Chapter 49

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Wednesday morning I wake up energized only to see a tweet from Hunter. Legend Jimmy Snuka passed away over the night. Which is upsetting for half the Samoan roster. He was related to most if not all, so I know it's gotta be hard on them. Roman, Tamina my old pal, the Usos, Umega even though he passed. The rock. It's just unbelievable. One second they are here the next they aren't. I knew him as well, he was at NXT once in a while with Tamina. I then get a text message from Erica.
E- When you aren't busy call me. It's important.
I immediately call her. Dean groans next to me. "Hi." I say. "Hi." Erica says her voice cracking. "What's wrong?" I ask. "M-mmmmom passed away in her sleep." She says crying even more. What?! She couldn't have. Mom and Dad both gone. I had to promise myself that I would be closer to her when Dad died. That didn't happen. "Are you serious?" I ask as tears start falling and Dean groans once more and sits up. "What's wrong?" He asks. More and more tears flow. I don't know how this could have happened. "Yes. She started chemo yesterday and I don't know what happened." Erica says. "Chemo?" I say. I wasn't told about Chemo. The news just gets worse and worse. I can't even be mad at her right now. I'm too sad. I was close to Dad. Really close, then I tried to be close to Mom. I don't know what go do anymore. "Yes. I'm sorry I never told you." Erica says. Deans grip around me tightens. "It's okay. I gotta go." I say. I hang up and Dean says "Whats wrong?" "Two things. Jimmy Snuka and my Mom died." I say. "Awe. I'm sorry." He says. Seth walks in and says "Romans broken." He looks at me and says "And AJ's broken." Roman walks in and sits on the bed next to me upset. Dean walks away with Seth. Roman and I lay down on the bed facing each other. "What's wrong with you?" He asks as I squeeze my eyes shut hoping that when I open them I will wake up. I just shake my head. He sighs. He wraps an arm around me and gives me a hug. I honestly don't know if he was doing if for his own support, or to make me feel better. Dean and Seth walk in and just shake their heads. I turn to face away from them and squeeze my eyes shut. After a few minutes of my super sad thoughts and tuning out the whispers and start falling asleep. I wake up a few hours later with tear stained cheeks. Seth and Dean were talking very quietly on the couch. "Well, I'm tired of waiting for them." Dean says. "Oh my god. Go on a walk. Do something. I can't handle anymore of your whining." Seth replies. "I'm not whining." Dean says. "Well, your being extremely insensitive." Seth says. "What do you mean?" Dean asks confused. "They just lost two loved ones and all you care about is eating. There is cereal in the cabinet eat that." Seth says. "I was trying to be nice." Dean says. "How? Your girlfriend, my sister just lost her mom and our best friend just lost his uncle. You didn't do much to comfort either one." Seth says. "I'm sorry. I lost my mom. My dad and I don't speak, and I'm the only child. I learned to let that kinda stuff not phase me." Dean says. "Sorry that we all didn't come from the sob stories like you. This stuff phases us." Seth says. "Yeah. I'm out of here." Dean says. I hear the keys jingle and the door slam closed. Roman and I both kinda move around. "Oh, AJ I wonder what you see in him sometimes." Seth says. I hear the shower running so Roman asks "How can they do that?" "I don't know. I just don't want to do anything right now. I just can't believe it. They both are gone." I say in shock. I start crying more as we both sit up. "I can't believe it either, but we can get through it." Roman says. I don't even know if he's too sure himself. I nod and turn to face him. "I hope so." I say. "I know we can. We're fighters." He says. We are physical fighters, but emotionally I'm not. I'm a wreck. He pulls me in for a hug and when we pull apart from the kiss he leans in for a kiss. He pulls back after he realizes what he just did. "Tell no one." We say at the same time. We nod. Seth walks over and says "Dean went out." We nod. "Course he did." Roman says. I stand up and say "I think I'm gonna go and get breakfast." "I think I'll join." Roman says. I get dressed and so does he. We walk downstairs and go to the café. We order food. "Can we just pretend that never happened?" Roman asks. "That's probably best, I know it was just comforting me. No feelings for one another." I say. "Absolutely. I just feel super guilty about it. Not tell Gal and not telling Dean." He says. "You know they will be super mad at both of us. I think it's the right thing to do." I say. He shrugs. "How you holding up?" He asks changing the subject. "I mean it hurts but I know it will get better." I say. He nods. "That's the thing, some wounds get better over time. Others get worse." I shrug. "My dad. I'm better now. Before I would have broken down." I say. "Why don't we talk positive." Roman says as our food comes. "Okay, well I'm super glad that we have our jobs back." I say. "Me too, its great to be out there." He says. "Paige and I are going to dominate." I respond. "Well, Is that your way of breaking up with the Shield?" Roman asks as he pretends to wipe a tear. I roll my eyes. "No you ninny. I'm gonna still work with you. We came back as a team, we still are a team." I say with a smirk. He pats my hand and says "Well, I wish we wanted you in, but your out." I glare at him. "I just poured my heart out, and you just stomp on it." I say. He smirks. "I'm not stompin, unless ya want me to." He says. Brie walks past me with Brie and the rest of the total divas of course with a few cameras. "Look what the mob squad brought in." I say. Roman smirks. "Do you not get the joke?" I ask. "Not really. I don't speak nerd." Roman says. They sit right next to us. "How does this friendship work? Most my jokes are me." I say. "That's adorable. Lay another on me." Roman says. "What do you call it when Batman skips church?" I ask. "What?" He says. "Christian Bale." I say. It takes him a second but he smirks. "Am I not funny?" I ask. I hear Nikki whisper no. "As charming as that is. Don't say that joke ever again." Roman says. "Now you sound like Dean." I say. He smirks. "What if Seth saw?" He asks. "Well, the hole in my heart makes it 3x smaller. Blackmail is an option." I say. He smirks. "We are doomed. Your heart being 3 sizes smaller scares me. I thought it was small as it is." He says. "Well, if we are done here. I believe I have the full day of moping around to do." I say. "Party for two?" He asks. "I think I'd like to maybe leave for New Jersey. Go to her grave." I say as I choke back tears. "That's happening quickly." He says. I nod. "I just need to refresh." I say. "On." He says. I get up and leave. Roman sits there in his own thoughts. I go up to Stephanie's room. She opens the door and says "Hi AJ." I nod. "What can I do you for?" She asks. "Can I take off fill Sunday?" I ask. "Why?" She asks. "My mother passed away this morning." I say still holding back my tears. "Of course. Family first." She says. I nod and go down to my floor. Robert called and asked if I was okay. I told him I'd be going back to Union City for the rest of the week and walked into my room. Roman walked over and says "Run. He found out." My eyes go wide. "How?!" I ask. "Seth. I told him not to say anything, but it was too late." He says. "Is it bad I'm actually thinking of running?" He smirks and I walk in and Dean frowns at me. "Hi." I say. "Want to um, go on a walk?" He asks scratching the back of his head. I shrug. He and I walk out the door, holding hands. "What's up?" I ask kinda nervously. "So, what did I kiss?" He asks. I give a confused look. "Just went out to breakfast." I say. "Great, I didn't kiss anything." He says. "Dean, if you have something to say say it." I say. "If you have something to say say it." Dean replies. "I'm going down to New Jersey for the rest of the week." I say. He nods. "That's great." He pulls me in for a hug and whispers in my ear. "I know you kissed Roman." "I know that you know." I say. "Why wouldn't you tell me?" He asks. "We promised not to tell anyone. It was meaningless." I say. "You can't say that and mean that." He says. "Why can I not?" I ask. "It meant something to both of your relationships. Not telling us, is a hell of a lot worse. We are going to forgive you a lot quicker if you tell us." He says. I nod and say "Your going to be mad either way." I point out. "I'm not mad." He says. "I think you are." I say. "Honestly. I'm not mad. I'm irritated that you didn't say anything. I thought our relationship was better than that." He says. "I'm going to say something and you aren't going to get angry. You act as if I'm replacing you with Roman." I say. "I'm acting like this because feelings change in a matter of seconds." He says. "Hypothetically if Roman and I were to cheat on our other half would we really have some spark happen all the sudden?" I ask. "I had one with you. Friends turned to Lovers. Now I'm afraid to love you again." He says admittedly. I never knew that. I don't know what to say. I can't say that I'm not even the slightest bit scared. "Okay." I say unable to form a sentence. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He says instantly regretting that. "No, I know you did. I can't say I'm not feeling the same." I reply. "Well, we can be two lovers afraid to love." He says. "That's a contradictory sentence." I point out. "I hate you." He says. "Darn." I say. "When do you leave?" He asks. "I'm hoping today." I say. "Leaving me eagerly." He says. "I just want to be there for the funeral and everything." I say as a tear falls. Paige walks past and says "Did you hurt her?" He shakes his head. "Her mom died." He says barely above a whisper. "Pumpkin. Are you alright?" She asks. I shrug. I'm not, but I don't want to worry them. "Well, Did you hear about Taminas father?" She asks. We nod. "Gloomy day in WWE."

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