Chapter 7

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Nothing happened over the next week's, Monday night contract signing. Stephanie left AJ alone for the time remaining but everyone knew the tension was through the roof.

Tonight is the night we make it official and I face Stephanie. We are having the last 20 minutes of raw for this. I'm excited so I've been spending all of Raw in my dressing room which now contains Kaitlyn and Summer. Its almost time for Stephanie to go out there so I finally leave the dressing room. I walk to the Divas locker room with my Divas title and get Paige. "Hey." I say to her. "Hey, you talk to Dean yet?" She asks. "No." I still haven't. I couldn't, I'm scared. I fix any last minute things and Paige says "Well, you go out there. I'm gonna watch from catering." She says. I nod and walk to the curtain to find everyone there and one who wasn't supposed to be here, one who I've been avoiding. Dean. As soon as he sees me he smiles. He walks over to me and gives me a hug and quick peck on the cheek. He whispers in my ear "After this we need to speak." I nod. "I was planning on it but I didn't get the chance." I say. "You weren't but we will speak later." He says. "Okay. Time for you to go out there." A producer says. Stephanie glares at me as they make their way out there. Triple H and Stephanie. Then it's my turn to walk out there. My music hits as Dean and I walk out, I holding his hind and skipping. We walk into the ring and I sit in the chair while Dean stands behind me. I get tons of cheering because Dean is out here. I put my feet on the table like Punk does. This entire rivalry they never scripted so its taken to another level. "AJ. Do you know what you are in for as of today when you sign this contract?" I nod. "Don't you mean what you're in for? You haven't wrestled in almost a decade." I say into the microphone. I set my title on the table. Stephanie starts rambling about how I am her employee and she is the boss while she signs it. She passes the Contract to me. "Stephanie you know something? You aren't acting like the boss, you are really just a billion dollar bitch." I say. Every time I say that it's like $1,000. "How Dare you?" She shouts sheathing. I sign the contract and as soon as the pen leaves the paper Triple H hits Dean in the temple and Stephanie pushes the table up and punches me in the bridge of my nose causing blood to come out. Dean starts fighting Hunter and I kick Stephanie is the leg as I cup my nose. Just as Hunter is laying on his back Kane comes out here and drop kick Stephanie laying her flat out as Kane goes for Dean, he wasn't paying attention so I pushed him forward a tiny bit. He finally saw but got a big right boot to the face and he still gets up and attempts to clothes line him, I turn to look at Stephanie and she is already getting up and she is in the right place for it so I hit a shining wizard. Dean gets choke slammed. There is no use in fighting Kane. He will annihilate me. I move my hand from my nose and blood is dripping still. I shake my hand and get a little blood on the mat. Kane goes to help Stephanie and Hunter. Dean sits up holding his neck. I help Dean up and he wraps an arm around my waist and asks "You okay?" I nod. "Fine, just bleeding." I say. I grab a microphone and say "Today Dean and I stand tall, get used to what you'll be seeing on Sunday." I say before tossing the microphone and grabbing my title and skipping off with Dean. I am about to give Dean a hug when he says "I'm not getting blood on me. This is a new shirt." I roll my eyes and I say "Sorry I couldn't tell they all look the same." He smirks. "Let's go see the trainer." He says. "I'm fine." I say. He shakes his head and throws me over his shoulder and brings me there getting tons of weird stares. He sets me down and pushes me through the door. The trainer sits me on the exam table. "Just put this on your nose, press gently and tilt your head back and sit like this for five minutes. Ice it after." He says. "Now isn't the best time to talk I guess." Dean says. "After. So, why are you here?" I ask. "That's what I was gonna talk to you about." He says. After five minutes of an awkward silence they let me have my head correctly. They just then hand me an ice pack and kick us out. Everyone is probably leaving. "So, can we talk later?" I ask. "Yeah, I've got plenty of time." He says. Brie approaches us and says "I'll drive." I nod and grab my stuff bringing Dean with me. We all head into the car and after five minutes I take off the ice pack and ask "Is it swollen?" "Can I touch it?" Dean asks. "Can I punch you in the face?" I ask sweetly. "Be nice back there." Brie says. "Sorry. My fault." Dean says. "Record that Dean Ambrose said Sorry." I say full of sarcasm. "Record that AJ Lee used sarcasm." He says. I glare at him but keep quiet the entire time. When we make it back to the hotel and Brie says "I'm gonna be with Nikki tonight." We both nod and we head up to our floors. Dean and I go to Brie and I's room. "So, can we talk?" He asks as soon as the door closes and the lights turn on. "Yeah, what is it?" I say. "How come you didn't call? Know something I knew you wouldn't. I get that you are mad at me, and I get that you probably didn't want me here tonight, well too bad. I came anyways for one thing. An apology. I came to say I'm sorry for what I said and to support you for this match like I said I was because Dean Ambrose isn't a liar." I smile, delivered just like a promo of his. I walk close to him and say "It means a lot that you came even though you didn't have to." I say. He smiles that crazy smile "No problem." My phone vibrates and Paige texts me
P-Hey, Can I come over? I wanna show you something.
A-Yeah, What is it?
P-You'll see. Just hook up my phone to the TV
I sit on the couch and hook up the wire and such. Paige knocks and Dean opens the door. "Yay! This makes it even better." She says as she plugs her phone in. She says "Just a little "moxley" thing I had found." I give a strange look. She presses play and there is Dean drunk and shouting at a pole about things in FCW. It was really funny to be honest. A few more promos and him being drunk or something. I look over to Dean who is smirking. "Where did you find this?" I ask. "My old Moxley days." Dean says. "What do we think of that?" Paige asks. "Uhm, were you always drunk when doing a promo?" I ask. "For the most part yes. Little bit of whiskey and a few puffs of a cigarette." He says. "I think he's adorable. He's crazy and cute." Paige says. "Seems like you like Dean more than me." She smirks. "Meh, the pink hair sucked." She says. "You had pink hair?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah." I smile. "Can I see?" I ask sweetly. "Yeah, Nope." He says. "Why not?" I ask. "I'd prefer you see me as the handsome devil I am today." He says. I laugh and shake my head. "It's getting pretty late." Paige says before taking her phone and leaving. "Miss. AJ Lee I have something to ask you." Dean says. "What would that be?" I ask. "The whole reason we ended up fighting in the first place was because we weren't dating, so I was wondering if we should date, which leads to my next question. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. I smile and nod. "Yes." I say. He smiles and picks me up and carries me to our bed. He lies me down and starts kissing me passionately. After a little while we stop kissing and change into pajamas. Then we both fall asleep.
I wake up to the sound of the shower running. After a few minutes Dean comes out in only a towel. I smirk and try not to look at his 6 pack. "Can I see your back?" I ask. "Why? What are you tryna do?" He asks while turning around. "Your back looks nice." I say "Thanks. I know." He says. I hit him in the shoulder and say "Put on some clothes." "Why don't you lose some?" Dean asks me. I laugh. "Your funny." I say. "And also cute." He adds. "Correct." I say. "I should lay naked all day just to annoy you." Dean says. "Not annoying me." I say back. "I'm not leaving this towel at all today." He says. I roll my eyes. There is a knock at the door. I get up and say "Put some clothes on." He shakes his head. I go and open the door. "Hey AJ." Roman says. I look up and see some woman, a little girl, Roman and Paige. "Hey, who do we have here?" I ask letting them in. "Galina, my girlfriend and Joelle, or JoJo my daughter." Roman says. Paige smiles and gives me a hug. "Hi. I'm AJ." I say. "Give me one second, while I get Dean." I say. I go into our room and say "Roman, Paige and Romans family are here." "But I wanted to lay around. I had a long flight yesterday." He says. "Well, you can lay here later." I say. "Promise?" He asks. "Yeah. Now get dressed." I say leaving. "Sorry about that, he should be out here in a few seconds." I say to them. "So, anyone got a match tonight?" Galina asks. "I think I do." Roman says. "I have one against AJ and Kaitlyn." Paige says. "Wait really? I didn't know that." I say. "2 on 1 compliments of Stephanie." Paige says. I smile. Dean walks out and sits next to me. "Hey, great to see you guys again. How long are you out here?" Dean asks. "Maybe a week." Galina says. JoJo smiles at Dean and gives him a high five. "She's so cute." I say. Paige nods her head. "She is." "Well, we just came here to meet you guys. Great meeting you Paige and AJ. Nice to see you again Dean. We will see you another time." Galina says standing up and taking JoJo and Roman with her. As soon as the door closes the door Dean goes into our room. "Yeah, he isn't coming out there so you wanna hang out?" I ask. "Yeah, I was wondering if Kaitlyn can join." She says. "She is an ex-bestfriend. She betrayed me." I say. "Just try and hang out with her." Paige says. I shrug. "Great, can she come here?" Paige asks. I shrug. "I guess." I say. She smiles and texts her. "She will be here in a minute." I nod and say "I'm gonna at least put on a pair of jeans." I say. I go into our room and find a pair of clean jeans. Dean is now laying on bed in just his boxers. "I'm not even gonna ask." I say, just as I walk out Dean says "AJ." "What?" I say. "I'm hot." He says. "Not my problem." I reply before going back out there. "Hey." I say. I look up and see Kaitlyn and Paige. "Hi." Paige says. "You didn't tell me she would be here." Kaitlyn says. "Not too thrilled about that either." I say. "Why do you even hate each other?" Paige asks. "She stabbed me in the back." I say. "I did not, I didn't like Daniel. Just because I didn't and you did. That isn't backstabbing." She says. "You are a liar. I can't believe we were ever best friends." I say. "Me neither. I'm leaving. Come on Paige." Kaitlyn says standing up and slamming the door. "Why can't you give her another chance?" She asks. "Because she stabbed me in the back and lied to me and if there is one thing I hate its being lied to." I say. "Okay, well. I'm gonna go." She says. She gets up and leaves. I have a feeling I didn't handle that right. I groan. "Come here." Dean says. "You come here." I say. "Noo." He whines. I go in my room and say "Can you put a pair of pants on at least?" He sighs and puts on jeans. "Okay, I'm dressed. What do you want to do today?" "I was hoping for the gym." I say. "I've got one better." He says. "What is it?" "Why don't we get you mentally prepared for this match." He says pointing at my head. "What do you have in mind?" I ask. "Maybe we could watch her old matches." He says. Just like Roman told me to do. "Yeah, sure." I say. I walk in the living room and see Brie, Daniel, Nikki, and John all in here. Now we can't watch it in here. "Hi." I say. "Hey AJ." Brie says with a smile. "Hey." I say. "You do anything today?" Nikki asks. "Sorta." I say. "What did you do?" John asks "I met Romans family." I say. "Cool." Daniel says. I nod and smile going into the kitchen. That couldn't get any more awkward. I grab a cup of water and go back into Dean and I's room. He is on his laptop. "So, I didn't know which one we should look at the ones she lost or the one she has won. So I pulled up both." He says. I nod. "Alright cool." I say. I lay next to him. I felt weird leaving the door open while John and Daniel were there. "Wait one second." Dean says pulling up an email. He and I read it and I get more and more excited. "I can't wait." I say. "Can I help?" Dean asks. "You have no choice." I say. "Spray paint." He says. "Knife." I say. "Baseball bat." He then says. "Crowbar." I say. We high five and he wraps an arm around me as he hits play. We watch Sable vs Stephanie and I honestly didn't like Sable. I met her once and she was awfully rude, and disrespectful. "Okay. How is watching gonna help me?" I ask. "Well, maybe it'll help me help you." "Is that your way of saying lets go to the gym when I asked you earlier to go to the gym?" I ask. "No. You have a match tonight." He says. "You confuse the shit outta me." I say. "Hey, watch your fuckin mouth." Dean says. "Did I offend you?" I ask. "No." He says. I give a confused look as he just smirks. "What are we gonna do today?" He asks. "Leave for Maine." I say. "Cool. Can't wait for Vegas." He says. "Why?" I ask. "That's where I live. Its pretty chill." He says. "Really?" I ask. "No." He says. "So, a couple weeks ago Roman tried to teach me how to spear." I say. "Your too little to spear them." Dean says. "I am not." I defend. I get up, about to discuss traveling with Brie. "Really?Roman and Seth are both a foot taller than you." He says as he stands up, spitting Seth's name like poison with me. "That doesn't mean I'm short." I say, walking out to where everyone is at "Well you aren't exactly Kane." He says. "Oh, shut up." I say to him. "Hey, Brie when are we leaving this place?" I ask. "Who knew you were harboring people in there?" Nikki asks with a smile. "I'm not harboring. We were studying for this match with Stephanie." I say. "Oh, cool. Got any promos for that coming up? Its really exciting." Daniel says. "Tonight. We get have a little fun." I say. "What are you gonna do?" Nikki asks. "Destroy a car." I say with a smile. "One question. How did this match even start?" John asks. "I mouthed off in her office on accident. " I say. "How do you accidentally mouth off?" John asks with a smirk. "Well, without going into too much detail because I don't remember exactly what I said, Stephanie was trying to put my in a storyline with Seth, Bray and Dean, She had the idea of bringing Dean back yesterday. I told her that wouldn't be a good idea to risk his health over two assholes." I say looking down. "Awe, AJ has feelings." Nikki teases. "It's all your fault." I say to Dean. "Now we know AJ isn't a robot." He says. "When was that ever up for Debate?" I ask. "All the time." John says. "Wow." Nikki says. "She likes me enough to let me tease her." John says. Everyone looks to me. "If it'll make you feel better sure." I say. Brie smirks. "Want to leave at 5?" Daniel asks. "Actually 2." Nikki says. "What are we doing? Who is riding with who? Who is driving?" I ask. "I was joining your car trip, so I'll drive." Nikki says. "Okay, cool." Dean says. "I thought you are riding with me." John says. "I was but I feel bad for Brie being with Dean." Nikki teases. "What's wrong with me?" Dean asks. "No offense." I say. "I just don't like you or AJ but I can tolerate AJ." She says. "Wow." I say. "Nothing personal." She says. "I didn't know that you could take it anything other than personal." I say. "Nikki." Brie says like usual when she isn't happy with her. "Just being honest." She says. "I love honesty but I think I'm gonna go and find Kaitlyn." "Wait can I come with. That's entertaining." Dean says. "Glad to see my problems?" I say as I put on a pair of chuck Taylor's. Dean grabs a pair of shoes and we leave going Paige and Romans room. I knock and Roman opens it. "Paige here?" I ask. "No, She is in Kaitlyn's room." He says. I roll my eyes. "Okay, Thanks." I say. He nods and shuts the door. "Wanna go for coffee?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah, sounds fun." He says. We walk out of the building holding hands and go across the street to Java J's across the street. We both ordered coffee and sit down in the back of the shop. "Since we are having coffee, can we do something I do." I give a confused look. "What would that be?" I ask. "Drink a can of beer and smoke." He says. I shrug. "Get the suck dick look and you're ready." He says. I hit him in the back of the head. "If your gonna be with me get used to sex, cigs, and booze." "I'll try everything you just said if you try what I'm about to say." I say to him. He smiles. "Yes!" He says. "Comic books, video games and anime." I say. "I tried anime. What video games?" I shrug about to answer when my phone buzzing cuts me off. I check and see it's a message from Paige.
P-Hey, Can you come up to my room. Roman and family went out for breakfast. I wanna show you something.
A-Dean can come?
"You wanna hang out with Paige? She has something to show me." He nods. "Yeah, sure." He says.
A-Want any coffee?
P-Nah, got my own
"Let's go." I say
P-Just walk in.
We walk back to the hotel and up to Paige room. I walk in and she says. "Hey!" I wave and sit down. Dean sits next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "How's my favorite Psycho couple?" "Great. What you got to show us now?" I ask. "Well, we saw something of Dean, so I thought we would dive into AJ world." She says. "AJ world? What's in AJ world?" Dean asks with a smirk. "A long list of Ex- on screen boyfriends." She says. "I will allow you to to watch this if you can get every on screen person I have kissed." I say. "Okay, Easy. Dolph, John, Daniel, Kane, Punk." Paige says. "Missing the first two." I say.  "What?" Dean asks. "How early?" Paige asks. "NXT." I say. "Uhm, hint?" "One was shorter than me. The other's name starts with a p." "No one is shorter than you." Dean says. "Wait was it hornswaggle?" Paige asks. I nod. "Who else?" Dean asks. "I don't know." Paige says. "Give up?" I ask. Dean and Paige both nod. "Primo." I say. "Wow. I get to kiss you after 7 of them" Dean says. "If if helps only two of those people meant something at the time." I say. He shrugs. "Who was your favorite to kiss?" Paige asks. "Uhm." I say thinking about it. "No sappy nonsense." She says. "Wasn't gonna be. I can't say Dean because that's no fun. Plus I hated him at the time, either when I kissed Punk then pushed him through the table or when I kissed Kane." Paige smirks. "Why?" Dean asks. "It was interesting to kiss someone with a mask and I like the confusion and Punks face right before I pushed him through that table."  I say. He smirks. "So, If you pushed me off a ladder or something after we kissed does that make me your favorite?" "Babe you're already my favorite or at least for now." I say. "That makes me feel a whole lot better." Dean says sarcastically. "What have you two been up to?" Paige asks. "We watch an old match that Stephanie was in. I think that was it." I say. "We got coffee and learned you're not very well liked." Dean says. I nod. "What?" Paige asks. "Nikki is joining Brie, Dean and I on the car trip to Maine because she feels bad for Brie because she doesn't like Dean or me but she can tolerate me." I say. "Oh, she is so sweet." Paige says sarcastically. "You riding with Roman?" I ask. She nods. "Yeah, him and his family. They are so cute." She says with a smile. "Yeah."Dean says. "When did you first meet them?" I ask. "When JoJo was 1. She used to kick me in the shins before I went out there." He says. I smile. "It's weird having a normal conversation with you." I say. "I ain't all lunatic." He says. I chuckle. "You got any fun plans tonight?" Paige asks. "No, I don't think so."  I say. She smirks. "Now you do. Brie, Nattie, JoJo and Eva invited me out to dinner with them but I didn't want to go alone." "Why do I have to go?" I ask. "Would you go alone?" She asks. "No, but you are." I say. "Can we go into story time?" Paige asks. "What story do you have for us today?" I ask. "I was walking around getting ready for my match, and I asked you if you wanted to hang out with all the petty divas. No some other time. You said. It's some other time. Plus I told them you would be there." I glare at her. "I can't stand them. Don't make me go." I say. Nikki, Kaitlyn and Paige were my only friends here. Now it's only Paige. "You're such a wimp." She says. "They all hate me. I hate them." I say. "Fine." Paige says. "Now that means drinking and smoking." Dean says. "You drink and smoke?" I shake my head. "I told him I'd try it." I say.

Time skip to Smackdown! Taping

We are right about to destroy Stephanie's car. She is ranting on and on about how she will beat me. I get to stand on the roof of the car which excites me. The cameraman comes over.  Dean tosses me the electric blue spray paint and crowbar. He tells me action. I snap three times. "Stephanie up here." I say and She looks over. She is livid. No one told her about this, which makes it even better. I stand up. I take the crowbar and smash it on the sun roof. She yells. "No!"  I smirk and walk down the windshield. Dean is over by the back with a bat smashing the windows. We switch off and I hit the windshield about 5 times before it's completely cracked. Dean breaks into the back door and starts spray painting the backseat. I hit the hood of the car its really, really dented. I move to the windows and smash them. Dean and I both go to the back trunk and he hits the back window while I write an L. When the back window is damaged and cracked and shards of glass on the floor Dean writes the D larger than the L. The last thing we do to the car while Stephanie is screaming her head off is slash the tires. "Both of you! Come down to the ring! NOW!" She shouts. We smirk and start making our way to the ring with the Spray paint and crowbar. The guy plays Dean's music as we walk down the ramp. We walk into the ring and I smile evilly at her. I grab a microphone and set down the crowbar as I get a microphone. Dean drops the bat and spray paint. He nods and takes the microphone letting me speak into it while I spray my hand blue. "What's wrong Stephanie? You didn't like the present Dean and I left?" I ask clueless. " No! I didn't but that's okay you will get punishment in this next match." She says. I finished spraying my hand and smack her in the face. She gives a horrified look as everyone cheers. Now leaving a blue hand print on her face. She is about the attack but instead she says "I know you love challenges so, Nikki, Kaitlyn, Summer, Natalya and Naomi will be facing you here tonight, and you will have one hand tied behind your back." She says. I nod. I want to drop the smile but I don't. "Oh, and AJ stick around. That match is next." She says as her music hits and she exits the ring. A ref comes out with rope. Fuck this. Dean says "You got this." I nod as all of the girls come out and my hand is tied behind my back. "Oh, and Dean you are banned from ringside." Stephanie says. "I'm sorry." He says to me. I shrug and he puts a hand on my stomach before kissing me briefly and exiting the ring. He walks to the back and before the match even starts all 5 of them start beating me up. The ref tries to get them off but Stephanie comes out and says "All legal. Don't break this up." Now I see why one hand behind my back. I use the one hand to cover my head. Any time I try and get up one of them kicks me down. "AJ. You wanna forfeit?" She asks. Nikki throws a microphone at me hitting me in the stomach. I toss the microphone out of the ring. Nikki then lifts me up and hits me with the rack attack. Summer then hits me with a spinning heel kick. Kaitlyn spears me. Natalya puts an abdominal stretch on me as Naomi takes me and puts me in a full nelson bomb. I lay on the mat looking up at everyone in the center of the ring as they as smile as they leave. Dean runs out to my aid. He helps me up as I clutch my back. Everything that they did hurt my back the most. The ref unties me and Stephanie says "I don't believe the bell was ever rung. I think that this match should be restarted. Dean hands me the microphone. "Enough Stephanie. I know you are the supposed boss lady but you have done enough. I know you love throwing your weight around. You've been doing it for 17 years. I think thats long enough. The princess will be dethroned as of Sunday." I say. "You haven't done much these last few weeks except for loose so who's to say you will win. I'm a Mcmahon. Do you have any idea what that means?" She yells. "It means your name is on my paychecks. Oh wait it isn't. Your fathers is." I say. "Coming up this Sunday, when you lose you shouldn't bother showing up to Monday night raw because you will be fired." She says. I drop the microphone. I now know I have to win. "What's wrong didn't expect that?" She asks. I try to get out of the ring but Dean stops me. "Not a chance you're going after her today." He says blocking the way. "If you don't move out of the way I will hit you." Dean shrugs. "Fair enough." He say. "You do it now it's my turn." I say and he moves out of the way. I make a Beeline for Stephanie. I punch her in the face and that's when she fights back. Stephanie and I are exchanging blows on the ramp when they finally decide to hold me back. Dean goes over and starts fighting these guys. One by one they go down until I get loose and kick Stephanie in the gut. Dean has gone through all these security guards and outcomes J & J and Hunter and Seth. J & J hit Dean from behind. Causing him to go down and soon its an assault on Dean and Stephanie. J & J try and hold me down and for a few seconds it worked until I kick one in the private area then sweep the others feet from out underneath him. Seth helps J&J up and says "I'm out of here." He then leaves with J&J. I stop fighting against Stephanie and help Dean up. "Just a little taste of Sunday." I shout. 

The Sky Is Looking Great For April - A. Lee / D. AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now