Chapter 53

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"Wait so what do I do again?" I asked Shawn as we ran down a long ass hallway. "Just follow my lead. Alright? It's not complicated. Whatever we tell you to do, just do it." He said running around a corner. I ran after him and looked at my watch. 4:56.

"What time does this thing start?" I asked breathing heavily. "Five o'clock." He shouted back. "That's in four minutes!" I said flabbergasted. "Just run!" He said.

We finally made it to this room with a lot of people in it. Including all of the boys. "Damn. Haven't run that much since I was with the 5sos boys." I said smiling, bending over, and huffing.

We started the show and I stayed behind to watch. "Hey so we have a special guest. C'mon out here MacKenzie." My eyes widened and I froze. I rapidly shook my head but Taylor pushed me out. I glared at him and slowly walked to the middle of the stage. The crowd went wild and I smiled. Social anxiety was not helping this situation, by the way. "So I'm guessing you've heard of her?" Shawn laughed into his mic. I smiled and waved.

"I don't know what to do." I said to Shawn, still smiling. "What should we make MacKenzie do? Hmmm... Truth or dare?" Shawn asked circling me. "What about sing? Maybe a competition? Or a Q and A? How about a-" Shawn got cut of but Lox saying, "Okay Shawn, I think that's enough." I laughed as he blushed.

The crowd screamed shouting different answers at me. "So I've got it down to mostly Q and A's or Truth or dare." I said taking a microphone someone handed me. "What about both?" Some girl shouted. "You. You, I like you. I'm gonna keep you." I said pointing my finger, quoting Teen Wolf.

"Can we pass a mic around or something so they can ask questions?" I asked the boys. Some staff brought out a few microphones and handed them to fans. "You in the purple shirt. What's your question dear?" I asked smiling. "Do you speak any other languages?" She asked. "Yeah, I speak Spanish and a little bit of Korean." I said laughing. Her eyes widened a little and she asked if I could speak some. "Bueno, ¡Hola! Me llamo MacKenzie Crispin. Soy baja, rubia, y fabulosa. Yo soy Latrobe, bueno, vivo con mis amigos." I smiled. "I can only count in Korean. So... hana, dul, ses, nes, daseos, yeoseos, ilgob, yeodeolb, ahob, yeol, yeolhan yeoldu yeolse, yeolne, yeoldaseo. That's from one to 15." I said.

She stared at me in awe and thanked me. I laughed and said it was my pleasure. "The Shameron shirt girl, which I highly appreciate the effort put there," the crowd laughed and the boys looked grossed out. "What's your question?" "What's one of your favorite moments with the five sauce boys?" She asked in a really squeaky voice.

"Well, I've had many great with those boys but one of my all time favorites is when I walked upstairs to tell Michael and my friend dinner was ready, and it turns out I walked in on them 'mating'." I said in quotation marks. The crowd gasped and then laughed.

This went on for the rest of the night until Magcon was over. "What the hell does Magcon even stand for?" I asked going back to the hotel. "It means 'Meet And Greet Convention'." Nash said to me. I "oh'ed" and then proceeded to say, "I should have guessed that." And then opened the hotel door.

I woke up in the morning to creaking floorboards and a lock screen sound. I squinted my eyes so I could see what was going on but still look like I was sleeping. "I swear to Jesus himself, if you're gonna slap me I will murder you because I've seen when you've done to poor Shawn." I said to Aaron with his extended, white substance filled, hand. All of the boys burst out in laughter and Aaron backed up. Yet, he still continued to slap Taylor in the face. I laughed along while all of the other boys caught everything on tape.

I had my interview with Bop and talked about some of the recent gossip going on lately and then the woman interviewing me showed me something interesting. "So, this is a picture we found," in my mind I interrupted her; it's pretty obvious that Bop took it. "It's been rumored that you've been smoking recently." I showed a look of disgust and they showed me a obviously photoshopped picture of my smoking.

"Anything to say?" Well, yeah, for starters your photoshopping sucks ass. "Yes, um, well, being raised by my mother I was taught to not touch a cigarette and I never will. She has told me stories of how she'd only touched one cigarette in her life because she was, well I don't want to say forced so let's say made maybe? Yeah, possibly by her mother maybe, but I don't officially know. I'll ask her, but after that she never touched a cigarette in her life. I'm going to follow in her footsteps and lead a long and fulfilling life." I said a little pissed off, but hiding that with fake enthusiasm. "Okay well, thank you." She said fake-smiling. "No problem." I said smiling back even faker than her. I rolled my eyes as I left the building and got back to the hotel.

I laid down for a while and eventually went back to sleep. I do that quite a lot. But then suddenly, I was awoken by moving people. "Hey, MacKenzie," Shawn said. "Mm." "We need to go. The plane leaves in an hour." He said. I shot up and screamed the following...

"WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THE FLIGHT? WERE ARE WE GOING? IS THIS NORMAL? OH GOD I NEED TO PACK!" "Don't worry, we were going to but you were so peaceful, uhh I think Miami, Florida, and yeah, this is normal." I whimpered and started frantically packing.


Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now