Chapter 42

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"I still can't believe that guy asked us what our armpits smell like. Might've been the weirdest question." I shrugged as I got into the living room again. "The weirdest one?!" Cierra shouted. "Yeah!" I retaliated. "No no sweet innocent child. The weirdest one was the guy who asked us if we put sauces on our vaginas and then get dudes to lick them off. It was disgusting, weird and made me mad." Cierra said. "Oh the one that me mad was the guy who asked for our nudes. The second guy that is. The first guy was just drunk it looked like." She said. "True true." I said.

I took my phone out of my pocket and heavily sighed putting it back signaling sadness. "What's wrong Kenz?" Keeley asked me. "Well I texted Luke fourteen hours ago he still hasn't replied. Ashton hadn't said anything to me though. Do any of you know what's going on with him?" I asked. They all stayed silent and I noticed the change in their demeanors.

"Guys. What's wrong with him?" I asked. "Okay so maybe we do know. But we weren't allowed to tell you." Ainsley said. I started to get choked up. "What happened?" I asked. They ignored me and I yelled it one more time. "Augie called him and threatened to hurt you if he contacted you again. Luke didn't want you to get hurt so he agreed." Keeley said. I opened my mouth slightly and let out a shaky breath. "AUGIE!" I yelled running down the stairs into the game room.

"Yeah. What? What- What's wrong?!" Augie asked trying to hug me. I pushed him away." "What?" Augie asked conflicted. "What did you say to Luke?" I screamed scrunching my face as a single tear slid down my cheek.

"Dammit girls..." He murmured turning to the girls. "Augie!" I yelled. "I'm sorry." He said. "Tell me what you said to him." I said, my nostrils flaring. "I just... I couldn't have him getting involved with you MacKenzie. You know what happens when you get involved with someone new. Someone always ends up getting hurt and I'm not going to let you get hurt. Or him. I can't have two famous people depressed and suicidal on my hands." He said coming closer to me. I took a step back and yelled at him. "You can't fucking TELL US HOW TO LIVE OUR LIVES!" I yelled. "DAMMIT MACKENZIE I WAS TRYING TO HELP!" He yelled running a hand through his hair. "OH AND THIS IS YOUR IDEA OF HELPING? YOU KNOW WHAT YOU THREATENED TO HURT ME AND NOW YOU HAVE!" I paused catching my breath. "You know what Augie... Go home." I said looking down. "MacKenzie..." He said putting a hand out to me. I pushed it away. "Augie. I said go home. Get out of here. Don't talk to me right now. Go and just-" I started to break down and cry. "Get out!" I said wiping a tear just below my eye.

Augie stormed up the saris and before I heard the door slam he yelled something to himself. "I'm gonna fucking make this right!" He yelled slamming the door behind him. I laid on the couch and cried into the navy blue pillow. At some point I had finally cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to a vibration under my cheek. I lifted my phone up and realized someone was calling me. Before thinking anything I answered. "Hello?" I asked, my voice cracking. "MacKenzie?" Luke asked. I started crying and ended the call before anything else was said. I looked at the time. Five. What a great birthday I'm having. I powered down my phone and chucked it under my pillow going back to sleep.

I woke up again by Cierra. She lightly shook me awake and whispered, "C'mon birthday girl." I sat up and searched frantically for my phone. I had that terrible nightmare where I thought that I was falling but it wouldn't stop and I couldn't wake up. Finally, I used all of my Will power and pushed myself to wake up.

Realization hit me and I remembered I threw it under the pillow. I turned it on to see the time and it said 8:35. Before I could turn my phone off again it was updating inside, working it's magic, and my phone started blowing up.

I had tweets, texts, calls, dms, voicemails, snapchats, Instagram comments, and even YouTube comments. Cierra walked back up the stairs and I just kind of chilled on the couch answering everything possible. I started with the texts.

From: From: Lukey🐧💚

Hey please answer my calls.

Or listen to my voice mails.

Or read my tweets?

Please I'm begging you. I need to explain.

What Luke didn't know is that I wasn't mad at him. Or Augie for that fact. I was just very depressed.

From: Mikey🐢

Kenz answer his calls please. We're begging you. He's not the same right now. We're really asking for this right now. Please? Just give the fuckup a chance please.

From: CuddlyCalPal

MacKenzie please. Luke's crying and he's really sad. I've never seen him like this. Please you're the only thing we have. He's even refusing to practice for the show tonight. We're in Cali and have a concert at 8. Please help.

From: Ashhyy😘

Please don't be mad at the poor boy. He's like a brother to me and I can't have him sad for the concert. It wouldn't be fair to our fans. Please if you can do anything help.

I listened to the calls and Luke had explained that Augie threatened to hurt me and he couldn't live with himself if he was the reason I was hurt. Something like that. And it was just him begging and trying to get me to answer his calls.

His voice was cracked and it sounded like he was crying. It broke my heart and I cried even more. Luke had tweeted out, "Can someone tell princess to come and rescue me?" which for him is really deep. I had all of these dms and tweets and all of these comments just on this. I finally cleared all of my notifications and tweeted.

The princess has been broken herself. Heart shatter that no one cared to call on her very special day. If someone needs saving, it's her.

I finally walked upstairs to see the rooms were scattered with candles and they had my ice cream cake out. I smiled and we shared a group hug.

I finished my cake and put my plate in the dishwasher. I thanked the girls and told them I was signing off for the night. They nodded me off even though I offered to clean up. I went up stairs and laid on my bed, closing my eyes. My phone started rapidly vibrating getting multiple texts. Some from the girls and some from the boys and other friends. All wishing me a happy birthday but one stood out.

From: Lukey🐧💚

Happy birthday princess. I love you and goodnight my love.

I took a screenshot and fell asleep smiling, for once.

Green Stilettos? -- l.h. (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now