Chapter 37

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"Sooo?" I asked getting anxious and impatient. "So you're not just going on a tour with Shawn. You're going on tour with Magcon." Cas said. "You're shitting me right?!" I yelled. "No." He started laughing hysterically. "When you told me I would be going with Lox and a group it seriously never clicked that the group was Magcon!" I yelled excitedly. "Haha okay well I need to get back to more representatives. Don't forget to keep in shape Kenz." He said. "Funny you should say that." I murmured. "What?" He asked. "Nothing Cas I'll make sure see ya." I said ending the call.

I walked back out of the room to find Mikey bench pressing with a brunette straddling him. I was literally gone for 5 minutes and he's already working out without me? Wow...

"Okay weirdo," I said. "Shows over." I said pushing the girl off of Mikey. "I'm pretty sure you're not the boss of either one of us." She smirked and put her hands on Mikey's torso. His breath slightly hitched as she moved her hands down. He set the bar on the rack and stuttered a little. "Michael get up." I said sternly. Mikey pushed the girl off of him and stood by my side. I laughed and we walked away from the girl.

We finally finished our workout and I was E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D. I don't know if you know this but aside from Tae Kwon Do, I don't exercise. It's just sooo much work. "Hey you okay?" Mikey asked me. "Just *heavy breath* peachy. Why?" I looked up at him. "Because you're hunched over sitting on the floor." Mikey laughed. "It's been three hours Mike!" I yelled laughing. "I'm too fat for this." I said hitting my stomach. "You're not fat Kenz." He said smiling and sitting next to me. "And it's really impressive that you're hardly even sweating." He said. "Yeah," I said squinting my eyes. "I think it's a genetics problem." I laughed.

We sat there for the next 10 minutes maybe? We just talked about everything that's happened from the last time we saw each other. We finally got in the car and drove back to my place.

"Are you staying the night so we can spend my birthday together?" I asked as he pulled into the driveway. "Yeah I am Crispy Creme!" He said enthusiastically. I laughed at the nick-name he's been calling me ever since we were in Junior High. "Okay you can take a shower and then I'll take one and then go get Keeley. By the way," I said looking at him as we stood in front of the door. "No funny business with my house, or my girls. Got it?" I asked. "Yes." He groaned. "Just making sure." I said opening the door and walking in.

"Mikey! I'd hug you but you're gross!" Ains yelled. I scoffed. "What about me?" I asked throwing my arms out. "I see you almost everyday." She said waving me off. "Rude." I murmured. "Okay imma go take a shower." Mikey called going upstairs. We both yelled okay back to him and I ran to the kitchen. Ains soon following.

"Okay so do we have the list of the food that we need slash have?" I asked Ains. She handed me a piece of paper and smiled. "Okay so I'll read off of the list and you tell me if we have it. Okay?" I asked. She growled. "But that's sooo much work." She said putting emphasis on so. "Fine. I'll look you read." I said getting up. She smiled again and sat down.

"Okay so... Ice cream cake?" She asked. "Check!" I said running out to the garage freezer real quick. She scribbled out the item and read the next one. "Cakepops?" "Uhhhh huhhhh!" I called facing the fridge.

All of a sudden Mikey walked down the stairs in just a towel around his waist. "I thought you packed an extra pair of shorts?" I asked rummaging through the fridge calling out check whenever I found something Ainsley called out. "Well seems that was the only thing I forgot." He laughed. I shook my head and smiled.

"I need to go get a shower so come with me so I can get you a pair of Carlo's shorts. Or sweats. Whatever you want." I said grabbing his and and dragging him out of the kitchen. "Ains you can take a break really quickly." I called going up the stairs. I had given Mikey shorts and got in the shower.

I was just drying my hair with my towel when I heard a big crash. I immediately dropped my towel and ran downstairs. Being me, and knowing Ainsley, I expected there to be a huge mess of some sort. Maybe even a lost eyeball. But thankfully no. Instead, Augie was here. And so was Marley. And even Jarred. (Me, him, and Ainsley made up again. Long story that I'll tell you later.)

"Gussy?" I asked seeing one of my old grade school friends. "Hey. You remember me." He said. I hugged him and almost shed a tear. "I haven't seen you since 8th grade." I said. "Well here I am!" He yelled smiling. I hugged Augie and Marley and Jarred and was about to start talking when I remembered something.

"Fuckballs!" I yelled panicking. "I gotta go pick up Keels. Ainsley will get out all of the snacks. Make yourselves at home just don't go in my room or I'll have to kill you." I said pointing at them. I left and picked up Keeley.

"Keels!" I screamed walking into her house. "Kenz!" She screamed back louder coming down the stairs with a huge bag. "Whoa." I said. We laughed and I hugged her before we went back to my house. God, I hope it's still in one piece. "Sooo, anything going on with Ashton lately?" I asked. "Yeah," She said. "Spill." I demanded. "We're officially dating and we're gonna come out to the public soon!" She squealed.

Soon we were both squealing and we got into my house. Somehow my boring interior was filled with hundreds of balloons and everything. "Whoa." I said. "Yeah the balloons will last until Monday." Ainsley said looking up. I hugged Ainsley and thanked her. Keeley left to talk to Ashton on the phone.

I was about to sit down when the doorbell rang. My dogs started going crazy but they stopped barking when the realized who was here. That's weird. I was pretty sure everyone they knew were here so they shouldn't be flipping out right now. I opened the door and screamed.


Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now