Chapter 13

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Monday night Raw. Paiges announcement.
Dean gave me a piggy back ride to the curtain with me and my title. Paige just walked out there with every diva out there. "Okay, so everyone might be wondering why every diva in the locker room is out here except AJ." Paige says. Nikki says "Yes." She gave one microphone to like 12 of them. "Well, due to personal conflicts I'm unable to complete the month leading up to Summerslam and months after, so Stephanie has granted me the chance to choose who will challenge AJ for her title. Will it be one double trouble? Chances are one can't win without the other. Kaitlyn? I'm pretty sure everyone is tired of seeing her against AJ. JoJo? Someone who can't achieve all this because she's too nice. Eva? Who still hasn't proved herself in a match.-" "I have proved myself. Last I checked I beat you in one of my first matches." She says. "You were attacked by Kaitlyn. Which resulted in you winning by disqualification. Like I was saying. Nattie? Who is basically a vet in this ring but still isn't top notch after being here so long. Emma? Who is almost as big of a joke as Eva. Take it as a compliment pumpkin. Naomi? Who can't win a match without using an asset, who makes herself look like a fool by parading around and dancing. Rosa? Who has had fewer matches than Hornswoggle. Summer? Who we don't have enough time for me to say something mean about her. Layla? Who can't seem to make an ally without turning on them." My music hits and I skip out with Dean holding my hand. "And who one of you will be facing. AJ Lee, the short, crazy chick who can't keep a man for more than a month." She says. "Let's not get into past pointless relationships pumpkin." I say mocking her as Dean smirks. "Okay, who do you feel you should face AJ?" She asks. "I think I should face a real diva who at least compares to me. I've given all of them a chance and they've lost." I say. "Not me. I actually beat you." Kaitlyn says. "I beat you to become the three time Divas champion, and then I beat you again to become a four time Divas champion. Not to mention I beat you to win my first dives title reign." I say with a smile. "Okay, lets not ruin this. Ruin it after I say who you face." Paige says. "Who is it?" I ask. "I'm giving this once in a lifetime opportunity that is just handed to them. Summer Rae because I know she won't win at SummerSlam so when I do step in this ring again I get to beat you for my title." She says. I smile. "Well, giving me the night off is harder than fighting Summer." I say. "That's not true. You won't be saying that when I beat you at SummerSlam. I don't have this handed to me. I had a match with you to become champion." Everyone in the ring yells shut up to Summer Rae. I laugh at that and say "Is this all? Pretty great night." I say. "Not that pretty you have a match with Eva next." She says. "Oh that one was a good one." I say with a smile. "Thanks." She says. "All red everything. Not much has turned Red since you came over here except for the hair which needs to stay perfect as you are wrestling." I say. "True. She might want to eat some makeup so she can be pretty on the inside and have some sort of personality to go along with that annoying catch phrase." Paige says. "I'd love to insult you Eva more but I'm afraid I won't do as good as Nature did." I say with a laugh. Eva is fuming and all the Divas exit the ring. "We can make this a lumberjill match." Paige says before leaving the ring. The Divas surround the ring as I make my way to it. I give Dean a kiss which earned boos from the audience which confused me but I walked into the ring and kissed my title then handed it to the ref. Dean went to commentary. I love that if I take a pause for a moment I can hear what they are saying but since I focus too much I usually don't. The bell rings and Eva and I lock up. She puts me in a headlock but I counter with a shoulder tackle and when she gets up I clothesline her. I help her up to clothesline her again. I pin her and she kicks out at one. She rolls out of the ring and no one does anything. I hit the suicide dive on her and the first one to come at me is Nikki. She hits my head on the table right in front of Dean. I just hit my head in that spot and every diva that's out there goes after me. Kaitlyn rams me into the barricade. Then the lumberjills push me in the ring as my side and still hurt from the barricade. I drop kick Eva out of no where, she and I both have no clue where it came from. Eva goes out of the ring and no one touches her. Brie is about to push her back in the ring until Naomi pushes her for trying to that. After a few seconds they all start fighting one another as Eva is included in that. I go to the top rope and hit them with the diving elbow drop before going back into the ring. Where the ref starts counting again where he gets to ten. That wasn't at all hard. Take out the lumberjills along with Eva outside of the ring. I smile and grab my title. I walk out of the ring and skip off with Dean in tow. "Damn. That was awesome." Paige says giving me a tight hug. "Thanks, it was very painful." I say. "I know. Sorry." She says. "No one had my back, I figured one person would have." I say. "Yeah, even when she hit her head on the table. I kinda laughed a little." Dean says. "Of course you did." I say. "I'm gonna go get a cupcake." I say. "That's like all you eat." Paige says. "They're just so good." I say. "One question. How are you not in pain?" Dean asks. "Well, ya see. My back, side and arm hurts but it's the usual feeling." I say. "Well, ya see you don't get thrown into the barricade everyday. That's more like every single one of my matches." He says mocking me. I shrug as I go and grab my cupcake and Dean grabs a chocolate cupcake. Paige gets french fries. "I'm gonna miss being on the road with you guys." Paige says. "Me too, but whenever we are in the LA area. I will find you." I say. She chuckles. "I'm gonna have to find ways to entertain myself over this time period. I can do basic woman things that I can't do." She says. "Like?" Dean asks. "Cook, sew. Spend money." She says. "Spending money is fun. Except when I look at my bank account." I say. Dean chuckles. "I'm gonna miss my half naked coworkers." Paige says with a laugh. "You won't miss Roman and I?" Dean asks. "Oh that's true. You and Roman are one of the few that could go out in public like that." Paige says. She then goes to ask him in a teasing manner. "Don't wanna impress the ladies with what ya got under your shirt?" "Don't judge me and my socially awkward body." Dean says. "More like socially inept." I say. I finish my cupcake and throw my trash away. Everyone finishes their food and we all go to my locker room. Paige shares with me but Dean just likes to hang around us. "I'm excited. Today I get to team up with Roman." Dean says. "Who against?" Paige and I ask. "The Wyatts." He says. "Cool. That's fun." Paige says. "Yeah. Can I join?" I ask. "I don't advise it." He says. "Thanks." I say. "Sure." Dean says. "When do you leave Paige?" "12." She says. "So tonight." I say. "Yeah. I'm actually leaving now to get to the hotel for all my shit and plane tickets." She says. I guess I won't see my best friend for a bit. She stands up and gives me a bone crushing hug. "We will see each other again." I say. She nods and says "But too long from now." Dean asks "Do I have to give you a hug?" "I'd like one." She says. He groans but stands up and gives her a hug. Paige whispers something in his ear. I didn't understand it. Dean nods. She pulls away from the hug and walks out. "When's your match?" I ask. "The second to last one so we have a little bit." He says. "Do you have a gameplan?" I ask. "Not really, Roman and I just go with the flow. We are great tag partners." He says. "I kinda wish I had a tag partner but at the same time I like being a solo." I say. "You and Paige are great against the bellas." He says. I turn on the TV and start watching this match. Punk against John. "Who is your favorite rivalry of this year?" I ask. "Whoever Roman is battling with." He says with a shrug. "Mine is yours with Seth." I say. "Oh speaking of. After SummerSlam. The night after on Monday Night Raw Seth and I get to have a match and he's gonna drive my head through 'cinder blocks' I will be out for a month or so because I will be in a movie." He says. "Okay." I say. "But, I want you to ringside." He informs. "Okay. That's pretty cool. So it'll be Roman and I for a month?" I ask. "Pretty much." He says. "Great. What's next?"I ask. "Nothing that I know of." He says. I nod. The match is over ten minutes later so Dean and I go to the curtain. Dean starts jumping and just moving around. Dean's music hits and we walk out. Well I skip out behind him. He gets in the ring. I go on the apron and give him a kiss as Roman's music hits. I go and sit in a chair by commentary. I put on a headset. "I guess we will be joined by divas champion AJ Lee." Michael says. "Hi." I say as I put my title on the floor right in front of me and put my feet on the table. "Can I ask something before this contest starts?" Jerry asks. "Sure." I say. "What are you doing out here? On Smackdown you hated each other until you just came out with a Dean Ambrose shirt on." "Well, I'm obviously supporting Dean and Roman. What does it look like?" I ask. "What are you two? Do you think it's safe considering these people are his opponents?" JBL asks as the lights go out and we hear bleep bloop blop. "We're here, and were coming to get you." Bray says before blowing out the lantern and coming out. The 'fireflies' as he calls them are all over tonight, mainly behind me. Bray sits in the rocking chair as Harper and Rowan enter the ring. "Do you believe that it's right for Dean to not have his SummerSlam moment because of what mind games have been going on between you, him and Seth Rollins?" JBL asks. "If you're asking if I knew Seth had that planned for Dean. No I didn't, but I can't change anyone's mind and I sure as hell don't think it involved me, therefore the subject will be dropped." I say angrily. "It did involve you because you were with Seth earlier that day so you had influenced it." Michael says. "I said we are dropping it. Learn from the fine gentlemen next to you seem to grasp that idea better than you, so are you as smart as you claim to be no." I say. "Thanks AJ, its about time a pretty girl complimented me." JBL says. "Flattery will get you nowhere in this business." I say. Dean goes for the pin getting Erick to kick out at one. Dean tags Roman in. "Who do you feel is going to win this match?" Jerry asks. "I want Roman and Dean to win but I do feel Erick and Rowan can also pull this off. Dean and Roman have true brotherhood." I say. Bray stands up and distracts the ref while Roman goes for the cover. I take off the headset as Bray makes eye contact with me before smiling and getting off the apron. He walks over to me and Dean notices. He runs over and tackles Bray then goes back to the apron and acts like nothing ever happened. "Do you feel safe being out here?" Michael asks. "I am Divas champion. I can defend myself and if not I have Dean to help me and he has Roman to help him." I say. "You certainly seem proud to be crazy." JBL says. "I'm not crazy." I say. Erick rolls Dean up but he counters it for dirty deeds. One two three. I take off the headsets and grab my title and slide into the ring. Dean looks over at Roman getting him into the ring. Then Bray steps in front of me and I go further in the corner. I grip the ropes. He turns to face Dean and he shouts his name as Roman stands up. He turns and goes to spear but Bray moves out of the way and right before he spears me he stops and put his hands up on my chest to stop himself. "You okay?" He asks. I nod and the ref raises their hands. Dean wraps an arm around me and we exit the ring. When we get to the back Roman says "I'm sorry AJ." "Its okay. I'm alright." I say. "I know I still feel bad for almost spearing you." He says. "A few broken ribs at the most I can handle it. Dean did when you went against Punk." I say. Roman laughs. "But Dean acted like a baby." Dean shrugs. "One it hurt like hell and two it was funny. You can't lie about that." He says. "Yeah, you would of thought that you were dying." Roman says. We stop at my locker room and I go in to leave the boys. I change out of my gear and put on more comfortable clothes.

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