings, finding what he was looking for and looking back at Dean. "I hope you don't mind, but... whenever there's a new student I... well, I give them one of these." He handed Dean an origami rose. This caught Dean by surprise; no one really noticed him that much until now. He grinned slightly at the rose.

"Thanks, Cas. This is neat."

Cas smiled back. "I just figured you could use a warm welcome. Not many students here are exactly... friendly. There are some nice kids, of course, just... not many."

"Well, so far, you seem to be the nicest, so you keep doing you."

This triggered something that Dean had never felt before. He was unsure of what it was, but it felt nice. He really liked this Castiel kid. And, as time went on, it evolved from "like" to something a bit more... intimate.

One day, as he and Cas sat next to each other in math class, he decided to go for it. He had been practicing origami for a little while, and he had finally mastered the art of origami roses. He made a special one just for Cas the night before, and now as his best friend sat beside him, he decided it was now or never.

He waited for the bell to ring before giving it to him. And once it did, he anxiously jumped out of his seat, fumbling with his stuff trying to find the rose. "S-so, Cas," He began awkwardly. "There-there's something I-I wanted to - to ask you." He held the rose in his slightly shaking hands, convincing himself to get it together.

"Okay, what is it?" Cas asked.

Dean looked him in the eye, the most beautiful azure eyes he'd ever seen, and started stammering. "Well, I-I, uh, Cas, I-" He cleared his throat, willing words to form. "I just... um, firstly, um, are you... going to - to the Christmas dance thing?"

"Yeah. I'm going with a group of friends, you can join us if you want to."

He nearly choked on his own tongue, but he managed to survive his next question. "Uh, w-well, uh, that's the - the thing. Cas, I, uh... I was wondering if maybe... well, here, it's better in writing." He handed Cas the origami rose, the whole thing in writing.

Cas smiled. "Wow, I didn't know you know origami."
"I could barely make a paper airplane a week ago. I've been... taking lessons. Just... read what it says."

Cas read the writing at the bottom of the rose. It said, "I really, really like you. Wanna go to the dance with me?"

Dean could tell Cas was shocked. But he couldn't tell if it was good shocked or bad shocked. Probably bad shocked. Who would be good shocked by Dean asking them out?

"It-it's okay if you say no," He murmured. "I mean, I just thought-"

Cas smiled and kissed Dean on the cheek, cutting off his sentence - and oxygen momentarily. "I'd love to go to the dance with you, Dean."

(A/N: Here's some reading material, @MidgetWaffle 😊 I came up with this after reading your comment saying you had nothing to read. As I said, I would've posted it on the comment section, but it wouldn't let me for some reason. It just kept saying Sending..............................

Okay, that's about it, so bye!

Peace Off my Mini Marshminions!)

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