Chapter 29

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The boys looked at me like I had just found out they had murdered my mother and I caught them. I laughed, but by my facial expression, it might have came out evilly. Michael didn't seem to care but the rest had gulped and their adam's apple bobbed up and down.

"Done what?" Calum asked. "Messed with my instruments-" I got cut off by them looking at the instruments in their hands and gulping again, except for Michael. "...Without playing me a song." I finished and they all looked at me as if I had just lost my mind.

I laughed and walked over to them. "Well." I said sternly. "Play something." I said looking at them all. They all just sat there and laughed. "No way in hell MacKenzie." Ashton said. In the midst of them laughing I yelled, "I will leak your nudes!" over the loud commotion.

They all instantly shut up and stared at me eyes and mouth agape. I smiled, even Mikey was staring. "H-how did you even get those?" Calum asked. "I have my ways." I laughed and when I realized they were dumber than I thought, I spoke up. "You're all massive idiots. Impressive, but massive idiots.

"I'm not gonna black mail you but I'll hurt you if you don't play me a song." I said. They finally got up and started to set up their stuff. "Any requests?" Ashton asked. "Uhhh..." I quietly said contemplating my choices. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head and I let the excitement take over me as I yelled it out. "English Love Affair!!" I shouted then covered my mouth and burst out laughing. The boys laughed a little at me before getting everything in tune. "Ladies and gents," Luke said. "This is ELA."

I smiled in excitement as they sang. During the first chorus I began to lightly sing along. "Next thing we were back at her place. A hideaway in Mayfair, all the great and good there. Drinking all the way to third base. Princes getting naked, falling on their faces..." I trailed off letting them do their magic. I got up and Luke looked at me nervously. I motioned for him to continue whilst I played with my lip ring. I looked in the mirror hanging on the wall and looked at my hair. It was the first time I had actually noticed it since I had gotten it dyed.

About a year ago I had decided I would changing some things about my appearance. I had gotten a lip ring on my bottom right lip, because that's the side I bight the most. Everyone told me it would mess up my face but once I got it, I liked it a lot. I didn't feel self conscious about it, so I kept it.

I touched my lip and took out the ring. I twirled the cold metal between my fingers and thumb. I looked back at the mirror and didn't noticed anything different. The hole had almost disappeared from my face. Vanished, if you will.

My hair was the one thing that killed me over and over again. I had naturally wavy locks from my mother, blonde that caramelized when I was in late grade school, early middle school. I had gone to a professional and dyed the tips black.

I wasn't too happy with the result so I cut it all off. I had gone back last month and bleached the tips this time. It was unappealing, but I refused to get it cut. Right now, it flowed down to my mid back but until it got to my butt, I wasn't cutting it.

I was just about to think about my four tattoos when someone's voice pulled me out of my thought. As I made Ashton repeat himself, I bent down and put my hair into a "fun bun." "I said, we think you should sing a song for us." He ended. "You'll have to catch me!" I yelled and darted up the stairs. They had softly put my instruments on the ground and followed me.

Right now? Right now I was thankful for the years of cross country Ainsley made me do in high school.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now