Chapter 3

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I woke up with the feeling that I was falling to immediate doom. I opened my eyes and saw that I was on my balcony. Recalling the events of last night, I let out a short-lived scream and looked at the 44 stories below me. I sat up and scooted away from the edge. I walked back to my apartment and changed into my performing clothes. I crossed off the day on my calendar and realized that I got to see Ben!

Ben has been my boyfriend of two years. I checked the clock and, "Holy shit." I said interrupting my thoughts. It said 11:28 a.m., which meant I was late. I grabbed my mask and walked out the door. I put my stilettos on while running frantically through the street. 

"Where the fuck have you been?" Xander yelled at me. 

"Don't fucking yell at me Xander. Sometimes you miss the concerts." I said with attitude.

She let out an angry pout and ran away. "So what'd I miss?" I asked Jace. 

"Well, you missed five-sauce." She laughed jokingly. 

"Good," I said sarcastically. It's not that I didn't like them it was just that I couldn't stay calm around celebrities. I fangirl. Plus, she was kidding. "Do we still have time to practice?" I asked. 

"Yeah, a little bit." She said. "Hey, you okay with the band playing with us though?" She asked as she pointed to our back up band.

"Do I still get to play my bass?" I asked hopefully. She nodded her head and walked off to try and calm Xander. I waited until I heard Jace calling for me. I quickly went out trying to be unnoticed. I walked on the small stage and started practicing. Xander went into Liz's store so I un-tensed until she came out again.

After our practice and our show, we started packing up. One of the guys in the band came up to me and tapped my shoulder. "Yes?" I asked. 

"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." He said seductively trying his best to flirt.

"No sorry I'm from I-have-a-boyfriend-landia. Yeah, the national motto is go away." I said. I could swear that this kid came up to me every time he saw me and tried to flirt. I was so glad I was leaving for America in a couple of hours. I was already packed, ready to go and was at the airport waiting for my flight to be called.

Just as I heard my flight number over the loudspeaker, Jace ran through the door screaming my name. She nearly jumped over me trying to give me a hug. I laughed and pulled her into a tight hug saying my goodbyes before boarding.

As I got to Ben's house, I snuck through the back and slid the glass door open quietly and told his roommate, Augie, to be quiet as well by putting my finger to my lips. He complied and sat down in the kitchen with his captain crunch. I snuck up behind Ben while he was watching T.V. and softly kissed the back of his neck making him jump. I laughed and he pulled me over the couch in a tight embrace and kissed my face all over.

"You weren't supposed to be back for two more weeks!" He yelled excitedly. 

"I got an early flight!" I yelled with enthusiasm. 

"I missed you." He whispered putting his forehead on mine. 

"I missed you too," I said gently before pecking his lips.

The rest of the day was spent cuddling in the weirdest position. I was on top of him, straddling his waist, while he was underneath me leaning against the arm of the couch. Our chests were pressed together.

It was about 8:00 at night and honestly, I felt tired. I fell asleep on Ben and was carried back to Augie's bed some point through the night. My house was a long way from theirs. I woke up at 11:00 a.m. with Augie on top of me in a bear hug position.

"Augie get off of me. I can't brEATH!" I said. All he did was flip us over so I was on top of him. It might be weird, but since we were best friends it was pretty much normal. "I thought you were gonna sleep on the couch tonight?" I said. 

"I did but I needed to get changed and I had to make sure you wouldn't see me." He said. I broke my way free of his arms and got out of his bed to start my day. I drove away in my car, that I left at their house, to my own. I picked out my outfit which consisted of a black t-shirt and grey sweats - it was not very often I got a day off. I went into the bathroom after escorting Carlo out. It took a lot of effort, but after 10 bucks and a hug, he left. As I was saying, I took a shower and just relaxed for about 20 minutes before I heard a knock on my door.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now