Chapter 93

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As soon as Keeley was up, we were in that room. I was still shaken up. Hell! She was still shaken up. Nothing like that had happened to her in years.

We sat in her hospital room for six hours before she was hydrated, and conscious enough to talk to us. "Hey, how ya feeling?" I whispered.

She lazily smiled and slowly closed her eyes again. She tried to open them abruptly but she just raised her eyebrows fast and lifted her eyelids slowly. She blinked slowly a couple times and then smacked her lips. "I'm tired." She squeaked out.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. So please don't take my sunshine away." I heard Ashton singing to her from outside the hallways.

I peeked in and saw him fiddling with her hands. She tried to lift them up and clap, but he grabbed her wrists gently and pulled them back to her sides. "No baby. You need to rest." He said kissing her hand. She smiled and nodded. I turned back around and slid down the wall. Why did this happen?

Days later Keels was finally well enough to get out of the hospital. I left three times to take a shower because I refused to leave her.

Hospitals grossed me out but her being alone freaked me out. I made Michael run out to get Keeley's medication and bring it back to us.

To stable her immune system in the mean time, she would have to take two pills everyday. I was told to remind her, also.

The day that we left the hospital was hectic. There were reporters, paparazzi, and fans everywhere. We hardly managed to get to the car.

We went home after that and made Keeley sleep for the rest of the afternoon. We kept making her sleep until she refused three days later.

She promised she had gotten caught up on her rest and that she didn't want to sleep anymore. Her phone got spammed so badly that we had to shut it off for two days so all of the buzzing and ringing would stop. After that it eventually went down, but we put everything on silent just in case.

Now that Keeley was caught up on sleep, it was our turn while she finished her work.

We still couldn't find her tree nut medication, and we looked everywhere. Even under the bunk mattresses in the bus. It irritated me but then one day we finally got a call from the police.

"Hello?" I asked answering the phone. "Hello. This is police station 247 calling to inform, MacKenzie Cry- no, Craspen? Um, sorry. Is this MacKenzie?" A burly sounding man asked.

"Yes this is me. And you pronounce my last name Cris-pin. Like a pin and needle." I said trying to refrain from laughing. "My apologizes. Anyway, we have finally gotten the tapes from the night of the accident so you can come down to the station and well interview you and your friends and then let you see the tapes." He said hanging up before I could say okay.

All six of us, together, went down to the station. Me, driving again. We walked through the front doors and were immediately greeted by a female cop, who looked to me like a rookie, but I didn't mind. She politely asked to scan us for weapons and we agreed.

We were guided to an office and told to sit down in the chairs. Well, we did, obviously, but they didn't come in for at least a half hour.

"I thought you said they were ready for us to come down?" Keeley whispered into my ear. "They did. I don't know what's taking so long." I whispered back before yawning. It was only about five minutes before they actually did come in.

"Hi, I'm officer Briggs and this is officer Marty. We're going to show you the surveillance footage and see what you think. You can ask us to pause, rewind, or zoom at any time. Afterwards, we'll tell you what we saw and what we can do about it." Officer Briggs said. "Yes ma'am." I said as Officer Marty wheeled in a small TV or big computer. To be honest, I had no idea what it was but I just went with it.

They started the tapes off and we watched as we sat down. I didn't notice before but a girl in a dark hoodie passed us at least six, seven times.

"There's a person in a hoodie who keeps passing by us." I said pointing as she walked by again. They didn't do anything except tell me "just you wait..."

When that bunch of girls came by us to get autographs and pictures, the hooded person was there. "There she is again." I whispered to Keeley.

Just as I turned my attention back to the screen the hooded person stole Keeley's purse and went into the kitchen.

After that the recording switched from in the dining room to in the kitchen. "Here we have the chef yelling at her to get out while she slips a bottle of pills into her pocket." Officer Briggs said. My eyes went wide.

As she turned around she saw Keeley's order sitting there and spread a paste in between the patty and the bun. She smirked and walked back out. We were still taking pictures so she slipped the purse back where it was and left the restaurant. "What the hell?" I asked pissed off.

Angry was an understatement. "Someone actually tried to kill you." Ashton said before I could. I could tell he was fuming too. "Can you do anything about that?" I asked trying to tame my temper. "As of right now, no. We have no facials and we couldn't track her because she didn't have a plate." Officer Marty said. I put my head in my hands and then we left.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now