Chapter 92

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After a few more hours all of the other boys left and we decided to go out for a celebratory dinner.

I drove everyone to Ashton's house to get Keeley and we picked her up. "Alright. Since you're the one who got the job and has allergies, you get to pick the restaurant." I said driving aimlessly for now.

"Oh wow. Thanks guys! Um, okay how about Applebee's? I love that place." She said excitedly. "Sounds great. We're going to have to be extremely cautious and you know that." I said driving to Applebee's.

We arrived at the restaurant and Keeley brought her purse of meds just in case. She's not really used to going out to eat at restaurants because of her allergies restricting her.

She can't eat eggs, dairy, whey, or casein. Those are basically milk proteins. Oh! And she can't have nuts either.

It's a sad life but she lives it to the full extent. I don't know how she manages to do that, but she does. That's superhero powers ladies and gents.

We arrived at the restaurant and put in our name for the wait line. "Ah, tables of six usually go by quicker. You'll be in soon." A young waitress named Chelsea said to me smiling.

I thanked her and went back to sit with the boys and Keels. "Wait time is under fifteen." I said pulling out my phone and going on Instagram. The time went by faster than I expected and we were called to our seats. "Party of Crispin and Hemmings, your table is ready." A male said into a microphone.

I face palmed and looked to Keeley. "I said Crispin or Hemmings." I shook my head. We heard two teenage girls scream and a couple more gasp. We laughed and walked behind the waitress.

"I will have a plain hamburger with ketchup only. And would it be too much to ask for a gluten free bun?" Keeley asked politely and slowly. "Oh sure! No problem. I'll be right out with your orders." Our waitress said walking away. Soon enough a group of girls came squealing past our booth.

We took pictures with them and autographed some things for them. "I guess they were fans?" I said laughing to the others.

Our food came out and Keeley made sure with the chef that she had everything gluten free. He assured her and we started to eat.

Keeley had two bites of her burger and looked at it weird. "You okay?" I asked without hesitation. "Yeah, just, kind of tastes different today. I don't know, maybe they just changed their recipes." She said taking another bite.

A few minutes later she was scratching at her throat ferociously and wheezing. "Keeley? What's going on?" I asked worriedly getting the boys' attention. "Whoa! Keeley what's happening?" Ashton asked jumping up. "Taste that." She said slightly still having troubles breathing.

I took a bite and my eyes got wide. I could tell what was in this because I've had it before. It's a distinct taste and I remember it clearly. "Ashton call 9-1-1 now. Someone put tree nut oil in this."

"That's not the emergency number here." Luke said. "Then call the ambulance!" I yelled spitting it out into a napkin.

I grabbed Keeley's hand and pulled her outside with Calum. I told Luke and Michael to pay the bill with whatever money they had and the money in my wallet.

I grabbed Keeley's purse and took out her EpiPen. She fiddled with it before she could take her hands off of her red neck and jab it into her thigh.

I was freaking out in the meantime and while she could slightly breath again, she was rummaging through her bag. "What? What? What do you need?" I asked panicking. "Medication for nuts." She wheezed out. "No! It was here! Where is it!"

I dumped all of the components out of her purse but still couldn't find it. I know for a fact that she packed it. She's packed all of her medications for the past eighteen years and only forgot one time.

I watched her put it in her purse so someone had to have taken it. I started having a panic attack as Keeley dropped into her knees and she started swelling.

The ambulance came just seconds after that had happened and only one of us were allowed in the back of the ambulance. I let Ashton go with her because he was calmer than I was and I also couldn't breathe.

But, for a less serious reason. Don't get me wrong, panic attacks are bad but not as bad as allergic reactions.

I had Calum call the police to get a warrant to view the security cameras as Luke calmed me down in the waiting room. Michael went to the front desk to get some more news on Keeley.

We sat in the waiting room all night and the shaking of my leg, from my anxiety, kept me from falling asleep.

Ashton, Luke, and Michael all passed out hours ago and now I was just sitting here alone. Visiting hours ended but I refused to leave and they didn't dare touch me.

They said if we were on her emergency contact list, then we could stay with one other guest. Both Ash and I were on her list so we were allowed to stay with Luke and Michael.

As for Calum, he went home to work on the things Keeley needed done. He seemed the most stable and mature at the moment.

We called Keeley's mom and she said that as long as I was there she wouldn't have to fly down.

I told her I would stay with her until she got out so her mom didn't have to worry. She tanked me and then I went back into my fetal position. This was the second thing in a row that has worried me and I just have one question.

What is happening with my friends?

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now