Chapter 18

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"I said open. This. Fucking. Door." I said emphasizing. Ashton opened the door and Michael tried to take the pizza's from me but I bit him. "Owww!" He screamed. "Meanie!" He shouted tending to his pain filled hand. I giggled at him and walked into the kitchen.

I sat the pizza's down and Ains set the drinks down. We took what was ours, our own pizzas and a liter of coke. We let the boys dig in and we started eating in the "game room".


"Where's Aug?"

"Hospital." I said. I got contacted by the hospital because all of his other relatives were back in America. Ainsley choked on her pizza. "How?" She exclaimed. "Ah, it's no big deal. I gave him a concussion and he, well, that's it." I said. She looked at me disbelievingly. "Don't give me that look. We were sparring." I explained with a funny attitude. She made an "ohh" shape with her mouth then continued to eat her pizza.

"So what's going on with you and Big Ben?" I laughed. All she did was shrug. "Wait was that a shrug. You did the same thing when I asked you about Jarred. That's your "I dumped him shrug"." I said jumping up and down on the couch.

"You wanna bang someone!" I screamed. "Someone in 5 Seconds Of Summer!" I yelled even louder. "If you say it any louder I'll have to tape your mouth shut." She said sitting me back down. "You just might have to." I said. She quickly found duct tape, somehow, and put a swatch of it over my mouth. Seeing as I was done with my pizza, there was no need for me to open mouth for right now.

A little while later Ains and were lying on the couch watching tv when the boys came down.

They saw us and immediately started laughing. We were in the weirdest positions. I was lying upside down with my feet over the top of the couch and Ainsley had one leg swung over the side of her couch arm and her head was sraight so it looked odd with her sideways body. Once they got closer to us, they noticed that I had duct tape on my mouth. "What's up with the tape?" Michael asked. "MacKenzie here, can't keep her damn mouth shut when it comes to boys." Ainsley answered, scowling at me. I just made this weird hmf noise and crossed my arms over my chest. I pulled out my phone and Ainsley noticed who I was texting. She took my phone away before I could hit send. I was about to tell Cal that Ains wanted to bang one of them.

Ainsley handed me back my phone and had it locked for five minutes. I tried to scream at her but the duct tape was a restraint. You're probably thinking, "Why doesn't she just take off the tape?" I will tell you why. I understated the scenario. It was not just a swatch of tape, like I had previously said. It was a foot and a half long piece of tape, I assumed, wrapped around my head and I don't know where it started nor ended. All of a sudden my phone started to play 'What the Hell' by Avril Lavigne. I looked at the number and it was the hospital. My eyes went wide and I still tried to scream while throwing the phone at Ainsley. She nodded and answered.

I looked over to the boys and pointed rapidly to the tape. They finally got the jist of what I was saying and figured out where it ended so they could take it off.

Once they finally did I was relieved and Ainsley handed me the phone. "Yes?" I asked. "Yes this is... MacKenzie Crispin... correct?" A male voice said. "Yes, now it is. What's the matter, sir?" I asked kind of impatiently. "Uh, your friend Augustine... is suffering from minor brain damage. The concussion was pretty major and only something hard with a large amount of force could've done this-" I cut him off. "It was my fist." I said nonschslacntly. "Oh my, how much power could a little girl like you have?" He asked. I started to get angry with this guy. "A lot more that you!" I raised my voice. "Clam down ma'am you're overreacting about nothing."

That was it, and I was done. "You know what asshole? Why don't you shut the hell up and tell me when I can pick up my fucking friend. Okay sir?" I asked rudely. "Excuse yourself ma'am that is no way to talk to someone." He gasped. "Ahh, fuck off." I said with attitude. "Just, for the last damn time, tell me when I can pick up Augie!" I said defeated.

"Anytime past 3 o'clock." He said in a defeated tone, as well. "Thank you have a nice God damned day." I snarled sarcastically. When I turned around five faces starred at me. Four shocked, and one laughing. "What?" I asked innocently.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now