Chapter 72

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They all looked at me shocked. Especially Keeley. "You just got here and now you're leaving?" She asked. "Nope. We are. The last concert before about a three day time period is tonight. That means we can leave at midnight, get to Hawaii, spend two days there to shoot my music video and then get back in perfect timing!" I said enthusiastically.

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow your roll MacKenzie. You're doing a music video in Hawaii?" Ashton asked standing up. "Yes for-" "What song?!" Mikey asked jumping up too. "Rebel." I said. "The song I co-wrote?" Keeley asked widening her mouth. "Yes now, I'm going to pack everyone's bag while you guys do your show. I'll go wake up Luke." I said walking out the room and into my own.

I jumped on the bed careful of Luke and he whined. "Get up. You gotta big day ahead of you." I said pulling him out of bed.

Keeley and I stayed behind as the boys went to their concert. We already packed up our suitcases and now we're working on theirs.

"Ewww! Dirty underwear!" I yelled flinging them across the room. "Oh! Calm your shit you only child. I grew up with a brother and two sisters, this doesn't even phase me anymore." Keeley said picking up the underwear. "You know what Thomas. Shut up. Okay? I'm done with your bullshit. If you feel sooo confident then you can do the underwear." I said laughing and flinging a pair of underwear at her.

"MacKenzie!" She yelled taking them off of her, folding them, and putting them in the suitcase. "I'll go clean up the rooms so the maid doesn't have to and I'll also pack our carry ons. Don't forget, you need to leave out a set of clean clothes for each of them." I said walking out of the room.

I packed their book bags and left some room for their dirty clothes. Keeley and I went to the venue as we had time left.

After the concert we got on the plane and went to Hawaii.

Sorry for rushing the details but they're boring as is.

When we got to Hawaii it was hot as fuck. I went to Florida and it was nothing like this. "Ugh! Why is it so hot?" Michael whined. "Hey a little sunlight's good for your pale ass." I said laughing. The boys laughed with me and Mikey gave me a "knuckle sandwich".

We got to the filming spot and Cas pulled me aside. "I need you to get in your outfit now." He said. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

"Today we are filming some beach scenes, the parking lot scenes, and the malt shop scenes. Tomorrow we will be filming the rest of the beach scenes and some scenes of you riding the bikes." Cas said throwing an outfit at me. I took off my shirt and bra after he left. From behind me I heard Keeley's voice. "Ew Luke c'mon!" She said.

I covered myself and turned around to see him being dragged away by Keeley. I laughed and put on my dress. The waistband of it was extremely itchy but I guess I just have to ignore that.

"Apparently you are your own back up singers." Keeley said. "They're going to layer the tapes so that it makes it look like there are six of you doing back up for yourself."

"If you're just going to tell me everything that's going on, you might as well be my personal manager." I said laughing and adjusting my glasses. We walked down to the beach and they positioned me in the six different places and made me do the same back up six times.

I wore a red and white polka dot dress with red stilettos and black cat wing glasses.

After that shot, we filmed the one of me in the poodle skirt in front of the other mes. If that makes any sense at all. After that it started to get dark so we had to do the parking lot and malt shop scenes.

I sat in a "hot rod" classic convertible. I leaned my back against the drivers side window and propped my arm on the door while I put my hand in my hair.

The scene was supposed to have everyone still except for me. Their was a guy in the passenger side who looked like he could be in Grease. I gently put my foot on his chest and when I was done singing this line I was supposed to push him away from me and the still picture was supposed to be fast-forwarded now. The directions for this video were insane.

I sat up straight now and reclined the chair putting my crossed legs on the wheel and putting my hands behind me head. I was still in the third outfit change so I had on leather pants, a red and white stripped crop top, a leather jacket, and black sun glasses.

The movement of the scene was still, still with only me moving then fast forwarded. Whoever this guy was that I was working with, I'm gonna call him the Grease Guy, he was leaning over the center console, kissing my neck.

I think that I hated this more then Luke did. But, the good thing was that when the tape was supposed to fast forward I got to push him off of me, out of the car, and drive off. I loved that part.

We finished the rest of the parking lot scenes and I had to change my clothes. Again. I put on a poodle skirt, a white lacy crop top, I put the leather jacket back on and then put on my pink heels and tied my hair into a bun.

I had to look like a professional and pretend to be a waitress. There were a lot of bloopers especially of me being myself and rolling my eyes at Cas, leaning back on a chair and falling, popping a bubble and having it get stuck on my glasses, and most importantly me slipping and dropping a smoothie on myself.

I cried a little because I landed on my butt, but I got to shower and by that time I was allowed to sleep. Luke and I slept together on the little couch in my changing room thingy and the other slept in a hotel with all of the crew.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now