Dear Austin,
Hey it's been a while. I can't believe this is the third Christmas without you. Somehow it feels like just yesterday we were decorating a tree in the infirmary while Will yelled at us to be careful because those ornaments are glass and if we drop them they'll shatter and the little bits will go everywhere. Gods what I wouldn't give to go back to that. You used to love Christmas, you'd start playing all the classics the second Halloween ended and I'd complain about the noise but secretly I didn't mind and I wish I'd told you that. This Christmas was really great though, even without you. My family came over for a few days and Annabeth and Percy came over today. They got engaged recently and Annabeth is pregnant. They're both so excited and I'm so excited for them. I love babies. I always thought I'd be the younger aunt who has no partner and no kids and plays with everyone's kids but I'm starting to open up to the idea of having kids of my own someday. Not ANYtime soon of course, but someday. Will showed up too. He left pretty quick but then he came back and this time he wasn't being all distant and mad at me. So then Christmas was actually perfect. He's still Will. Sometimes he forgets how much I love him and I know if you were here you'd knock some sense into him. I've decided that life is too short to hold grudges and to be angry. I'm just going to love. That's all. Me and Eleanor are good too. I'm going to take them to Paris in the summer and I'm so excited. We didn't get to go last summer like we planned. I was really sad about that but it's okay. Aside from that, we're pretty boring. We have a good routine, like they usually cook and I clean up and do the dishes afterwards, that kind of thing. So like I said, pretty boring. But honestly after everything I've been through in only 17 years I am more than fine with boring.
I hope you're having a good Christmas wherever you are.
Love you forever,