Chapter 27

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All of a sudden I screamed out "Yes!" and flung onto Ashton. All of the boys tried to pry me off but I just kept clinging on.

Ash apparently couldn't breath so Ainsley tickled me and I sprang off. Luke wrapped his arm around me again, but in a more protective way this time. I looked up at him and smiled. He kissed the top of my head and all the boys made gagging noises while Ainsley awed.

After their little scene, Ashton turned towards Ainsley. He didn't even have to say anything because she knew what was coming. "Dare."

Ashton giggled and started to talk. "I dare you to kiss you're favorite member in our band." He said in between giggles. The boys smirked and puffed out their chests to be more "manly."

Ains is like, the best, when it comes to confidence. She walked as best as she could underwater to Calum and pecked him on the cheek. "Easy." She said and walked back to where she was. Calum kept bragging at how he was her favorite member when all of a sudden she strutted up to me and smiled evilly. I started to smile but she stayed serious. "Truth or dare?" "Dare." She whispered it to me at first then said it.

"I dare you to make out with each boy for 40 seconds each and say who the best kisser is." I blushed a crimson red but tried to keep my cool. I whispered in her ear "Tongue?" She laughed a genuine laugh and whispered back, "Only give Hemmo tongue, and make him last." She said.

I started giggling hard and walked over to Mikey. I wrapped my arms around his neck seductively and kissed him for the entire 40 seconds. Then I walked over to Calum and did the same thing except he bit my lip ring. +5 points.

Next was Ashton...I felt wrong doing this considering Keeley, but I knew it meant nothing because I liked Luke. As I had done before, I wrapped my arms around his neck but this time I pressed my body against his to shake up Luke.

Ash giggled and then 40 seconds flew by really fast, thankfully. Trust me, if you think this is the dream then you're wrong. Oh my God, they're all different and then you think about the one you like the most and....all in all it's just plain "slutty"... After I stepped away from Ashton, I started walking to Luke.

As I approached him I could sense the jealousy in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my body up against his. I pressed my lips to his and bit his lip ring. As the moment increased, I grabbed the hairs at the nape of his neck and inserted my tongue. He started to get rough and bit my lip hard. I pouted and he lightened up. He started to lower his hands when I broke off for "innocent" purposes. I looked behind us to see four horny boys and Ainsley texting her annoying, weird boyfriend Sam.

I guess making out with someone can make boys go wild. "I have to say, even eliminating favoritism, Luke's the best kisser." I said. Everyone yelled out things like "rigged" and "unfair" and someone even said "rematch". Finally Ainsley yelled at them to shut up and that there would be no rematch.

I laughed and once again Luke wrapped his arm around me. I smiled and turned to Calum. "Caly bear... truth or dare?" I asked giggling like Juliette did that one day. "I don't know Kenzie Boo...but I think I'm gonna go with truth." I giggled at his cute response.

Luke's grip was a little bit tighter on me but I didn't care. "Is it true that you banged four girls in one night?" I asked covering my mouth. "No! Of course not!" He yelled and we all went into a fit of giggles. After about four to five more rounds of that....everyone went back inside, except Luke and I.

"Don't you wanna go back inside with your friends?" I asked softly. "I want spend the afternoon with you." He said setting his hands on my knees. I smiled but kept my eyes closed. It was hot, but whoa now.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now