Chapter 25

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Summer Slam

I was way too excited for this Summer Slam. Only 1 hour until it started. I would be in a match. So would my other Anti-Diva's. I had a match against Nikki Bella. On the pre-show we would have an elimination tag match. This would be to see who would be the divas tag champions. They would face Alicia Fox and Brie, Naomi and Tamina, Natalya and Eva. JoJo was the ring announcer. Paige even started putting Becky and I on Total Divas more. When she wasn't filming she would hang out with the other divas. Their match was next and I was banned from ringside. I watched as the first eliminated was Eva, then Natalya. One team gone. Alicia then Eliminated Tamina. Naomi eliminated Alicia. Paige and Becky rolled them up at the same time making them win. They hugged they were so excited. When they got back here Paige and Becky were crying they were so happy. I gave them hugs and we watched as the night progressed. I was the first match against Nikki for my title. I've lost the title to Brie but won it the next night. I have won the title so many times. Because it wasn't lost for a little while I kept the one from my 6th reign. We didn't get a new one. Brie got one no one saw. I skipped out for my match. I didn't want Paige and Becky out there because I got questioned for how I won the title from Brie. The lights went out and Becky along with Paige attacked her. They then left the ring and no one knew what happened except for Brie and I. Nikki went out and did her little booty shake with her sister. She had Brie, and Alicia. Becky and Paige knew the deal. If they were to get involved they would come out. We had a great match and I undid the turnbuckle. The ref got into putting that back on Brie handed Nikki this canister. She went to spray me in the eyes but the ref started to turn around. She threw it to me but I threw it back really quickly. She got yelled at and almost disqualified. I smirk and she charges at me but I move out of the way making her go shoulder first into the ring post. I then put her in the black widow and she tapped. I grabbed my title and exited the ring. With the title in the air. Great night for the Anti-Divas. Tonight would only be even better. The fifth match was Dean and Roman vs the Wyatt's. Erick Rowan was making his return. I took my shower and didn't bother looking for Dean. He got here later than the rest of us and he was probably in some hallway preparing. I had a blast watching other matches like Cesaro vs Kevin Owens. Then Dean was up and I wasn't as nervous as I was come Wrestle Mania. I knew that it was a so what if he won. So what if he lost. The match was great. It spilled outside the ring and just as Erick Rowan was going to get involved. The unthinkable happened. Seth Rollins ran out to the ring and took him out. Everyone including Dean and Roman were confused. They both were looking to Seth when Seth pointed to behind Dean. Dean turned around and gave Bray dirty deeds for the win. I smiled at the TV in confusion. Dean was walking to the back with Roman and Seth. All of them had giant smiles on their faces. Dean gave me a hug as Roman walked to his family. "Great job out there." I say. "We couldn't have done this without Seth." Dean says with a smirk. "It feels damn good to be with the shield again." Seth says. "There are children." Paige says. "Sorry." Seth says then leaves. I hold Jade who is now 6 months old. "She's adorable." I say. "Just like me cupcake." Paige says. I laugh. JoJo holds Jade for a few seconds. We sit around and watch the rest of summer slam. Seth wins the title. John now has nothing. Seth is the first WWE world heavyweight U.S. champ. Roman and Dean stay speechless. "WOW." Paige and I say. "Hey Dean. I have a question." I say. "I might have an answer." He says. "What happens to the shield?" I ask. "I guess we can be a group again." He says uninterested. "Because that's what's best for business." Roman say. I chuckle. We leave here. Dean rides with me. Roman said he would be leaving when his family was ready. Becky and Paige left together. When we get to the hotel. Dean and I go to his room and snuggle up close to each other and watch a movie. I then leave his room when it ends. I go into my room and fall asleep. When I wake up we head to the next city. I go to the gym later on. After a little while I go back to the hotel and take a shower. I then leave the hotel by myself. I've started to travel alone. Becky and Paige ride together. Dean, Roman and Seth now ride together. I got to the arena and had my hair and makeup done. I saw Becky and Paige and asked them "Today can we wear our t-shirts?" They agreed. I wore my love bites shirt and black bottomed ring gear shorts. Paige wore her think again shirt. Becky wore her lass kicker shirt. I go to the curtain. The Bella's and Alicia are going out there to my music as Brie dresses like me. Paige, Becky and I stay back here to listen to what they have to say. "Last night." Brie says. The crowd boos her. "Last night I won. Barely. I won against Nikki, it was pure luck but tonight I won't be so lucky." Brie says. Just as I'm about to go out there. Dean and Roman walk past. Dean's music hits. "As much as I'd love to see you talk about uninteresting things and dress up like my fiancee. Roman and I are here to talk about something important. We were also allowed this time to come out here and say what we have to say. So why don't you and you're 'scary' little group skip to the back and let the big dogs speak." Dean says as he and Roman get in the ring. Brie says something and slaps Dean. "I'm not one for hittin ladies, so I'll let it slide if you get out of our yard." Dean says. Our music hits and Becky, Paige and I head for the ring. I skip down there and get in the ring with Paige and Becky behind me holding our titles. We set them on the ground and go after them. I beat up Nikki and throw her out of the ring. Becky goes after Alicia putting her in the dis-arm-her. She screams and taps. I get Becky off of her and we throw Alicia out the ring. Next is Brie who puts her hands up in defense but Becky throws her out the ring on top of her sister and Alicia. I grab a microphone and say "Go ahead." Just as we get out Dean says "No, I think you should stay. Two things need to be said." We grab our titles and stand there. "Alright. Last night Roman and I did what we do best. We won against the Wyatt's and this isn't your invitation to interrupt us. We won with the help of Seth Rollins. Now we'd like for him to get his ass in the ring so we can talk one on one." Dean says. A few seconds later Seth comes out here. He walks to the ring and steps in grabbing a microphone. "Look. I don't want any problems here." Seth says. "We want answers. Why did you help Dean and I? Your so called 'brothers' that you stabbed in the back over a year ago." Roman says. "I've had quite some time to think about this and I thought that being with the authority isn't what's best for business. Being in this dominant force that we call the shield is. You guys are my brothers. Now lets take this place back." Seth says before putting his fist out. Dean and Roman look to each other then to the WWE universe. "What do you guys think should we take him back?" Roman asks hopefully with a smirk creeping it's way onto his face. Everyone in there cheered super loudly. Dean and Roman put their fists in. Dean then says "And if you screw up and we question your loyalty I will make sure to end you. But so you know Roman and I will be on the same page. He will assist in giving you the beating of your life." I smirk. They drop their fists and I sit on the ropes. "Now onto the second item of business. AJ, Becky, Paige. We have a proposition for you." Roman says. "That is?" Becky asks. "You are a dominant force in the divas division. Something that we can't do. You were often referred to as us, so Roman and I got to thinkin and man we were thinking a lot yesterday." Dean says. "Buddy get to the chase." Roman says. "Sorry. Anyways we thought that the way to be the #1 force here in WWE is to become a unit. The Shield team up with the Anti-Divas to create this giant unstoppable team. The question is. What do you say?" Dean say. I hop off the ropes and say "Lets do this." They then raise their fists and invite us to join. We put our fists in and mines the smallest. Stephanie and Hunter go out here. Everyone booing them. "Awe isn't that adorable. Seth stabbed someone in the back, Fiance's joined forces and are trying to dominate this company but the thing is you lack the experience. You lack the fans and it's only a matter of time before you start seeing cracks and losing those titles that you, Seth, Becky and Paige have. Once you lost those things you the anti-shield will be nothing except a pile of broken glass." Stephanie says. "Even broken glass when handled the wrong way can cut pretty deep." I say. "Alright you want to put it to the test why don't Paige, and Becky team up with Seth and Roman tonight to face a team of our choice while Dean, you and AJ can face a team of our choosing. Oh and I'd stick around because that match is next." Stephanie says. "I have a request Stephanie. I know its a 50/50 shot you will answer this. Why don't you let us fight us? I know that giant ego between the two of you will make it oh so hard to say no, but why don't we make this interesting? Because with the two of you running Raw and Smackdown it's extremely hard to run an interesting show. Why don't you, and you husband lace up your boots and step in the ring with me and Dean." I say. "You don't want me in that ring with you AJ. I don't think you and your boy toy of the month would want to have your ass kicked by me and Hunter. We've proved we are superior." She says. I sit down in the ring Indian style. "Stephanie the last time we went to to toe in this ring, I won. You had help from a plastic and I still won. Now just because your Daddy is Vince K. McMahon. Chairman doesn't mean your superior. It doesn't even make you better than me. It does make you both scandalous jerks and even though this happened a little while ago. Hunter married into the authority and got a promotion. I had this 'affair' with John Cena and I lost my job. Then Vicky the one who you praised and praised and praised in the end started to do her job better than you and what did you do? You fired her. You can't stand the fact that there are people better than you. You can't stand the fact that someone has accomplished more and did it while being liked." I say. Then I hear the straight edge's music. Cult of Personality. He walks out in his shorts and laced up boots. I stand up and everyone is cheering. Punk says "Alright. I get your trying to show me up with a pipe bomb and nicely done, but I'm here for a match. I want to have a title match against the golden boy in the authority and the shield or whatever the hell you call yourselves now. I want to face Seth right here tonight." He says raising his voice. "Who the hell do you think you are coming out here and demanding we give you a match. You sure as hell don't have a contract." Stephanie says. Punk sets the microphone on the floor. He takes a paper out of his pocket and says "Boy am I a rock in a hard place. I have this contract right here. When does it expire?" He asks unfolding it and moving pages. "Oh, right here. It expires December. That's one match when I have 4 months left in this contract. I never cashed in my rematch. Well, sweetheart tonight is that night. It also gives me plenty of time for pipe bomb of the year." Punk says. "You want your title match? Fine. Just get out of my ring. AJ and Dean. If you beat your opponents tonight you can have your match. If not, you might as well consider your reign as divas champion coming to an end." Stephanie says."Punk, you want that title, and then you will walk right out of the WWE without a second thought. Why give people hope only to smash it to the ground?" I ask. "Well, sweetheart. I got to thinking, what do I have to loose? I'm not trying to make friends with my unstable ex-girlfriend who put me through a table, and also dumped me for not watching one match of hers. I've rode that crazy train for too long. The one and only reason you and Dean have stayed together is because he is crazier than you." Punk says. I glare at him and as I go to get out the ring Dean stops me. I glare at him as the members of anti-shield get out of the ring as Tamina and Kane walk out there. As we start this match its Tamina and I. We lock up and she hits a shoulder tackle. She then lifts me up for a samoan drop. I counter it with a tornado DDT. I go for the pin and she kicks out. I go to hit her with shining wizard but she counters and duplexes me. She covers me. I kick out and she drop kicks me twice. I go to tag Dean in but Tamina grabs my foot. I use the other and kick her in the chest. I can't go for the face because I'm too small. I then dive and tag Dean in. I sit up on the apron then stand up. Dean talks some smack before Kane goes to chokeslam him. Dean counters and clotheslines him. He then hits dirty deeds on him. We win and the ref raises our hands as the other members come in the ring. CM Punks music hits and he walks out in his ring gear and everything. Seth tells us to head to the back. He wants to win this on his own. We head to the back and we watch on as Stephanie talks to us. Saying this was a great idea. The joining of us. Me delivering a pipebomb, and this refreshed rivalry. Punk then hits Seth with the GTS. He pins him and Paige stands up. Punk just won the title. "Should we go out there?" I ask. Dean shrugs and we go out there helping Seth up. Punk grabs a microphone and sits on the commentary table. "Alright, before you guys beat me up. I'm gonna say this. I've been asked why I came back to this place. It's suffering without a guy like me to stir up things, to hit you with the truth. I've been probably the best and most real guy in that locker room, but I don't have a ton of promotions. I came back to help you from the freak, the geek and the one who has made a name for herself by being a body gaurd for AJ Lee. I came back to save you from the Shield and more importantly you know that you won't last here. Do you remember what happened the last time? He played his cards right and got what he wanted only to be hated. I'm here to make these 3 hours to be enjoyable. To save you from the bullies in the back that hate every single one of you, but they wouldn't be here without you and they do it because your defenseless. They talk to kids in be a star about-" His microphone stops working. He grabs a new one and says "I'm not leaving till I say what I have to. This will become the Punk show." He says. "They talk to kids about stopping bullies and then they go out here and bully each and every single one of you. I'm also not the type to compliment an ex but AJ I've gotta say. You are a little more crazy than when we got together but nevertheless I still dig crazy chicks. Something Dean, and every single guy you've dated is they were all the fan favorite, except they didn't have what it took to get to the top except for me obviously. I know how to make a statement by walking out and coming back demanding everything John Cena had plus a few extra things like my ice cream bars. Where are they? I haven't seen them yet." Punk says with a smirk. "Pipebomb." He says dropping the microphone and leaving the area. We all go to the back. Punk greets me and says "I'm back." "There is no way you're staying." I say as we all walk to the locker rooms. "Actually I wanted to talk about my comeback over coffee after the show." He says. I think about it for a few seconds. "I guess. I'm free. Why are you here though?" I ask. "I'll tell you over coffee." Punk says. I nod. I go and take a shower and change clothes. I grab a cup of coffee from catering. I sip it mindlessly scrolling on twitter. "So, want to talk about this comeback of mine?" Punk says as he sits down. I put my phone down. "Alright." I say. "I came back to be the best in the world again. Seth defended the title more than me in my 400 something day reign. I needed to defend it at least 11 times before I walk out again." He says. "What the hell was the pipebomb about?" I ask. "I'm gonna place my cards on the table. I am straight up. I didn't lie about it. I said exactly what I thought about you. The question is how do you feel about me?" He asks. "I feel like this isn't the proper place, or time for an engaged person to answer." I say. "It's not crossing any boundaries. It's a simple question. It isn't considered interpropriate. Unless you make it that way." Punk says. "I won't answer that." I say. I don't know how I feel about Punk. He is off putting but I don't know. "Why? You scared that I'm better than Dean. On and offscreen. In and out of that ring." Punk says. "I find you similar to Dean. Except for he actually has a chance with me." I say. "I had a chance too. I asked you to marry me after a 3 year relationship. It was a great relationship. Then you said no." He says in a serious tone. "Then you dumped me. I wasn't ready." I say. "Then you were?" He says. "Life moves on. You should too. There are plenty of people who like you." I say. "Really? You were the only person who stayed when I got too real. I did get over you for about a month. Then I realized I was stupid to dump you when you weren't ready." I frown. "Its been almost two years and now you apologize." I say. "Better late than never, besides I missed seeing that beautiful smile on your face when you were happy, and I missed comforting you when you were sad. I love hearing you say I love you. I love you and I know somewhere deep in there you feel the same way, so why don't you call off this unplanned wedding with Ambrose and get back with me." Punk proposes. There is a small part of me that does want to know what would happen if I said yes... I can't think like that. I have to be loyal to Dean like he is to me. "I can't." I say before getting up. I go find Dean talking with Renee. "Hey." I say nervously. "Hey shortstack." Dean says as he wraps an arm around me. "How are you guys?" Renee asks. "Okay." I say. Dean nods. We have a conversation for a few minutes then I phone call from Erica. I say "I'll be back." Before answering it as I walk away. "Hey Erica." I say. "Hey, so I have a huge question to ask you." She says. "Okay?" I say. "While you are away, you and/or Dean are away. Can I stay at your place? The place we moved into doesn't allow dogs which means Nacho can't stay there. So I was wondering if I could stay there." She asks. "Uhm, I guess that'd be fine. I'll just tell Dean. You can go over tonight. Oh, yeah. I asked if I could take off for August 3rd. I can't. I'm sorry." I say. "It's alright. Thank you!" She says. "You know where the key is?" I ask. "Yeah. Dean showed me." She says. "Okay. Bye." I say. I hang up and decide to tell Dean later on tonight.

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