I forgot how much I hate her
All of them really
I really really really hate them
Idk how much of that is justified
Not just what they did
But everything from that to how they act and how much they remind me of the girls at school who didn't exact bully me but would exclude me and make little comments that sounded nice but they didn't mean them that way at all and I knew from as young as 6 or 7 that this was a different type of girl than I was, the kind who's pretty and perfect and has tons of friends and two perfect parents and doesn't have to worry about money or things like that
and really everything about them
Now that I'm thinking about it I think most of it is justified
I don't want to see or hear from them ever again
It's been a whole year and he's just starting to get back to almost normal
As normal as you can be after something like that
And you're not going to come back here and ruin that
You're not.
I'm not going to be nice anymore.
You don't have to forgive bad people for what they did.