Chapter 62

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The door nob turned and I started bouncing up and down. As soon as I saw him I screamed his name. "Luke!" I ran towards him (as fast as I could in my heels) and put my hands on his cheeks.

I knew better than to hug him while he was sweaty and ruin my dress. I kissed him passionately as Michael and Calum commentated behind us. I kept kissing Luke but kicked outward behind me to hit Mikey. I heard him groan and I smiled into the kiss. I broke apart and smiled at him looking him in the eyes. "I missed you." We both whispered at the same time.

I looked behind me, holding Luke's hand, to see Michael on the ground holding his manhood. Calum was pointing and laughing so I kicked him in the shin. He fell down, too, and stopped laughing. Then Ashton laughed at the two of them. "Fuck. I forgot you were a goddamn black belt." Mikey whimpered.

I giggled and squeezed Luke's hand. I kissed his lips and whispered, "It's so nice to be able to do this again." I whispered in his ear, "You should get showered so I can hug you. And so you don't smell." I giggled. He nodded an okay and kissed me again. I kissed his cheek one more time before he left.

"What's up with you two?" Calum asked rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I haven't seen him in forever and I like him." I said crossing my arms. "We missed each other. You know that." I said starting to get confused.

Calum looked around me to make sure that Luke had gone out of hearing difference. "I know dumbass. We have your ticket ready we just need to know when you're flying out to meet us." He whispered to me. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Well, as I told Keels, for around two weeks I have to go to Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and then Mississippi. After that I'll fly over and meet you guys wherever you are." I said.

They looked at each other, mouths ajar, and started singing Wherever You Are. I face palmed and Keeley and I joined in.

I looked at my watch after our little singing session and told them I see them soon. I hugged all of the boys and kissed them on the cheek. I squeezed Keeley tightly. "I'll miss you the most." I said fake crying. "Hey!" The boys yelled from behind me. Keels and I laughed and hugged again.

"Text me everyday and tell me everything. I'll see you in two weeks." She whispered the last part. I walked out the door and went to Luke's private dressing room.

I left the door open and as I was on my phone waiting for Luke to come in I saw Kashton. That's Keeley and Ashton's ship name, by the way.

She had him pressed up against his dressing room door as the had an intense make out session. He was still sweaty and I cringed being the germaphobic girl that I am. Ashton was searching for the door handle with one hand while his other was wrapped around Keeley. She had her hands pressed up against his chest and they were both heavily breathing.

I felt like I was staring for too long so I looked back at my phone. I heard a door slam and looked back up to see that the two were gone. I found some paper, a sharpie, and some tape lying around and put my skills to work.

Excuse the two Hoover vacuums duking it out in there.

I wrote and stuck it on the door. I came back in Luke's dressing room and texted Keeley.


Is this a usual for you two? Do you do this everyday?? Ew. Gross??? No frickle frackling or I swear I will kill that son of a bitxh. Ewwww???

I laughed. It wasn't the fact that they were making out, Luke and I do, or I should say did, that all the time. What's gross was that for one, he was sweaty, and by the looks of those two is looked like they were gonna do the hanky panky to me. Just saying.

I laid down on the couch, minding my hair, and started singing Know Me. "Time ticks by and I'm feeling kinda shy
You don't know music just how to abuse it
These times are hectic and I feel epileptic
Shallow hearts are breaking and no one knows my faking

And he's telling me that I'm not alone but,
He doesn't know me
And when he's saying that I can be free, well
He doesn't know me
Everywhere I go I see his name in my eye, and
It's trying to tell me, but
All I can say to him is that,
Nobody knows me." Unexpectedly someone joined in with me and started singing my song. I looked up and it was Luke. I smiled and we kept singing.

"So now he's saying that,
We don't have to be ordinary, but
I'm finding it hard to be extraordinary
And when they say that they're a six and I'm a ten
I feel like running home and crying in my den
This ain't my life I didn't chose it, but
It's the life I gotta live in, uh." I looked at Luke, who was shirtless not to mention, and grabbed his hand.

He pulled me closer to him and wrapped him other arm around me. "I've missed you so much." I said looking up at him. He let go of my hand and put it under my chin. Our lips connected at a slow but passionate pace. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and sat on his lap.

I pulled at the baby hairs on the back of his neck and his bit my lip. I leaned my forehead against his as we broke apart. "You have no idea how much I've missed doing that." Luke whispered as we smiled.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now