Chapter 84

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When I walked in Stephanie greeted us with a hey. "Mhm." We all said passing her. "Seth, we need to talk." She says. "My meeting can wait till later" He responds acting like he doesn't care. Something about this meeting makes me think title opportunity. "Actually. Stephanie. I need to talk to you." Dean says with a smirk resting his arm on her shoulder. The glare Dean is receiving would make Dean smart enough to remove it but he doesn't. "Dean. I don't know what your mission is right now, but you can stop." She says. "Okay chill. This tournament for the intercontinental title. It seems you miss spelled Dean Ambrose. I don't think it's spelt K-E-V-I-N O-W-E-N-S." He says. "Oh, yeah. My mistake for you not proving yourself enough to be in the match. Roman and Seth were sitting there laughing their asses off. "I was world heavyweight champion." Dean says. "Last I heard a was. Not currently. Sorry, the most I can do is give you a match against Owens. Winner go into the tournament." She says with a shrug. "Pleasure doing business." Dean says shaking her hand. We walk away. On the way to the divas locker room. I see this girl. I haven't ever seen. She's in stilettos and a cocktail dress. Oh boy. You could tell she was new. I walked over with Roman and Dean following. "Hi. I'm AJ." I say. "I'm new." She says as if that wasn't obvious. "Ellisabeth?" I ask. Remembering that us Divas had a secret meeting to discuss stepping up due to her. "Yeah. How'd you know?" She asks with a smile. "Lucky guess. Anyways. This is Roman and that's Dean." I say. "Quit terrorizing the new people." Dean says. "No, I'd enjoy not being alone. All the other divas except one ignored me. Bayley." She says. "Okay, well. I can pretty much tell you divas locker room is all about cliques, who hates who, and how their relationship is going." I say. "We're gonna leave dirty gossip." Roman says. "Wait, I want to learn." Dean says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him. They walk away and I say "If you enjoy talking about things like that join the Bella Twins, if you like mediocre personalities, and fake people join Eva and Summer, The possibility of getting stabbed in the back Paige, and Charlotte. If you want someone normal I'm the gal." "I'm terrified for my match tonight." She says. "Go easy on the back." Is all I tell her. "Okay, well. Do you have anything to do after our match?" She asks. "I have been told by Dean he needs me to go out there with Roman and Seth. I also get to bring Dean back, so were usually a few of the la-" "AJ." I hear a voice say. "Yes?" I ask turning around to be faced with John. "I was looking in the mirror and I thought damn I look great. Know who else doesn't look great? AJ. I had to come see you." He says. I glare. "Awe puddin, how good to know you were thinking about me." I say. "I'm serious. I was like wow. Nikki looks great. Another ex. AJ. She's a 5. She looked great." He says. "John. What else was great was the look on her face when I told her what you told me." I say with a smirk. "Okay, how's it go after that... I say something clever like always. You confuse me and we say see ya next week." John says. "Hey Ellisabeth. When I say don't hold me back. I mean don't hold me back until there's damage." I say glaring at John. "Okay, that wasn't confusing." John says. "Okay fine. I'll make sure you get all you deserve." I say with a wink before rushing away. "What was that?" She asks. "That's John. Who we've had a weird relationship." I say. She nods. I lead her to the divas locker room. I change and she does as well. We then go into hair and makeup. After I say "Do you have anything you want to do right now?" I ask. "Nope. I just need to see what's going on." She says. "Okay, well. We can head to catering." I suggest. She nods with a smile. We go into catering and grab a plate of food each. We sit at a table and we start making small talk. "Hey." I hear Seth say sitting next to me. "Hey." I say. "Can I talk to you later on?" He asks. "Fine. I'll see you after my match?" I ask. "More like before." He says before walking away. "Seth?" She asks. I nod. "Any cute guys?" I ask. "Well, a few are cute. I haven't been able to say much anything else." She says. "Who?" I ask. "Are you and Roman a couple?" She asks. I laugh. "Why?" I ask. "He's super cute." She says. "Well, yeah. I guess he is." I say. "Thanks ladies." Roman says from behind me startling me. He sits down. "What are we talking about?" He asks. "Boys." I say. "I'm hurt. I'd like to think of myself as a man." He says. "Speaking of. Have you talked to Stephanie? She said she needed to see you and me." I say. "Another storyline together? I can't wait." Roman says. "I don't know, but the happiness in your voice is great." I say sarcastically. "Sorry. Loverboy is at it again." Roman says. "Who's loverboy?" Ellisabeth asks. "Dean." I say. "What's up with him now?" I ask. "Still no clue. Why don't you ask him?" Roman says. "Ask who?" Dean says walking up and sitting next to Roman. I give Roman and oh shit look. "I was telling her. To possibly ask if you knew about a storyline between the two of us." Roman says quickly. "Nope." Dean says kinda angrily but attempted to mask it. "What's up?" I ask him. "Nothing, I don't think you'd care enough." Dean says before walking away. "What did you say to him? You know Dean is like the woman in the relationship at times." Roman says. "Nothing. I haven't said anything, but I know exactly what he's trying to make a big deal about." I say. "You seem so unhappy." Ellisabeth says in a barely above a whisper. I don't know if she meant for me to hear. Then it got me thinking. Am I happy? Do I want to be in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship? "I think I can talk to him. We will work something out. As for now. Our match is after this one." I say. "You mean I'm fighting you?" She asks with a smirk. "Yep." I smile.

The Sky Is Looking Great For April - A. Lee / D. AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now