Chapter 64

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I walked into this type of building for the first time in what felt like forever. It felt completely different than what I expected it to be. The atmosphere was different. No one knew that today I was returning after months and months. The Shield was falling apart, and I had been watching on TV for months. Tonight they were having yet another Shield summit. I didn't know what I would do if they broke up. I think I was gonna make a surprise appearance there since I don't have a match. I went into the divas locker room and changed into my ring gear. I hadn't spoken to Dean since that might he dumped me, and Roman and I hadn't spoken in a month. I wasn't traveling with them. I was traveling with Alicia Fox. I walked to Stephanie's office after I was dressed. I knocked and Stephanie answered the door looking swamped. "Hey Stephanie what's wrong?" I ask. "Weeks, and weeks planning the Shield to be together. I think they are on the brink of breaking up." She says sighing. "I can help. I know I can. I've got this Shield summit. I'm partly to blame. The least I can do is help them." I say. "You better help them. If you can't they will be broken up forever." She says. "I'll try. When do they go on?" I ask. "They are the second segment. After the Jack Swagger and Sheamus match." She says. "Okay, I've got it. Please be watching it." I say. "Oh we will." She says before I head out. I walk into the locker room and am constantly updating myself on my plan and what's happening outside. I skip my way to the curtain when I'm told they are going out in a few moments. When I get there they are out there with their microphones about to talk. My music hits and the crowd erupts into cheers. I skip to the ring and get in with my microphone. "What are you doing out here AJ? This is for Shield members only." Seth says. "Shh. Not you." I say looking at Seth. He nods and puts his hands up. I take a step closer to Dean. I grab his face and kinda squish his cheeks. "You, are not letting something stupid get in the way of this group. Quit letting ego, or whatever is up in your mind get in the way." I say before releasing his face and moving to Roman and doing the same thing except for he gives me not as harsh of a glare. "If he's letting something stupid get in the way of your brotherhood you try and stop it. You all are acting 12. I've been watching for weeks and weeks you guys have this little argument. Seth is the glue in this. You need to just let this shit go and move on." I say to him. He nods and I let go of his face. I move over to Seth and just stand next to him. He puts his arm loosely on my shoulder and I glare at him, but he keeps it on. "I think it's the fact that Roman is facing me for this title at wrestlemania. That might be going to his head." Dean says. "Enough. I don't care. It's all or nothing. The Shield or our own paths. Pick one." Seth says frustrated. Dean sighs and thinks for a moment. "My brothers." Roman says putting his fist in. Seth put his fist in leaving Dean still thinking. "Ten seconds Dean. In or out. Brotherhood or lone wolf." I say. He quickly put his hand in the middle. Seth says something under his breath as the crowd cheers. We go to commercial and we get out the ring. We head to the back and Seth smiles real wide. "Thank you AJ! I could never repay you." He says. "Well, you know what would be nice? Answering my texts, or calls." I say. "Oh, I don't have to anymore." Dean says with a smile. "You also don't have to be a huge dick." I say. "That's explains why you liked me so much." He says with a smirk. I flip him off as I walk away. The sad thing about all this is I still like him. There's just something that makes me believe be still likes me too. Circumstances are different. I don't think Roman likes me anymore. That's one weight off my shoulders. I decide to text her.
A- Hey, are you and Roman still in existence?
I don't get a response, so I go to the shower area. I take a shower, get dressed and Chill out backstage watching the show. Paige is out there. "Hey AJ. I know your here tonight. You care so much more about the Shield than getting back the title. Which is great." She says pausing. "It's great you don't care about this ring anymore." She continues. I get up and shake my head. I walk to the curtain and grab a microphone. "Paige, I haven't begun anything with you....yet. I was solving an issue more important than you. Then again anything is more important than you." I say with a smile. "You don't want to do this AJ. I have 2 other fantastic athletes in the ring with me." Paige says and as soon as those words leave my mouth Bayley and Dana Brooke walk out to Bayleys music. "One, two, three." I say looking around me and look at the ring and count "One, two, three. I think, and I'm just thinking out loud here. I believe we have an even amount. So now are you gonna try and run away from this fight?" I ask. "No. Come over here. We aren't leaving. Bring a ref out and lets make this a match." Becky says. We walk down to the ring not backing down.
I walk backstage with Bayley and Dana smiling because we won! Seth walks over "Congrats on the win. Your welcome." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I rounded these girls up so quickly, with the help of Roman." He says with a smile. "Awesome. Where is Roman?" I ask. "In catering." He says. "Oh, I'll join." Bayley says. I nod and we head to catering. I grab a cupcake and sit at Romans table with Bayley. Dean is sitting next to him. "Hey, thanks for tonight. Meant alot." I say. "No problem. You saved the Shield, we saved you." Roman smiles. "I've gotta take you to the hotel tonight." Dean says. "Why?" I ask curiously. "I'll lie to you for now, and say no reason." He says with a smile.

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