Chapter 43

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Sunday night.
I defend my title in just a few minutes. When I go out there I raise my title and smile at the crowd. Alexa walks out there. The ref rings the bell and we lock up. I go to hit her with the black widow early on, but she dodges and kicks me. I gained tons of momentum to put her away soon, but she found a way to stop all of that with one move. I went to go hit her with the shining wizard, but the lights went down and a video of Dean and I talking went up there. I looked over and she rolled me up schoolgirl style. I tried to kick out but she had a fistfull of my shorts. I lost. I lost my title. Again. The lights went down as Alexa left the ring with my title. I sat in the corner by the turn buckle waiting for everyone to come out. The Shield walked out first. Roman helped me up, I was exhausted mentally and physically. I waited for them to come out to the ring. Stephanie stepped in the ring and I smirked at her. "Not much can make the night even worse, ya know. Other than loosing your job." She says. No one except for those of us in the ring can hear. The bell rings and I kick Stephanie in the face. It doesn't even phase her. She hits me a few times and I lay in the center of the ring trying to catch my breath. Stephanie is doing push ups. When she gets to 6. I'm standing up and I step on her back grab her arms and pull. She screams out in pain, she puts her feet on the ropes and I let go at 4. She tags in Hunter. I tag Roman in and with one right hand we are in charge, until Hunter hits Roman, bringing him down. He hits Dean, and Seth. I hop off the apron and he hits Roman with a pedigree. I pull him out of the ring and Hunter stands there smiling. He will take this count out victory. I put him in the ring and Dean steps up, and tags Roman. Dean brings a ton of momentum to the table until Kane is tagged in. I tag Dean, he wasn't expecting it at all, but I just needed to end this match. I'm aching and in pain. I just put her in the black widow. She starts to go down, but she slips out and I put her in a sleeper hold. She goes down, to the mat passed out. I pin her with no movement from anyone. Hunter is the first one up. Just shocked. Dean, Roman and Seth raise me on their shoulders. We walked to the back getting congratulations from everyone, probably because we are their new bosses. We walk into the Shields locker room. "We want you to be the general manager of Raw and Smackdown." Dean says. "What? Really?" I say. "Yeah, the only people who can reinstate the Authority is us." Seth says. "Great." I say. Being the manager. General manager is more work, which I liked. I can't mess up though. "Try not to mess up." Dean says as if you can read my thoughts. "Can you read my thoughts?" I ask. Thinking of kicking him in the red area. "I believe so, don't touch me." He says. "Don't fell me what to do." I say. "Are you two done?" Roman asks. "Yeah, I've gotta shower." I say. I walk away and go to my locker room. I shower and Paige approaches me. "Hey, congrats on the big win." She says. "Thanks." I say with a smile. As I'm walking out Dolph walks over. "Hey, AJ." He says. I smirk. "Hey." I say. "So, I was wondering. If you could do me a little favor." He says as he puts an arm around my shoulder. I look at his arm for a second before leaving it alone. "What would that be?" I ask. "I was wondering if you could give me a match against Luke Harper for the intercontinental title." He says. "So, you pretty much want to use me for my title as general manager?" I ask. "Don't think about it like that. Think if it as a friend helping a friend." He says. "Well, Ziggy. When you say it like that I've gotta say no. You really want that match? Work for it." I say. "That's no fair. Luke Harper refuses to finish a match with me." He says. "It will be a steel cage match. Tomorrow night, if you win you win you can have your title match." I say. "Thanks AJ. I love you so much right now." "Well, I'd love you from a far. So, remove your arm from my shoulder and walk away." I say. He shrugs and walks away. I go to the Shields locker room and sit in one of the chairs. Roman smiles at me. "Hey." He says. "Hi Romie." I say. "What's up?" He asks. "I just made my first official match as general manager." I say. "What is it?" He asks. "Luke Harper vs Dolph Ziggler in a steel cage match." I say. He smirks. "What about us? Do we get anything for being on the winning team?" He asks. "It crossed my mind." I say teasing him. "I'd love for it to happen. Plus newest NXT person as Mr. Moneyinthebank. I think you will be running a great show." He says. "Very true." Dean says as he walks out there shirtless. I stare for a second hoping he didn't catch me. "Babe, you need anything?" He asks sarcastically. "You might not be rewarded." I say. "Why?" He whines. "Because, I lost my title." I say. "That's not my fault." He says. "The Authority and all their videos. Who was I talking to?" I ask. "And occasionally kissing." Dean says. "Now I just want to hurt you." I say. "What are you gonna do? Put me in the black widow?" He asks jokingly. "Yep." I say with a smile on my face. He sighs, but stands up. I put him in the black widow just enough to now cause pain. "This isn't so bad." He says. I tighten it how I usually do. The door opens and closes and Seth walks in with Renee. "What are you two doing?" Renee asks. I tighten my grip even more and I feel him grimace. "I'm just messin around with my good pal Dean." I say moving his arm to the point if I moved it anymore I would break him. "Ow. Ow ow." Dean says. "Are we done here?" He asks. "It all depends. Will you tap?" I ask. "No, never." He responds. "Than nope. Let me get comfortable." I say. "I'm plenty comfortable, this is the only way I'd get you to put a move on me." He says. I'm pretty sure he was being sexual. "I'm done with this." I say getting off of me. "Yay. Now I can move." Dean says as he gets up. I sit in the chair and Seth asks "You two done?" "Depends what are we talking about?" I ask. "Tomorrow night." He says. "Good bye." I say uninterested in the future. "AJ, we wanted to have a little celebration." He says. "I can alot time for it. I guess." I say. "Great." Roman says. I skip away to the hotel room and fall asleep. Tomorrow should be interesting.

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