Chapter 6

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I wake up with my makeup smeared and on my white polka dotted pajama pants. I comb my hair and wipe off all the makeup before going back on my bed. There is a knock on the front door, I have to get it because I hear Brie in the shower. I open it and Roman is standing there. "Hey." He says. "Hi." I say. "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah, Why?" I ask. "I was talking to Paige and Dean, Paige said she saw you cry for the first time and Dean said you and him got in an argument." He says. "I'm okay, Stephanie and I have a match, Dean and I broke up, and I still have a match tonight, which is against some guy. I won't last. All cause I stood up for Dean." I say. Roman gives me a quick hug before saying "I thought you and him weren't dating, I will help you out for this match, I will train you for this Stephanie stuff." I smile. "Thanks. That means a lot." He nods. "Get changed, we're going to the gym." I go into my room and put on a pair of basketball shorts and tank top and place my hair in a ponytail. Brie is sitting out there. "You ready?" He asks. I nod and slip on shoes before all of us head out. We head to the NXT training center only 30 minutes away. We all get out and go into the building. "Hey, didn't expect to see you here." One of the NXT stars says. We shrug and go to the empty ring. "Okay, first step I have beaten Seth, so you need to expose his weaknesses." Roman says. I nod. "Okay, How do I do that?" I ask. "The way I won was a spear but I don't suggest attempting to spear someone who is a foot taller than you, and about 100lb heavier." He says. "You spear the big show, who is like 200 pounds heavier and almost a foot taller than you." I say. "You think you can exicute the spear?" He asks. "Let's try it. If I can't do it to you, we won't use it." I say. "Okay fine." He says. Brie smirks. "Okay, when you first do this you gotta just run and tackle them, its not much to teach." He says. I nod. "Okay, great." I say moving away from him. "A great thing to remember is if not done correctly could cause spinal damage, and a bunch of other things. Brie, my lovely assistant will help you out." Roman says. "Okay." She says. Brie walks over and stands next to Roman. "Step by step, right now we aren't gonna do anything but go over and a foot away get the momentum to go up and then go up right above the ribcage and bam." He says. I give a confused look. "Okay, I'll show you." He says. He walks past Brie to where I am and shows me step by step what it looks like without hitting it. I nod and do the same thing. After a few times he tells me to actually try it. I do so and it doesn't work out perfectly but it still was correct. "That's it, you just gotta make it look nice and less painful." He helps me and Brie up. "Why did I agree to come?" Brie asks. We shrug. "Can I do it on you?" He asks. "No, I don't want to be broken thank you." I say. "Let me at least do what you did, without doing it." He says. I shrug and he backs up and runs over slowly and just before he hits it. "Like this. Got it?" I nod. "Yeah." He gets up and tells me "Actually do it this time." I nod and hit the spear, not knocking him down though. "See you need force." He says. I sigh and say "Its not gonna work." "Then use the black widow, that seems to always get him. He can't get out of it so use that figure out how to get him in it." I nod. "Can i put you in the black widow?" I ask. "Word of adice say no." Brie says. "I think I'll pass." Roman says.
Time skip to Smackdown taping
Halfway through the show its time for my match. I skip out to the ring with my title in hand. Stephanie comes out. "So, AJ you can avoid this match if you just say no to our match." She says. I grab a microphone and say "Not a chance. I'll fight. The thing is I don't have to win. I have to at least show I can put up a fight which is something you obviously can't do, you hire people to fight for you." I say. "I don't hire people to fight. I have had 24 wrestling matches in my career and I have faced people a hell of a lot better than you. They are real woman/men." "Okay, I'm a nerd. Not a real woman fantastic, I'm just wondering how many of those matches have you had you picked up the victory with no outside interference?" That gets tons of ohhhs. "Know what Seth come out here. I don't have to prove myself to you, that's for the paperview." She says. Seth makes his way to the ring and that's when I realize I am in a heap of trouble. I have to lock in that black widow or I'm as good as dead. I set my title to the side and Seth does too. He takes a microphone and says "I'm not fighting her. Why would I fight some chick no mater how unstable she is." "Ring the bell." Stephanie says. The bell rings, and While Seth has his back not facing me. I spin him around and hit the black widow yet again on Seth. Every time he can't seem to reverse it. Every scream made the tighter I make the hold. Right as he is about to tap he kinda stands up and pushes my back against the turn buckle. That's when I realized I'm in trouble. He gives an evil smirk. He picks up a microphone. "This match can end if you just tell Stephanie that you won't fight her." I shake my head and mouth the word no and hit him with shinning wizard. I make sure to hit it in the temple and pin him one two three. I just pinned him, I knocked him out. I quickly get out of the ring and grab my title to skip backstage. Yet again as I walk backstage no one says anything to me, that is until I see Roman. "Damn good job out there." He says. I smile. "Thanks, I didn't know what to do." I say. He smirks and says "I'll see yah later." Then walks away. I go to my locker room. Paige is in there with Summer. Did I mention Stephanie switched out my usual locker buddy Paige for Summer? "Hey, Oh my gosh you were amazing out there love." She says giving me a hug. "Thanks." I say. Summer walks out. "Now you have to deal with plenty more tourture tomorrow." She says. "Ugh, shut up don't remind me." I say sitting down. "Well, What happened with you and Dean?" She asks. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Nothing, How are you two?" She asks. I shrug. "What do you know?" I ask. "That you and him broke up." She says. I sigh and throw my empty bottle of water down. "We didn't break up. We can't break up if we weren't even dating." I say. Paige gives a sorry look "I'm sorry Pumpkin. I know you liked him." She says to me. "He is the first guy that I've liked since Punk and I broke up and I thought we actually had a chance to be together but just like everything else it got screwed up." I say with a sigh. "Why don't you talk to him?" She asks. "I can't, I know for a fact be won't want to talk to me." "How do you know?" I shrug. "I just do. He is probably still angry. Tomorrow." I say. "You mean that?" She asks. "Next week." I say to myself knowing I won't talk to him. He was very upset last I talked to him. "Now." She says. "I'll do it when I have the chance to." I say lying right through me teeth.

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