Chapter 23

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I wake up and head into my room and take a shower. I pick out my clothes and I notice a box sitting on my nightside table. I open it and see this beautiful ring sitting in there with a note in the lid. I take a picture of it before further reading. I read it and it says
I know we never planned on ever dating, or even being friends. I never meant to fall in love with you, but from the first date I knew that you were the one that would change me. I changed you. I think I'm gonna quote our song. Thanks for the memories. Thanks for the times we've created and I realize that you and I both aren't done creating memories. Some say it's too early but who cares. I'm asking you to marry me because you are the sweetest, most beautiful girl in the world. I love you way too much. I want to make memories with you that last forever so I figured that I could claim you as mine and since peeing on you in the shower isnt too romantic I will claim you by asking you to marry me.
I smile and a few tears of happiness. I put the ring on my left ring finger and call Dean. He doesn't answer me so I assume he's busy. Twenty minutes later he calls me. "Hey. What do you say?" He asks immediately. "I'm saying yes." I say. "That's amazing. Now open the door." He says. "One second." I say. I open the door and there stands Dean. I smile and jump into his arms. We throw our phones on the floor. We start kissing each other passionately and after a little while we get dressed and I say "I want to take some sort of cutesy picture." I say. "Well, it's raining outside." He says. "Let's go out there with my clear umbrella and take a picture in the backyard." I say. He shrugs and nods. "If we are gonna put effort into this picture why don't we do this with you wearing a dress?" He asks. I shrug and put on a pink dress. From one of my red carpet dresses. I put on rain boots and he puts on converse. We head outside with my phone and I put up my umbrella and he asks "What are we doing?" "I want to do the cliché one of my hand in front of the camera and us kissing." I say. He shrugs and we take a few like that. I walk in front of him and splash in the rain puddles. He makes us go back inside. "Wait I have these chalk cups. We could write Mrs. On one and Mr. On the other." Dean says. I take my rain boots off and put them on the floor by the door. He takes the cups and writes as I make coffee. On one he writes something and the other he writes something else. I fill it with coffee and we sit at the table and I set my phone us for a picture and I make sure my ring is visible. Dean and I both take a sip and I take a picture. Then on with it in front of us but not letting go of the cup. I take one and we look in the pictures. I like the last one and the first one. I open twitter and write See a recurring theme? I put those pictures down and tweet it. "When do we head out?" I ask. "Tonight. I can't wait for you to be my wife." He says. I can't wait for the day that I am finally Mrs. Ambrose. I really love him. I can't put it into words. "Me too. I know you're already mine but I can't wait for if to be official." I say. We leave for Norfolk and get there at 7:30. We get to the arena at 8 pm. I get into my ring gear and Dean leaves to put his ring gear on. I go into hair and makeup. I get done just in time for Ziggler vs Barrett. I go to the trainer and get told I'm cleared to fight, so I find Paige and Becky. They have a match next. They are at the curtain and they give me a giant hug. "We heard about you and Dean. Congratulations." Paige says. "Yeah, congrats." Hunter and Stephanie say. "Speaking of great news in general I'm cleared for competing. Can I have my title match against Brie?" I ask. "Yeah, at Elimination Chamber." "When did you know that's the color we chose?" Becky asks. "Since I didn't have any other clean ring gear with me. I need to do laundry." I say. "How are you and Dean not jetlagged? He's been on 4 flights today, hasn't been able to sleep." Paige says. "I have no clue." I say. Ziggler wins against Barrett and we go out there. Becky and I sit on commentary. I put the headset on and as well as Becky. Paige made sure to have in ring competition with Nikki. "Hey, AJ and Becky. How are you two doing here tonight?" JBL asks. "I'm doing great. How are you? We have Paige in singles competition. What could be any better?" Becky says. "AJ. We have to get on the topic of you for right now." Jerry says. "That scares me, but alright." I say. "When can we expect you to be in the ring again?" Michael asks. "It will be before Elimination Chamber where I will compete against Brie for my title." I say. "That's great." JBL says. "It is. Now the first match you have had with Paige and Becky was a tag team. Of course you weren't in it but it was an amazing match. Your thoughts about the tag team?" Michael asks. "I actually want there to be a tag team title for the Divas division. The Divas are growing and there is plenty of tag teams in the divas locker room. Why reward just one of them when you can reward both of them. Stephanie I know your listening. Let's make that happen. #divastagtitles2015." I Say. "Okay." JBL says. Brie and Alicia go over and stand on the apron. Becky and I go over and sweep there feet out from underneath them. They fight back. I throw Alicia into the steel steps and Becky gives Brie and explosive suplex. Paige looks over and nods over at us. We get in the ring and start attacking Nikki. We set her up for the triple powerbomb. We highfive one another and go to the back. "AJ, Paige, Becky are you ready to go?" Stephanie says. "Yeah, I guess." I say. "Well, head on over to the airport when you're ready." Stephanie says. I nod and go take a shower. I change and put everything in my bag. This is probably the first time I've gone to so many places in the course of 2 days. Its not a long trip, so I'm thankful for that. I was told I was going to be on Kelly and Michael. After that I have a few interviews and a signing then I fly to Norfolk. So the most I'll be there is half a day. We take our showers and I text Dean
A-I'm leaving for New York. See you tomorrow.
I'm guessing he wasn't around his phone. He never answered by the time we got to the car. We got on the plane and talked for a little while. When we landed I asked them "Do you want to go to the hotel?" "Yeah. Sure." Becky says. We head to the hotel and relax for a little while. I end up falling asleep on the couch. I wake up at 6:30. I brush my teeth and get a cup of coffee on the road. I get to the studio by 7:30. I am rushed to hair and makeup. I get my dress on and leave the converse on. I see Michael, Kelly, Dove Cameron, and Joe Jonas. I go after Joe. I'm last. In the meantime I talk with Dove. Who I learn is in a new Disney Movie called descendants. She asked me what the Divas title was and I explained to her that I'm a WWE diva and this is my title. When it was finally time for me to go out there a stage manager brought me to a spot and told me what to do. I did what I was told at the correct time which was a plus. I gave Michael, and Kelly a hug. "Hi AJ." Kelly says. "Hello." I say with a smile. "I think this is the first WWE diva that we've had on the show so welcome." Michael says. "It's great to be here." I say. "Now, yesterday you shocked quite a few people when you announced that you are engaged. How'd he propose?" Kelly says. I shrug. "It wasn't traditional one knee kinda thing. Dean wasn't in town, I was at home for a a day or so. I had woken up and noticed this box sitting on the nightstand right next to me. I opened it and there was this letter and the ring. I read the letter and the line that he asked me was since peeing on you in the shower isn't too romantic. I want you to marry me." I say. She nods. "That's an odd way to ask." Michael says. I shrug. "Yeah, but when you think about it he's using a dog instinct to ask." I say. She nods. "This is the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose. Is he as crazy as he is on screen?" Kelly says. I think about it. "Not as crazy but he's up there." I say. She nods. "Well, stay tuned if you want to hear more about AJ Lee's journey to the WWE." Michael says. After a few minutes we are back on and Kelly asks "Do you think it's possible for me to fight you for the Divas title at the next Pay Per View?" "Not at the next pay per view no. I fight Brie Bella." I say. Michael asks "Since you just got injured how do you think it will affect your wrestling?" "I don't think it will not that I have 2 Divas who have my back and I have theirs." I say. "You call yourself the Anti-Divas. Which I have to ask. Who came up with that?" Kelly says. "Paige did. We all aren't what the WWE universe has too often as Divas. I'm the nerd, Paige is the goth so to speak, and Becky has a fiery personality and hair." I say. "Well, now you have earned the nickname the shield and people are saying that you Divas are similar to the shield. Who is the shield and what makes you similar?" Michael asks. "The shield was a very dominant force in the WWE for 2 years. It consisted of Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. They all brought something amazing to the table but they were a great unit. I think people see the shield in a couple girls like us is because of the triple powerbomb and the fact we run the Divas division." I say. "Who inspired you to be a wrestler?" Kelly asks. "Lita. She was such a cool person that I looked up to when I was younger and Rey Mysterio inspired me in the ring." I say. "Do you know as we were poking around looking for things to talk about we came across a video of you meeting Lita when you were younger." Michael asks. "I have seen that video a few times. I also haven't grown since that time." I say. Kelly and Michael laugh about that. "I want to know who would win a match between you and Kelly." Michael says with an evil smile. "What did you do?" Kelly asks. "We got the idea of arm wrestling." Michael says as someone brings out a table. "I'm down for it." I say. "Alright." She says with a smile. We both go go the table and I say "Michael would you hold my title?" He nods and smiles. He takes it and says "I'm Divas champion." I laugh as we lock up. "Let's make it interesting. Winner will be Divas champion." Michael says. "I'm game. If I lose I will get a fake." I say with a smirk. "Alright." She says. Michael says go and I start winning, then he pushes my hand. Causing me to lose. "Awh, what that isn't fair." I say. "There wasn't rules so it is." Michael says. I laugh a tiny bit. "Well, I guess your new Divas champion is Kelly Ripa. I guess you should come to Raw and defend your title against me on my turf." I say with a smirk. "No can do. I retire from in ring competition. You can have the title." Kelly says as she takes it from Michael and hands it to me. "Wow that isn't light. How much does that thing way?" Kelly says. "Like 20-30 pounds. Essentially I'm carrying the weight of a small child on me." I say. "Well, if you want to see more for more information." Kelly says. "Can I keep that belt?" Michael asks. "Are you trying to collect? Stephanie will be mad I gave it away. Go to Vegas and stop by at my place. I have a whole room devoted to my wrestling accomplishments." I say. "You gonna be home at all this month?" He asks suspiciously. "Nope." I say. "Well, where do you live? I'll find it." He says excitedly. I laugh. "Not gonna tell, I know you'd either steal it or try and live in that room." "How much does that room cost?" Kelly asks. "More than my dress. I actually have no clue." I say. "How many belts?" Michael asks. "Uhm, between the two of us there are around 30 belts and 4 slammy awards." I say. "You both have won tons more?" Kelly asks. "We have belts from before WWE and I have earned 3 slammys and Dean has won 5 but only has one." I say. "How does that work?" "Dean won all those while in the shield not in singles. The shield split them up. Dean got the least amount because everyone thought he did nothing and they took the slammys based on what they were given." I say. Kelly and Michael both laugh and Kelly says "We should have used these questions." Michael smiles. I give them both hugs and say "I have to catch a signing I will see you again." I say. "Sooner than you think. I'm taking vacation lets go to Vegas." Michael says jokingly. I smile and leave the studio. I go to this warehouse type place and Paige, and Becky are there. "Hi." I say. "Hey, AJ you're here. So, we are just doing some ID filming for the new group you've formed." The guy says. "Alright cool. What do we have to do for this?" I ask. "Get in you in your ring gear and we will go from there." He says. We nod and change into our ring gear. Becky puts on this coat thing and goggle things. She puts it on over her head and fixes her hair. We go into makeup and hair. It takes us an hour long to do it all. We go out there. "So, for the entrance we are gonna do all of yours together. Becky do the pose with your arms outstretched, hood up and head down. You will be on the far left turned outward. Then AJ you will be in the middle. Do your hair twirl and crazy eyes. Paige you are go to the pose you do at the top of the ramp when you are champion." He says. "Turn outward." We do what we are told and the music plays. "When you do this part I want you to walk to the front as if you were going out to the ring and stop right before the 'ramp'  to do the pose." He says. I nod and we go back a little and I skip up there. Becky walks and Paige gallops. We do that pose until they say stop. "Now I want this AJ and Paige to do the same pose as before while Becky takes off her hood like usual. Then Paige and Becky you both are going to cross your arms turned outward." They say. Paige and I stand in the same position. I tilt my head from side to side. Becky does the hood thing then Paige and Becky cross their arms. "Great, now do that all again without any stops." He says. We go to the back and do it again. He didn't like the way we did one thing so we did it again. It took 2 hours for us to come up with something. They finally let us see the footage. We then had thirty minutes to get to the place our signing was being held. It took half of that to get changed. I was still wearing my dress which I didn't like wearing to signings but we got there, got signed in and got our ID by the time it was starting. We then had to sign stuff for 3 hours then go across the state to the shore and sign more things than the last thing we had to do was a photoshoot. Our hands really hurt from the amount of signings we did today. We then did separate photoshoots. Mine was gaming themed, Paige had her goth themed one and Becky didn't really have a theme. We got hair and makeup done, I had little to none on and they handed me a controller and a headset. We took a few test pictures as the other girls were coming out. I finished last. We then took some pictures all together. In each of our spots. Becky in her green gear remind me of a female peter pan. I gotta say she pulls it off. We were then finished and it was 10 pm. We then drove to the airport and hopped on the plane. We landed at 1 in the morning. It made me frustrated that after being in New York we would then have to travel back to New York. We went to the hotel and checked in. We all passed out in bed after not having a break today.

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