Chapter 20

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I ran out of the room, chasing Luke. Damn, that boy walks fast; good thing I did cross country and crossfit in highschool. I finally caught up to Luke and grabbed his arm. He pulled away and kept walking towards the glowing EXIT sign. I caught up to him again, and from previous experiences I dug my nails into the little bastards arm.

He whimpered and yelled "Let me go!" "Luke shut up we are in...a..." I looked around and noticed we weren't anywhere near the hospital.

"Get back in that damn hospital." I said sternly. "No!" Luke yelled trying to get out of my grip. "Let MacKenzie explain." I said letting go. "Why should I?" He spat. "Because I fucking said so." I said angrily. "You're not my mom." He said. "Do you want me to call her?" I asked. "No... But still, you can't make me." He said trying to show his masculinity. "Bitch we are not fucking playing this game. You get your ass back in that hospital because you're acting like a brat in front of your best friends and the girl you like." I said.

"I don't like her anymore." He protested. I looked up to the sky making my neck ache along with my pounding head. "Okay here we go." I muttered.

"Listen," I said softly. "MacKenzie did used to date Augie." Luke was about to cut me off. "God dammit don't cut me off." I said looking into his eyes. "They did. They broke it off just a little after what Augie last remembers. They swore to each other they would never date again because they're just like brother and sister. So you just hurt MacKenzie even more by accusing her of being a liar. She'll get over it, though. She doesn't hold grudges, but don't think she'll be the one to apoligize. That's not her strong suit either." I paused.

"It'll take them a while to get Augie's memory back, so if you ever get jelous again." I said and he laughed a little looking down at his hands. "Just come to me. Okay?" I asked. "Okay." He said. "Thank you." "No problem."

We started walking back to the hospital when I noticed it. "I might've cut your arm." I said pointing to the blood seeping through his denim jacket. "Oh it's okay. I have two brothers." He said. "Luke take off your jacket." I commanded. "No serously it's fine." He said putting his hands up in defense. "Luke you have blood dripping down your arm." I said pointing to the blood trail he was leaving.

"Oh, okay. That's a bit more serious." he said taking off his jacket. I grabbed his arm softer and examined it. "Do you have one of Ashton's..." I started to ask him, but I forgot what it was called. I pointed to my head and moved my finger back and forth in a line. "Bandana?" I asked with the word finally coming to me.

Luke pulled out one of Ash's bandana's from his back pocket and I started to rip it in half. All of a sudden, my phone started to play 'Beez In the Trap' by Nicki Minaj, which meant MacKenzie was calling me. I ripped the red fabric quickly and wrapped it around Luke's injured arm. Without the pressure Luke would've bled to the point where he would've passed out before we made it to the hospital. A makeshift tourniquet was pretty much my strong suit. It kind of unbelievable that I kind Luke that deep.

"Bitches sayin' shit and they ain't sayn' nothin'. A hundred mothefucker's cant tell me nothin'-" I cut the song off by answering the phone.

"What?" I asked annoyed. "Where the hell are you?" MacKenzie whisper shouted. "We are, about 5 blocks away from the hospital why?" I asked. "Augie and I have to take a round trip back to PA and you need to drive the boys home. And where is Luke?" She asked. "Well we had a little accident and you know what?" I paused. "Tell the boys-" I was cut off by MacKenzie. "You're on speakerphone." She said. "Go home and pack your bags for a weeks worth. And pack for Luke too. We had a little incident and we need to get back to the hospital. So I'll get you all round trip tickets for PA for 5 days. Okay? Okay." I said. They all mumbled okay's and I hung up.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now