Chapter 74

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Dean finally breaks the silence that had been bared on us for at least twenty minutes. "Well, we are gonna go ease my nerves." He says. "Who's we?" Seth asks obviously confused at what he's talking about. Probably along with the rest of us. "AJ." He says as if it was so simple to understand. He leans over and whispers. "Actually. My nerves are more about remembering where I placed my title. Help me in my locker room." I look at him with a confused look. "Oh god. I gotta go." He says. He walks out the room and everyone looks to me. "So. I love the calm we've got going on, but I have to now help Dean find his title. I'll see you later." I say. "How in the hell does he loose that?" Seth asks. "If I knew I'd tell you." I say before leaving. As soon as I'm out of the room. Dean is pulling me into his locker room. Which luckily just is for the Shield. It's always weird going into the men's locker room. "Dean? How do you loose a title?" I ask. "I don't know. I shoved all my stuff in my bag." He says frantically. "Calm down." I say. "Okay. Help me look. Then I needed something else." He says. "Take this jacket off. You look stupid." I say. "No, I'm gonna represent you tonight." He says with a smirk. "Which bag is yours?" I ask him. Looking at all the black bags that say the Shield on it. "Mine has a key chain on it. It has a heart and on one side it says AJ and the other side says.." "DA." I say looking at it. I find that cute. "Awe. Babe. That's cute." I say. "I got it cuz I love you, and I was bored one day." He says. I roll my eyes at the last part. I pick up his bag and take out his clothes he was wearing earlier, along with this piece of paper when as soon as I pick it up he takes it out of my hand. "Sorry, its kinda my own thing on here." Dean says. I nod. My mind starting to wonder what was on the paper. "It just says welcome to the Ambrose Asylum. November 26, 2017 and a dash. Counting the days I've been champ next to it. Tally marking." He says. I smile. That's cute. When I look down I see what he's looking for. "I found your title." I say. "I knew where it was. I just needed to be with you without them. I want to get everything out of the way now." He says. "Get what out the way?" I ask. "Would you still love me if I lost?" Dean asks nervous. "Why are you asking that. Of course I will." I respond. "I'm an idiot and talked to John. He said if I lost you'd leave me and go back to him. I guess maybe I shouldn't listen to him." Dean says. Dean is probably the smartest person in the world to me at least, but when it comes to me he's the dumbest man.
Later. During Deans match
I was watching so attentively hoping Dean would win. Of course I wouldn't tell Roman this. According to them I'm impartial. I'm really not. I continued watching on when I see Dean hit dirty deeds twice in a row to win and retain his title. I jump up excited. His Wrestlemania moment. It's happened. After a moment of me being proud of him. It hits me. Roman. I stand up going to the curtain area meeting Seth. Roman comes to the back Dean was celebrating and having his own party with the people of Chicago. Roman walked back here and be had the biggest frown on his face and the first person he locked eyes with was me. He walked over to Seth and I and Seth gave him a hug and I gave him a giant hug. Him not going anywhere. Neither was I. Roman was the first to pull away and move over to JoJo who finally made her way backstage. Dean walked backstage with a smile. "Hey, Roman. Why the long face?" He asks and I immediately face palm. "I just lost again. That's why the long face." Roman responds while dean still smiles. "Well, I think I just did you a tiny favor. I might have talked with Hunter for a rematch tomorrow night. Take that as a gift like it or lump it." He says to Roman. Romans eyes light up as soon as he says that. "I'm gonna go get changed." Roman says. "See you guys later." Dean says as they both walk towards the locker room. "I'm gonna head to the locker room and grab my stuff." Seth says. He leaves me and Romans family. "Do you want to go and get ice cream with grandpa Joelle?" Romans mom asks. JoJo nods and they leave leaving just me and Romans mom. "So AJ. You and Roman are extremely close." She says bringing up. "Yeah, I guess. I can see why Dean likes him so much." I say with a shrug. "Well, Roman doesn't ever shut up about you. It makes me wonder..." Her voice trailing off. "Have you slept with him? I mean your storyline was believable. Did you have practice with any of that?" She asks. "I haven't slept with him. I've slept next to him. He was consoling me, I was consoling him. When it was probably the darkest day for Roman and I. Death in the family is super hard. I had practiced the storyline. We went over lines, made up our own. Had the best friend bonding time we said we desperately needed to get away from Dean when he was in one of his moods, and Seth when he was being a slob." I say with a shrug. "I'm sorry it's just.." "Galina asked you to do this." I say finishing her sentence. "Yeah." She says with a nod. "What do you know about Roman and I other than what I've said?" I ask. "I know nothing really." She says. "Oh, well. I'm surprised she isn't thanking me. I've been keeping the big ball of nerves down with Roman. When he found out about the twin, when he found things out about the Shield. Roman in return tells me when it's okay to beat Dean up." I say. "What's the scoop with you and Dean. I mean, you talk negatively about one another and all that." She says. "Well, Dean and I have been dating for two months. This time, and I guess we can talk negatively about one another so much because we really do love one another and were so comfortable with one another. I also think that we can say things that we never did when we actually hated one another. We kind of take it as an I love you." I say. "That's cute." She says. "Sister." Robert says as he walks over. "Brother." I say as he gives me a hug. "Congrats on the win. Where's your other half?" He asks. "Which one, Dean, Seth or Roman?" I ask. "Who's your other half?" He asks. "Depending on the day. They are in the same place, but I would be able to tell you what they are doing." I say. "Well, okay. Great answer. Anyways, I have to get going. Great seeing you, bye." He says. "Bye. Text me when you land." I say. He nods. "It's gonna be a while. I'm going back to England for the month." He says. "Oh, well. Still." I say. He laughs then walks away. JoJo and her grandpa walk back and JoJo sits next to me. "I want to do something nice for daddy since he didn't win tonight." JoJo says. "Like what? I can help you with it." I say. "My lucky bracelet. He needs it for tomorrow." She says. "Oh he does. Maybe he can win tomorrow." I say. "Don't you want uncle Dean to win?" She asks. "I do, but maybe uncle Dean should loose so your Daddy can win." I say. "Can you ask uncle Dean to loose?" She asks. I smile at that. "I can't. They all want the title. Uncle Dean just happens to be lucky enough to win it." I say. "You have the title." She says with a smile. "I do. I have the title, but its heavy." I say. "Can I hold it?" She asks. "Of course you can." I say handing it to her. I set it on her shoulder. "Daddy. Daddy. Look." JoJo says kinda running over to Roman. Roman was on the verge of tears by the time JoJo got down. She handed me the title and Roman said "Well, we've gotta go back to the hotel." "I presume that means your leaving Seth with me and Dean." I say. "Yeah. Sorry." He says. "Nah, its fine." I say.

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