Singing along to Taylor Swift and Gracie Abrams songs at the top of my lungs in the car
The kind of hug that lasts several minutes and makes your whole body feel lighter
Bagels with cream cheese
Peanut butter
Birthday cake
Chinese food
Converse shoes
New music
Twirly dresses and skirts
Dancing really badly
The beach
Cuddling and watching Disney movies
Going to Gracie's concert with Eleanor in July
Deep conversations with Will
That feeling when you wake up and everyone else is still sleeping and you go outside and sit on the porch and the whole world is quiet
Nailing a really difficult chord
I'm not that good at playing the guitar yet
I still can't do a pull-up
I've never had an orgasm
Not getting to see Will become a real doctor
It would end the Knowles bloodline
Never getting to compete in the Olympics
I never learned how to ride a bike
I'm too hot to die