Chapter 60

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Scarlet, Lela and I walk into the arena. I check everything out and text Dean.
A- I'm here, where are you?
D- TV room. Number 5.
A- Who's in there?
D- Seth, Roman, Romans wifey. Not many people.
A- K
I walk to the TV room with Scarlet and Lela. Seth is the first to notice me. He practically almost tackles me. "AJ!" He says with a smile. "It's been like 2 weeks." I say with a small smile. Roman gives me a hug and Dean was too consumed on the match at the moment. "So hows this comeback looking for you?" Roman asks. "Well, I'm off crutches, I've got this brace. I've started working out. I'll be back in no time." I say with a smile. "Hey babe." Dean says. I smile. "Does anyone else feel terrified?" Seth asks. "Oh Hi. I didn't know you were #1 contender." Dean says sarcastically. "Well then." Roman responds. "Who does Paige face?" I ask interested. "We're not gonna tell. We know you AJ." Seth says. I roll my eyes as Roman laughs at me. "I hate you guys. What do you think I'm gonna do?" I ask. "Put them in the black widow." Roman responds. "I'd like to see you try." Seth says with a smile. "It doesn't hurt." Roman says. "I'm not gonna do it. I'm not hurting my knee even more." I say. I sit on the couch and Dean wraps an arm around Scarlet while Lela sits next to me. The door opens and Hunter walks in. "Hey, AJ can I talk to you for a moment?" He asks. I nod and get up. He leads me out and we stand outside the room. "Great to have you here for the night." He says. I smile. "Thank you! I can't wait to be wrestling again." I say. "When will you be able to wrestle? I was discussing this with the doctor who gave you surgery, and who gave you the new brace and they said you would be back in about a month or two." Hunter says. "Wait your serious?" I ask as the smile on my face grows. "Yeah. We were thinking about you coming back at maybe Summerslam or Night of Champions." He says. "Awesome." I say happily. "The thing is you must be 100% with the knee. You can't have any doubts. We want you to be 100 because when you come back you are gonna have a lot of responsibility in the divas locker room." He says. "Alright awesome!" I say. "No problem. Have a great night. I've got a show to run. Oh before I forget you get to cost Paige her title match tonight, this way you are still fresh on the universes mind." He says. "Alright. That's incredible. I'll be down there when the match first starts. See ya." I say before walking into the TV room with a smile on. "Why are you so happy?" Dean asks. "No reason." I say. "Yeah right." Roman says. "You don't wanna know do you?" I ask. "Um, I think you should have faith in AJ." Galina says. "Who does Paige go against tonight?" I ask. "If we tell you will you say what you are doing?" Dean asks. I nod. "Um, she faces Nikki." Seth says. "Fuck me." I mumble. "Gladly, anyways spill the beans." Dean says the first part playfully. "Well, I get to cost Paige the match tonight. Orders of Hunter." I say. "Well, you seem happy about that." Seth says. "I'd be a lot happier if I was winning the title." I respond. He just glares at me. "Know what I've realized?" Dean asks. "What stupid thing have you realized?" I ask. "Other than you are an asshole? Nothing." Dean responds. "There are children in the room for one and two I'll remember that." I say to him. "Anyways, that divas match is next , so I think you should get ready." Roman says. "Anyone have any faith in me?" I ask. No one says anything. Roman stands up and wraps an arm around me. "I'll have faith on you since they won't." He says. "This is why I like you better than them two." I say. Paige and Nikki then walk out and I unwrap Romans arm around me. "Anyone wanna join?" I ask. "Me!" Seth jumps up. I laugh and bring him. We walk to the curtain silently. Seth and I watch the match and Seth comments to himself. Then it's my chance to go out there. They hit my music and I skip out. Paige took the bait and got distracted just long enough for Nikki to pin her and become the champion. I smile as Nikki scrambles out the ring, and Paige is furious. I skip my way to the back and try to not get caught by Paige, Charlotte or Becky. "Hey, AJ." I hear someone say. Not Becky, Charlotte or Paige. It's the Miz. "Hi." I say. "So, I was talking to Hunter about tomorrow's show and he agreed it would be a good idea if you came on the show. What do you say?" He says quickly. "Just me?" I ask. "Yeah, sure. Just say yes." He says. I nod. "Yes." He smiles. "Great." He says before practically running away. I go to the TV room and everyone is in there except Dean. "Hey. Great job out there." Roman says. "Watch this come and bite me in the ass." I say. "Well, okay. When do you leave?" Seth asks. "I'm on Raw tomorrow, then I go home Monday night at like 11, or 12." I say. "You can room with me if you need. The only person I've got is John, and 99% of the time he's with Nikki." Roman says. "Who are you roomed with?" I ask Seth. "Dean and Neville." He says. "Why aren't you with them?" I ask Roman. He just glares at Seth. "I was told that we were rerooming. Dean and Seth made sure they were together, without the mention of my name. They were put together and I was stuck with John." Roman says. I chuckle. "I'm sorry." I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes. Deans music hits and he walks out very excited. "So, here's your heads up little miss AJ. I'm gonna be after that title when Dean wins it tonight." Roman says. "Okay. You wont win." I say with a smirk. "Wanna bet on that?" Roman asks. "How much... Wait no. Last time I bet on Dean I was out $100." I say. "When was this?" Seth asks. "When it was a fatal four way." I say. "Who bet on me?" Roman asks. "Paige. Becky voted for Seth." I say. "Aw, Paige has a heart." Roman says sarcastically. "So, Seth I was talking with Stephanie she said that they were trying to create a show for the WWE network of the top people in the locker room past and present for their top ten. If it got passed then we would be on it." Roman says. "That's actually pretty cool." Seth says. Dean walks in and says "I have taken care of everything and I have ten minutes till my match." Dean says. We nod and he fist bumps everyone, kisses me on my head and leaves. "So, if you were dating someone in this business who wasn't as good, or wasn't good at all what would you do?" Seth asks. "Um tell them." I guess. "Help them." Roman says. "Well, AJ your heartless." Seth says. "I am. Too bad." I say rolling my eyes. "What lady problems have you had now?" Roman asks laughing. "None, I was just thinking about that though. Kaitlyn and I are pretty damn good." Seth says with a smile. I roll my eyes at that.

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