Chapter 81

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I woke up and got dressed. I decided to text Seth. I knew Roman wouldn't answer after me telling him to not answer me unless it was an emergency.
A- Hey
He never responds in time so I decided to text Roman. He'd understand right?
A- Hey, I know I said we shouldn't talk while I'm away...but I can't do this.
He never responded either. I sigh and get ready. When I finish I head out and Dean is in the kitchen. He grabs the keys and without saying anything go me we leave. Halfway there Roman calls. "Hello." I say. "Hey! Sorry I didn't answer. I had to be at the hospital last night, and I was busy getting Gal water." He says. "It's fine. How's it in there?" I ask. "Great, nothing can make today better. The kids were born earlier today. I figured you would love to know." He says. "Awe, Roman. Congratulations. What are the final names?" I ask. Dean glares in my way but I ignore him. "Well, I was talking with Gal and we agreed on Spencer and Joseph." He says. That wasn't what he said before. "What? I thought that one was a girl." I say. "Yeah, well it was actually both boys." He says. "Which ones older?" I ask. "Joseph." He says. "Congrats." I say with a smile. "Thanks and if I'm honest it's kinda great that Gal and I have our own biological kid. JoJo hasn't stopped talking about them all day." He says. "Sounds like you got your hands full." I say. "I do, I love it though. May I ask what you had texted me for?" He asks. "I'll tell you later. We're almost there." I say. "Dean?" He asks. "Duh. I'll text you later." I say. "Okay, bye." He says before hanging up. After a little while we finally made it to the set and one of the directors walks over and tells us what scenes we are doing. "Wait, I was looking at the idea of this movie nd the idea of the first Marine movie, what's the difference? They are both husband in the military, wife gets kidnapped." I say. "Well, actually Dean is currently in the military. He is home for only 2 days. You and your kid spend one night with him. Then you guys go out and when you are out you get kidnapped. Dean then has to think. Is it his family or prison for not going back to. He goes family, but gets thrown in jail. You are hopeless. They shoot you for trying to leave." He says starting to ramble. After a while I stop listening. "Oh. Okay, I understand. I'll be on my way." I say. "Okay, we need you two to read over your lines and after that go to hair and makeup trailer. AJ get your bullet wounds and Dean gets scrapes, bruises and one bullet wound. After head up to the main building." He says. "Okay." Dean says. I walk away and go to my personal trailer. I grab the script ignoring Dean. I read over what is going to be happening now. After about an hour I leave and go to the makeup trailer. Dean was just walking in as I mentally curse myself. "Hey." Ashley says as she sees me walking in. I sit in her chair and we start talking. "Hey. How are you?" I ask. "I'm perfect. Me and Gavin are great." She says quieter. "How are you and?" She starts but doesn't finish. "Ugh, don't bother." I say rolling my eyes as she gets me all set and ready. "Well, I'm sorry. Maybe today will be a great restart." She says. Yeah sure. She could lie to me all she wanted. She didn't know Dean or myself for a matter of fact. I was slightly better knowing that we were still dating, but just mad at each other. For the first time we were dating and didn't want anything to do with the other. No longer get starting over again at 0 when we made up. When she finished she sent me into wardrobe. I was wearing fairly decent clothes. I was wearing a white shirt with a leather pocket, combat boots and leggings. I was going to be tied to a chair pretty loose, but I still had to make sure that I was ready to sit there for so long. I sat in the chair as I was being told what I would be doing. They then tied me in and made sure it looked tight. "Okay." He says as this little girl comes in. She has brown hair, blue eyes, and she honestly looked like a small version of Dean. "Well, great. Now you can sit there. We will tie you up just like we did to AJ." He says as she sits down. Dean walked in and looked around at everything. "Trina. You actually don't make it out of here." He says. Trina responds "I know. I've read the script. I can read. I'm 10." She says annoyed. "Okay. Let's just rehearse it a bit before we do this." The director says. We nod and they give Trina this key. They start filming and Trina starts this scene. "Mom, are we gonna make it out of here?" She asks terrified. I can't see her face to tell anything. "Yes. We are. I know we will. Daddy will come and save us." I say with a pause before whispering to myself. "I hope." "AJ. Say that last part louder. Loud enough so we can hear but not delivered as loud as your other lines." He says. "Okay." I say. "Restart. And action." He says. "Mom, are we gonna make it put of here?" Trina asks sounding like she's gonna cry. "Yes. We are. I know we will. Daddy will come and save us." I say with a pause. "I hope." I say a little quieter, but not as loud as before. "What if he doesn't?" She asks. "Then its up to us. Do you have anything to cut the rope free?" I ask hopeful. "I have a key in my pocket. I can't reach it though." She says struggling. "Try harder." I say to her. "I am!" She says before bursting out crying. "Wait. I think I got it." She says. "Hand it to me." I say. "Okay." She says as I move my hands so they line up with hers, but the key falls straight onto the floor. "What is this I see?" Kieth asks while walking in. No clue that we were shooting a scene as we all laugh it off. "You are supposed to walk in, but saying your lines." The director points out. "Okay. Sorry." He says. He walks back out and they decide to pick it up from me asking for the key.

The Sky Is Looking Great For April - A. Lee / D. AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now