word vomit

3 1 0

It's not my fault you and Vie have this thing
I'm not cutting people out just because you have issues and you're so fucking stubborn
I don't care if you think I'm stupid because I know I'm not
I don't care what you think
Because you aren't fucking perfect
Not at all
And thank gods I've realized that
I don't need or want your opinion
I'm not sorry for anything
I'm not sorry for anything
I'm not sorry.
I'm not a little kid
I've watched people die for gods sake
Being mentally ill does not mean I'm fragile
You think I don't know about permanent things?
These scars are fucking permanent.
And I'm not sorry for them because that was the thing that kept me alive
At least I'm trying
And what are you doing
When was the last time you talked to anyone other than me?
I don't care if it's petty I'm not speaking to him or going to camp until I get an apology

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