Chapter 33

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Dean and I left for Smackdown. Paige had pulled Dean away from me to talk with him. Of course a camera followed. I went and got makeup done. I left my hair the way it was. Just brushed. I went and put on a grey tank top and plaid shorts/capri's. I put on a pair of converse and love my appearance. I walk out and see everyone eying me strangely. To the point it's killing me. I walk over to Nikki and Brie. "Why is everyone looking at me weird?" I ask. "It could be there is this giant rumor that Paige and Dean are having an affair." Nikki says. "Please tell me you're kidding or I'm literally going to kill a bitch or two." I say. "Yeah, I'm sorry." Brie says. I immediately start glaring holes in the floor. I walk to Stephanie's office and ask her to fight Paige tonight. She grants me and says the match can be next. I smile and walk to the curtain. Eden announces me. Paige was already out there. Naomi walks out after me. I pick up a microphone. "What are you doing out here?" Naomi shouts. I take a deep breath to keep my rage inside. "Naomi. I'm now kicking Paige's ass. Either you get out my way or I kick both of your asses." I say. "Fine. I don't need this match as much as you, but the next time you talk to me like that I will kick your teeth into your throat." Naomi threatens before leaving the ring. I drop the microphone and go straight after Paige before the bell rings. The ref pulls me off and rings the bell. I go straight after her. Making sure she feels pain. I put her in the black widow. She taps and I still don't let go. I refuse. The ref has to pry me off of Paige. "Remember not to double cross the black widow. Love." I say. I get out of the ring and smile feeling great from that beating given to Paige. Dean stops me in the hall. "Hey, great match." He says. "Dean, I'm not in the mood." I say. "What's wrong?" He asks. "If you don't leave me alone I will kick you where no man wants to be kicked." I say low and threateningly. "AJ, why are you upset?" He asks. "Three seconds to leave me alone." I say seething. "Alright. I won't leave you alone though, because I love you." He says. "No you don't." I say as tears brim my eyes. "Why would you think that?" He asks hurt and confused. "How would you think if there was this rumor about me and some guy going around?" I ask as the tears soon dissolve and my sadness is replaced with anger.  "What are you talking about?" He asks. "You have cheated before. I forgave you. I'm not forgiving you for this one. Here's the ring. Give it to your new girlfriend Paige." I say. I take off the ring and place it in his hand. "Shortstack. Why are you saying shit about Paige? I know that you're not the brightest at times, but now its stupid." He says. "Oh, so you deny this affair with Paige? Of everything. I can't believe Paige would do it again. After everything we've been through." I say. "If you listen you would want the ring." Dean says. "Please tell me what is going on up then." I say bored and uninterested. "We are in love. I love you a shit load. I was going to ask you something tonight, but now isn't the best time. I love you, I've got a family with you, and Paige kissed me. She said she liked me. I said but, I'm with the best girl in the entire world. Nothing anyone says or does will change that." He says before biting his lip. He knows that's my weakness. I sigh. "Fine." I say. "Good. I love you." He says. "I love me too." I say with a smile. "Not how it goes." He says before sliding the ring on. "Oh, well." I say with a smile. "I have to go and get ready for this match." He says. "Go get em champ." I say. "I get to face Finn Baylor." He says. "He's really good." I say. He nods. "No doubt, he and I used to be great friends in NXT." He says. "Then what happened?" I ask. "He left me to move up to the main roster with his buddies Seth and Roman. Never to talk with me again till now." Finn says from behind. A camera behind him. He continues "And I think we all know how well you and your brothers did. June 2nd 2014." "You jealous that I actually made it up to the main roster long before you." Dean says turning around. "I'm not jealous of some lunatic and his beautiful, yet crazy wife. I'm glad I came up when I did. The universe needs someone to save them, and I'm here to do just that." Finn says. "If we needed a hero we would have called a two toned power ranger or Neville." I say. The universe starts chanting power ranger. "No, what you both need is a mental institution. I'm about to put you in a hospital. I'm pretty sure the hospital won't mind seeing two lunatics in straight jackets. I'll see you out there and I hope you bring her with you." Finn says, he then walks away. "Let's try and make this a ladders match. Winner take all." Dean says into the camera before walking away. The camera turns off. I decide to wait till the Bella's go out there before I mess with them. Their music hit and they walk out there with the microphone. They get in the ring and before they say things I skip out there. "Hello Twins." I say with a smile. "Hey AJ. I just wanted to congratulate you on having a pig, I mean the one you married. Not the actual pig." Nikki says. I glare. "Okay, we get it I'm married to the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose, but Brie you should know better than anyone what it's like for everyone to make fun of your husband. Calling him a goat, insulting them. It wouldn't be the first time someone has insulted him, or myself. A power ranger, a guy covered in body paint, Twins, a goth, families with a goat, a sweaty man and their leader. Your own sister insulted you, your husband, she wished you died in the womb. Just two short years ago." I say. She nods and stands in the middle of us. She smiles at Nikki. "She's right, we do insult her." She says. Nikki nods with a smile. "How about we do it some more?" Nikki asks which I think was a rhetorical question. She nods and turns to me. Right before Nikki says something Brie superkicks her then follows it up with a blow to the head. She smiles at me. "I never realized how much she walked all over me. Now I'm my own person, and the first thing I'm gonna do is align myself with you." She says. "I work best alone, but having backup wouldn't hurt." I say. She raises my hand and I get out of the ring. I walk to the back. I need to go to the hospital soon, and get my blood checked. I had decided to go tonight since I didn't have much else to do. I drove to the hospital and they took me immediately to take my blood. They left the room and about thirty or forty minutes later they came back and said "Sorry, we had a little mix up. You have a sibling of yours here and we had found out that they were also having blood work done." Robert or Erica are here? "Who is it?" I ask. "A man named Seth." She says. "Last name?" I ask. "Why don't you go to their room and we can run more tests." She says. I nod and she leads me there. I open the door showing a bright room, and sitting on the chair was.....

The Sky Is Looking Great For April - A. Lee / D. AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now