initial thoughts

15 1 1

How long has this been going on
How long will it be going on
Did I do something wrong?
Did I misunderstand it all?
Do you even like me?
Do you even like girls?
Did you want to do that stuff or were you just scared I'd leave if you didn't
Gods that's what I was afraid of
Am I ok with this?
What if I wasn't?
I miss you
Does she think I'm
But she'd understand
Maybe I should
No stop slow down
Please tell me why
I don't understand what changed
I miss you
I thought things were good between us
Gods I'm so fucking stupid
Shut up shut up I need to shut up
I love you
I'm such an asshole
I'm not ok with this but I love you too much to let it get between our relationship
I'd never forgive myself

You have to be okay with this because this is the best you're ever going to get you're not going to find better then this so you have to be okay with it or else you'll never get another chance with anyone and nothing is worse than being alone

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