Chapter 28

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So all Today I've been looking at houses on one website. I went to check the most trusted websites for houses. I found a few and then I read about them a little and backed out. In the end I found two. I sent Dean the links and decided to feed Nacho. When he was done he licked me and as I was turning the TV on. I felt a sharp pain in my finger. I look over and see he bit me as blood starts to pour from my finger. I get up and quickly run in worry of getting blood on the floor. I go to the bathroom and close the door. I wash my hand and inspect it. I think I'll need stitches, so I take out the first aid kid and stitch it up. It hurt real bad. I put ice on it and put Nacho in the backyard. My son just bit me. I call Nacho my son which confuses everyone. I start getting things to clean the floor, but there is a knock on the door. I open it and see some strangers. A man and woman. "Hi." I say. "Hello. I'm Molly and this is Greg. We are you neighbors. We were wondering if you could watch after our dog while we go on vacation. Usually the other woman in the house does. Or her husband. Dean." She says. "Well, I'm Dean's wife actually. I wouldn't mind watching your dog. I have one myself." I say. Greg smiles. "Great. We leave next week. We will pay you $100 to watch BJ for a week. If its not a problem we will drop his off on Monday with all his information." I nod. "That sounds great. I'll be out of action for about a year, so if you need anything else don't bother asking." I say. "Thank you." She says. I nod and they leave. I'll ask Dean what they mean.
D-Hey, babe. I've got the day off on the third. Also have the night off. Decided to spend it with you.
A-Really? Do I need to pick you up?
I put Nacho back in the house. I grab the keys and drive to the airport. Dean spots my car. I open the trunk and he puts his stuff in it. He sits in the front and plants a kiss on my cheek. We drive away and I ask "How'd you get the night off?" "Roman and I both did. Since it was only a few hours away. I decided to fly home." He says. "That's sweet." I say. He nods and smiles. We then get in the driveway. I unlock the door and Nacho licks me. That's when Dean sees my hand. "What happened?" He asks. "My lovely son here bit me." I say. "Oh, if it makes you feel better. I got punched in the nuts." He says. "Aw you poor thing. What will make it feel better?" I ask sarcastically. "I would love for you to massage it." He says seductively. I smirk. "Where's my enjoyment?"I say. He smiles. I pull him up the stairs and head to the bedroom. If you're wondering no we didn't have sex. We kissed and cuddled. Mainly cuddled. He kissed me on the head and says "I love you." "I have a question." I say remembering what I wanted to ask him earlier. "Okay, don't love me." He says. "I love you too. I have a question." I say. "What's your question?" He asks. "Did you have any other girls at this house? Before me." I say curiously. "I had an ex wife, a bitch and a skank." He says. "Please tell me more." I say. I know this man is a ladies man, but Jesus Christ. "I've been married before. The first year and a half that I lived here. I had a bitch who came over one half the week and then I had a skank who came over the other half and would accompany me to the ring in my old Moxely days." He says. "You dirty whore." I say jokingly. "But, I'm your dirty whore." He says proving a point. "Sadly. I'm stuck with you." I say. "Can we get a new pet?" He asks. "What do you have in mind?" I ask curiously. He's probably thinking a dog, cat, hamster, some sort of furry animal. "I want a pig, or a chicken." He says excitedly. "Like a baby pig?" I ask confused. Of all the animals in the world he picks fucking farm animals. "Yeah baby pig or a baby chick." He says. Some small pigs are cute. I don't want a chicken. That's just spelling out we are fucked. "Pigs are kinda cute." I say in agreement. "We should get a teacup pig. If we don't feed them the whole goddamn day they could essentially stay that way." He says. "Do you really want to do this?" I ask. It just means another adventure for me in this time away from WWE. "Hell yeah. Let's go." He says. He pulls me off the bed. He grabs the keys and locks the door behind him. We leave the driveway and drive about 40 minutes to this ranch that sells pigs. "Why do you know exactly where this is?" I ask confused. Clearly this isn't his first rodeo. "I was going to get one." He says. I nod and we look at some pigs. No person should ever think that sentence again. Dean and I both found one pig that can fit in Deans hand. We agree on that one. We buy food, and a crate for it. Just in case. We buy a rope leash and I take a picture of him sitting in my backseat. We go home and Dean walks the pig in the house. I decide to tweet it.
New addition to the family on the way. I then put the pictures of the pig there and hit tweet. People already respond to it. "What are we going to name it?" I ask. "A P name." He says with a smirk. "What Peter, Patrick, Phil, Patty?" I ask jokingly. "Phil!" Dean shouts. "Okay. Great. Now help me with this crate. If Phil won't use it Nacho will." I say. Dean helps me set up as Paige tweets me.
I know I should be asking tons of other things like why but what's it's name? @AJWWE
I immediately answer her.
Why? Hubbie. Name? Phil @RealPaigeWWE
I sit next to Dean and say "I'm the only girl in the house." "I bet that the creature in your stomach will be a boy too." Dean says with a smirk. I hit him in the back of the head. "You son of a bitch." I say. He smiles. "I just don't want them to be a teenager. That requires braces which I'm not gonna want to pay for." He says. I shrug. "Did you have braces?" I ask. "Yeah. You?" He says with a smirk. "No. So if they have shitty teeth blame it on you." I say. "Can we just say, don't let me have time off and expect me not to do anything stupid." Dean says out of nowhere. "I think we know this dumbass." I say. He rolls his eyes at me.
October third. (2 weeks)
I put Phil in is cage and put Nacho upstairs. After this appointment for the baby. Brie and Nikki are stopping by at Dean and I's house. Paige said she'd be here really late tonight, and early tomorrow. She has signings in LA. Becky wouldn't be able to drop by. She had a busy schedule. I grab the keys and lock the door. I drive to the office. Dean had to meet me there. His flight and the time I booked the appointment made it, so he would be just on time. I walk in and see Dean already in there. I smile and hug him. The doctor comes out 10 minutes later. He leads us to an office. I sit down next to Dean. He takes my blood pressure. He takes my blood and makes me pee in a cup. He tells me everything to be expected and tells me that if they can get a clear shot of the babies genitalia then we might be able to find out the gender as early as next month. We thank him then leave. "Do you want to know?" Dean asks. "Not really. Make it a surprise. A present." I say. He nods and we go our separate ways to get home. I got home before him. About an hour later there is a knock on the door as I'm feeding the animals. Dean answers it. They finish their food so I pick up the food bowl and set it on the counter. I go into the living room. I smile at Nikki and Brie. "Hey." I say. "Hi, we heard you have a pig. Can we see him?" Brie asks excitedly. I shrug and call for Phil. He's began to understand its his name. He comes running over with Nacho not far behind. I pick up Phil and hand him to Brie and Nikki. "Can I ask why?" Nikki asks. "Want to explain?" I ask Dean. He shrugs, then says "I'll take the next one." In an uninterested tone. "You will not. Anyways. Dean wanted a new pet. He suggested a pig and a chick. I'm not going to have a chicken considering after a month they aren't really considered chicks." I say. Dean smiles. "Woa, your pretty easy about it." Brie says. "Gives me some sort of challenge while I sit home." "Hey, babe I was doing a little research on Phil, and I learned that if you need them more than what we are now they could end up the size of a great dane." I look over at him and ask him "Seriously?" He nods. "So, essentially we are raising a pig that might weigh more than me?" I say. "Oh, sweetie it doesn't take a lot to weigh more than you." Brie says. I glare at her. Dean gets up and goes into the kitchen. "So, I talked to John about what he does want in the future and he said that he might be game for marriage in the distant future." Nikki says. "That's great." I say. She nods. "How's Dean, and being pregnant?" Brie asks. "Being pregnant doesn't suck entirely. Dean, conned me into buying a pig. How do you think its going?" I ask. Brie smiles. "How's living in Vegas been treating you?" Nikki asks. "It's not as different than I thought. If anything I just feel like grass is rare here." "What's in the backyard?" Nikki asks. "Gravel, cement and a pool." I say. "Cool. Sounds like you are all set." Nikki says with a smirk. I shrug.

Short Chapter! More to come. Months in the future

The Sky Is Looking Great For April - A. Lee / D. AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now