Chapter 40

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Do you think he's already forgotten about me?

He probably doesn't even remember me...

What if he's dating someone?

What if he was with her and that's why he didn't answer me?

What if I'm overreacting?

What if he hates me?

What if he doesn't care if I even see him ever again?

I questioned my relationship with Luke as I was shaving my legs. I was also singing "Stay With Me" by Sam Smith. I don't really think it's an extremely good idea to multitask while shaving. And I knew I was right.

"OH WON'T YOU STAAAAAY WITH MEEE CAUSE YOU'RE ALL I NEEE-AHHH!" I screamed in an actual high pitched voice. Like a semi-normal girl.

I had cut myself. It wasn't a huge gash nor a small little scratch, but God dammit did it hurt like hell with the hot water.

I quickly finished shaving my leg and thankfully that was the last thing I needed to do in there. I put on my underwear and bra just in time seeing as everyone came running up the stairs. Blood was dripping down my leg but I still told them, "Go back down stairs I'll clean this up." "Are you sure?" Keeley asked beating Ainsley and Augie to it. Cierra just stood there trying not to faint at the blood. "Yes get out!" I said motioning for them to leave.

I put some hydrogen peroxide on it and cringed at the burning sensation. I put some antiseptic on the cut, which, may I add, was a good few centimeters long, and got dressed. You're not supposed to cover cuts like that with pure cotton gauze and I'm allergic to the latex in band aids so I put some plastic covered gauze on it.

I went downstairs and since the cut was on my shin I didn't have to limp. "Keeley. We need to talk." I said once I was finally down the stairs. "O-okay." She said. "We walked upstairs back into my room and I closed the door.

"Sit anywhere you feel comfortable." I said. She sat in my hanging swing chair and I laid down on my bed. "What're we talking about?" She asked. "Kashton 2.0" I said glaring at her. She sighed and relaxed like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulder.

"Okay so one. I gave you his number and not even an entire week you two are dating?" I asked. "Yes. When he kissed me I felt all of these emotions, mostly feels, but I don't know. We just started texting, he told me he really liked me, and then he called me and asked me out. So yeah." She said.

"Two. What did you feel when you kissed him?" "Well at first I didn't know what to feel but then he smiled and all of these butterflies erupted inside of me." She said. I huffed and rolled on my stomach. "Three. You know I'm going to pressure him into making all of our imagines come true right?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Of course. That came in the package." She laughed.

I laughed and got up. "Okay. I'm out of interrogation questions." I said walking out of the door with Keels following me. We got down the stairs again and smiled as we saw the balloons and streamers hanging from the ceiling.

I looked around at everyone. "Ready?" I asked opening the laptop. "Yes." "Definitely." "Do it." "Soo ready." I went into my twitcam and it started loading. "Okay I just tweeted out that the twitcam was going down right now." I said reading off of my phone.

Luckily, my internet is really good so my twitcams don't fail. Like some peoples.... "HEYYYYYYYY GUYYYYYYYYYS!" I screamed looking in the little camera. "Okay so Keels and I will be taking questions on our instagrams. Just dm us a question and hopefully we'll get through them." I smiled getting out my phone.

There was already 19,067 people watching and our dms were blowing up. Ainsley and Augie had left the twitcam but promised to be back to answer questions. "Okay so this one is being brought up so frequently," Keeley paused. "What the fuck is going on between you and Luke Robert Hemmings?" She asked turning towards me. "Oh God. Okay guys here it is... We... Are... FRIENDS!!" I yelled laughing. "No, but seriously. There is nothing romantic going on between Luke and I. He won't even fucking answer my text on my birthday." I mumbled the last part.

"Okay anyway!" I clapped. "Someone asked me if I was single and they ain't too bad look-ing!" I said in a weird voice laughing.

"Well Mr. Sexy, I would like you to know that I am in fact very single." I said laughing. "Can you sing us one of your new songs? Maybe leak something good?" Keeley asked smiling. I laughed and said, "Of course. But only a small portion of my new song!" I said. "Oh boo!" Keels said along with Cierra laughing. I laughed and said, "Okay. This is a part of "Know Me".....
Time ticks by and I'm feeling kinda shy
You don't know music just how to abuse it
These times are hectic and I feel epileptic
Shallow hearts are breaking and no one knows my faking

And he's telling me that I'm not alone but,
He doesn't know me
And when he's saying that I can be free, well
He doesn't know me
Everywhere I go I see his name in my eye, and
It's trying to tell me, but
All I can say to him is that,
Nobody knows me

So now he's saying that,
We don't have to be ordinary, but
I'm finding it hard to be extraordinary
And when they say that they're a six and I'm a ten
I feel like running home and crying in my den
This ain't my life I didn't chose it, but
It's the life I gotta live in, uh." I sang.

Keeley and Cierra applauded me and Cierra basically dozed over Keels to hug me while fake sobbing. I laughed and hugged her back. I love my girls...

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now