Chapter 22

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Tonight is the night my man will become champion. I fully support him. I'm in his corner tonight. As I was forced to match Becky Lynch and Paige. We all wore Red/Maroon ring gear. Before I went to the curtain I went to the trainer and asked about my neck. "Well, it's healing. We can get rid of this neck brace. Just remember to ice it like you were told. I'd say in maybe another week you would be healed up." I nod and he takes off the neck brace. I go to the curtain to make my debut in the Anti-Divas. We walk out to this new music and its weird. I had to walk out there. When I was able to wrestle is when I would skip. I wasn't a fan of sitting on commentary for such a big pay per view but I was told to. I sit down and all the other Divas come out. "We are joined by the Divas champion who is out of action for a little while. How are you feeling? We see you got the neck brace taken off." Michael says. I nod. "I have. I actually got it taken off like 5 minutes before we were scheduled to come out. With a bit of begging and pleading it came off." I say. "How do you feel about this new alliance with Paige and Becky Lynch?" Jerry asks. "I'm actually going to be helpful in this. As long as they don't cross me I don't see why we shouldn't be alliances and dominate the WWE Divas division." I say. "As this match goes underway when can we expect you to be in that ring competing with them?" JBL asks. "I have been told as long as nothing bad happens I should be back next week. Maybe next Monday." I say. "That sounds amazing." Jerry says. They start calling this match and in the end Becky pulls the win by submission. She uses the dis-armher. She gets Alicia to tap. I take off my headset and join them in the ring. I raise their hands in victory. I get turned around by Tamina and as she goes to hit me with a samoan drop Paige hits her with Ram-Paige as Becky helps me up. We exit the ring and take showers. I miss Sheamus vs Ziggler. I put on a love bites tank top and a pair of jeans. Becky and Paige leave the showers putting on their shirts and shorts. "We should do something fun and watch the fatal-4 way and bet on who will win." Paige says with a smirk. "Okay." I say. Becky agrees. "We know you bet your money on Dean, I'm on Roman. What about you Becky?" Paige asks. "I gotta say Seth." She says. We nod. "What's the highest we will bet?" I ask. "I've gotta say $100, so the stakes are high." Becky says. "Wait how about the losers pay the Winner $50 and if the person we are ruiting for gets pinned its $50 more." I say. They nod. We shake on it. "We should find someone to cheer for Randy so that way there is gaurenteed a winner." Paige says. We nod and go on a search for people. We find Brie, Alicia and Rosa. "Would one of you like to bet with us on the fatal-4 way?" Becky asks. "Depends. How much?" Rosa says. "$50 if your guy loses. $50 more if your guy gets pinned or taps." Paige says. "Who is left?" Alicia asks. "Randy." We say. Brie raises her hand with a smile. "I will." She says. We nod and find a hall, a crate and TV and watch. Towards the end of Bray Wyatt vs Ryback Dean walks past us. "Why are you all crowded around one small TV in an empty hallway?" He asks. "Why are you not?" I ask. He shrugs. "Good point." "You gonna win?" I ask. "Hell yah I'm gonna win." Dean says. He walks past turning down the hall. We watch Cena vs Rusev. Rusev says he quit or says Lana. Neville and Barret fight. The end of the match. Deans match is next and we all watch excitedly. Reigns and Ambrose work together as a cohesive unit. During the match we see a triple powerbomb delivered by the ex shield brothers. At one point Roman says to Ambrose "Loser buys the beers?" They smile at each other and get in the ring where they fight their hearts out against one another. J&J, and Kane take everyone out as Rollins (I know this didn't happen but for the sake of the story it did.) hits Dean with a knee from the top rope. He then hits him with a pedigree. Pinning him 1,2,3. Dean tries to fight out of it but he doesn't. Dean and I lost. Deans gotta buy beers and I owe $100 to Becky. A few minutes later Dean comes by with his head down knocking down chairs frustrated. I get up and say "I'll pay in a moment." I walk over to Dean as the Divas leave. His eyes soften as he sees me. "How ya doin?" I ask. "I lost." He says angrily. "Me too." I joke. "I lost beer money, and the match." He says. "If it makes you feel any better I lost more money than you." I say. "How much?" He asks. "I lost $100." I say. "Damn, maybe we shouldn't bet on things." Dean says. "I bet on things I believe in." I say. He smiles real wide and kisses me. "Awe." I hear the girls say. I groan and look past him as they look at us. "Well, I'll catch you later." Dean says as he walks off. "I have my money on me." I say. "Why do you carry $100 with you?" Brie asks. "I carry $200 in cash." I say. I hand Becky the money. Paige and Brie say they have $20. They will go to the bank and get her money whenever. We turn off the TV and we catch Roman with his wife and JoJo. Spending time with his family after a big loss seems to give him a smile. He motions for Paige and I to come over. JoJo gives us big hugs. "Roman. I'm stealing her." I say. "No can do." He says. "Well, if I'm not stealing her we all know Brie will." I say. He smirks and takes JoJo back. We leave and go to our locker room. "You want kids?" Brie asks. "Not really, I love kids to the point I want them to be mine but not so much being a mother." I say. "That makes no sense." Paige says. "I love certain kids but I don't want to be a mother and I don't think I want this kid that's always getting in trouble. Plus Dean and I aren't really ready for that considering I can't even take very well care of myself." I say. Becky laughs. "Plus I hate to see this but I think he's a bad influence." Paige says. We all look at her with confusion. I have shock and confusion swirling in my head. "What do you mean?" I ask. "He got you into smoking, drinking coming back to the hotel extremely late. Ignoring me if I call you, just the other night you came back to our room at 11:30 with scrapes, and bruises and when I asked you about it you wouldn't say." She says. "Well, I didn't know you were my mother plus I had always drank. Just not often. He got me into smoking. I smoke once in a while, it's something that I don't mind doing, but I wouldn't do it everyday. The other night we went to meet an old friend of his in his hometown. We went around all the places that influenced Dean to be who he is, we got a few scares, bumps and bruises." I say. "What could you have been doing to cause that?" She asks. I get she's just worried, so I don't mind telling her. I sit down. "If I tell you can we drop this?" I ask. She nods. "We went to his old neighborhood to see his friend growing up, Sami Callihan. We went into the woods to see where Sami and Dean met and some stories from then. We went into Dean's old house which hasn't been opened in years. We had fun. We then went to an old park they used to hang out in. We climed a fence, then went to a gym where Dean got into his first fight and first wife. We went to Dean and Sami's old school. I got to hear a story of Dean gluing stuff to the ceiling and walls of his old school, spray painting a wall and doing stuff in the teachers lounge. We walked past a giant bunny where Dean stole his first thing then precided to then walk a mile back to Sami's house to get the car." I say. They all smile. "Woah, no way. That's so cool." Brie says. "Wait he was married?" Paige asks. "Yea, it's a long story." I say. I chose to not go into detail because I want some of the night to remain Dean, Sami and I's. "Okay. Sorry I misjudged." She says. "Wait what about the night you came home at 12." Becky asks. "We actually just sat in the trunk of our car for some time." I say. They nod. There is a knock on the door. The door then opens. "Stop spilling all my dirty little secrets." Dean says playfully. "How'd you know?" I ask. "My ears starting ringing and I could hear you in the hallway." Dean says with a shrug. "Did you pay up?" Dean asks. "Yeah, did you buy beer?" I ask. "No. Romans joining me. He's taking forever." Dean complains. "You can take forever just to annoy him." I say. "Woah, woah, woah there are people in here." Dean says with a smirk. I hit him in the chest. "Oh yeah I found out that The shield will be getting together by the beginning of the year." Dean says. "Really?" Brie asks. "Yeah, because of that triple powerbomb. Which means I get a little reward for working with Seth in the future." Dean says. "What would that be?" Becky asks. "I get to have my title shot at Elimination Chamber." Dean says with a smile. "You sure you can do it?" Paige teases. "You sure you can be Divas champion?" Dean asks. I hit him in the chest. "What did I do? She started it." Dean says. "Don't you have beer to buy?" I ask. He shrugs and leaves.
Monday night
Tonight Becky, Paige and I wear purple. I had to dig a little far to find purple. Luckily for me we only wore Black, Lavender, Purple, Matte Black, and red/maroon. Tonight Rosa and Sasha Banks lock up. We were on commentary. Earlier in the night Dean went against Bray Wyatt and lost sadly. We all go out there and sit on commentary. I sat in between Paige and Becky. Sasha comes out with Naomi and Tamina behind her. Rosa comes out with Brie and Alicia in tow. They start the match and everyone does amazing. Rosa ends up losing. Brie and Alicia jump her. Of course we all let this happen. The Bella's music hits and out runs Nikki. "It's the girl you took out a couple months ago." Michael says shouting. Naomi and Tamina get Sasha behind The Bellas and Alicia. They are trapped. I walk closer to Nikki and she gets in my face. I push her only to get a big boot to the face from Tamina. They all are brawling as Paige, Becky and I exit the ring as bodies get thrown. Soon Tamina is the only one in the ring and she is looking at Naomi and Sasha. Paige, Becky and I worked on a triple powerbomb. That's exactly what we do to Tamina then we high five before exiting the ring. I skip away as Paige and Becky walk. We shower and I watch everything then Rollins goes out there with such praise from the authority. Dean then goes out there and says he's sorry he's late. He was looking for the perfect Justin Beiber album for Seth. The crowd starts chanting Justin Beiber. Dean then creates the deal as if he is the champion. Dean says he is going to give Seth another opportunity for a match with him so long as the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is on the line. I chuckle at that. Rollins yells at him for ruining his moment. Then goes to say he is at the back of the line along with Orton, and Reigns. Dean says he's a notorious line jumper, he then threatens and says he wants his match or else. Stephanie yells at him and then shouts "Seth! get him." Hunter, Stephanie and Kane back up. Seth takes off his jacket turning his back on Dean. He goes for a quick attack but Dean punches him. J&J run in but Dean fights them away. Rollins and Dean fight to the floor. Dean gives him a suplex still on the floor before throwing Mercury into the timekeepers area. Dean tackles Noble into the barricade getting Seth to attack Dean. He goes to throw him into the ring but Dean does that weird twist rebound. Seth ducks the clothesline that was heading for him. Dean gives him a back body drop on the commentary. Dean shows off the weapon that caused him to be 'out of action' for a month. Cinderblocks. Dean holds Seth down and holds a chair up. Stephanie then starts begging Dean not to hurt Seth before giving him the title match he wants at Elimination Chamber. Dean does his crazy smile but proceeds to hit Seth with a chair but Joey intercepts the chair. Dean throws J&J into Kane before diving off the barricade on all of them. Dean chases Seth into the ring and grabs his ankle but Hunter pulls him out of the ring. Dean clears the ring of J&J before turning right into a big boot from Kane. Kane then tries to go for a chokeslam but Dean gets out and clotheslines him before going to Dirty Deeds. Rollins then finally does what he was told to do by Stephanie and takes Dean down. He hits a pedigree on Dean then holds the gold in the air as his music plays and the big suck up sell outs clap. That's how Raw ends. Dean walks to the back and says "I hope you don't bet much more money." "Why?" I ask. "I was given the script. I get to lose again. Some bull shit. I've got a plan. You up for movies with the gang?" He asks changing the plan. "Yeah." I say. He kisses me and says "Can we talk? It's actually important." He says. I nod. We go to a less crowded spot. "So, I over heard the guys talking and they honestly don't think I'm right for you, and that I need to up my game. I'm not romantic with you and shit like that, I was wondering if you were alright with this?" He says. I nod. Dean might not be very romantic but he's like my best friend/soulmate all in one. I couldn't ask for anything better. "Dean, I want to go on adventures or just chill around with you. I don't care what we do. I just want you." I say. "I'm keeping you to that." He says. "I love you." I say as Dean puts his hands in mine and brings them up to our chests. "I love you so much." He says back. Nikki walks past and asks "Is there some sort of marriage ceremony going on here?" I laugh a little. "I'll see you later." He says. He kisses my forehead before walking away. Stephanie stops and talks to Dean for a moment. They both nod and Dean smiles. He shakes her hand and walks away. I grab my stuff and everyone leaves for the hotel. Roman and Dean head out somewhere. I fall asleep and when I wake up we all have to leave. Roman told me Dean had a meeting so he would be meeting us there. When we get there Stephanie tells me Dean is at a signing at that she's sending me to do a signing in Vegas. I shrugged. She let me take the private Jet. I get on there with Randy, and Sheamus. Randy and I aren't really friends but we talk. When we get out and we drive to the GameStop by our house. We sign stuff and meet tons of people. One person brought me a card of mine. She had two, so she gave me one and I signed the other. After a few hours all of our hands are cramped up. Randy stops me on the way out and says "I heard you have your own place around here." I nod. "Yeah, a few minutes from here." I say. "That's sweet." He says. "You want to come over and play some video games?" I ask. "Yeah, sounds fun." He says. We get in the car and go to Dean and I's house. I turn the lights on and he goes in. "Nice place." He says. I smile. "Thanks. Want me to show you around?" I ask. "Yeah, that'd be great. I show him my room, the guest room and the room with all of our wrestling stuff. "This room is cool." Randy says. I nod. "Isn't it?" I say. "A couple months from now and we can have a glass showcase. Instead of all these tables." I say. He nods and we head downstairs into the living room and play a bit of video games. I drive Randy to the hotel and come back home to fall asleep feeling a little jet lagged. I ended up sleeping on our couch.

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