Chapter 77

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I walked out to the ring because apparently Mark told me I needed to leave as a face, or as much as possible. I had to apologize in such AJ fashion. Turns out we wouldn't leave till Monday, my birthday. Which meant I didn't have the night off on my birthday. I grabbed a microphone and got booed immediately. "I'm out here, for one main reason. Bayley, please come out here." I say with a smile. Bayley walked out and smiled. "AJ, hey. How ya doing?" She asks. "I'm doing great actually. I wanted to say, that I'm very sorry for everything that has happened this week. I let all the power go to my head." I say with a small shrug. "Why should I believe that for a second?" She asks. "Take it or leave it. Maybe we can be friends." I say. She rolls her eyes. Then the Bella Twins come out. "AJ. Like you would ever apologize and mean it, I mean look at you, then look at wanna know the difference other than I'm a real woman? You don't stand for anything, you don't mean anything you say. I do. Real woman date real men. Name one real man you've dated, wait no one real man you haven't dated after me. I mean, Dolph, John, Primo, anyone else I'm missing?" Nikki asks. "So what I haven't had the best luck with men. I have great luck in the ring though. How about a way to prove myself to Bayley, and to prove myself to the Bella's. We have a tag team match. Me and Bayley vs you two. I know I might not look like a Bella, but I can prove that I wrestle better than one." I say with a smirk and the audience cheers. "I think they agree." I say with a smirk. "Yeah, its just that simple. You all the sudden want to be Bayleys friend. Could it be because you want to be number one contender?" Brie asks. "I don't think anyone was talking to the less important Bella Twins." I say. "AJ. Face the facts. My sister Nikki happens to be the better woman. She dates someone, and you date them. Spoiler alert. John only dates you because he pity's trash like you. He felt bad for you." Brie says. I shrug with a smirk. "Oh well, not what he said while we were making out, in the ring, or at the hotel. Not what he said about me. I believe be did say he hated you." I say with a smirk before Nikki runs into the ring with Brie and before we can even start fighting the lights bink and the noise everyone hates. "May I have your attention please." Michael says standing up. It can't be. That makes no sense. "Wait, Cole. Does it make sense to have the anonymous raw general manager here. At Smackdown?" I ask. "Well, with the Authority not here someone has to run the show." Michael says as he gets up on the podium. "And I quote... 'Divas save your relationship issues and petty arguments for later on tonight, when you face off in a tag team match. Current divas champion pairing with the former divas champion. Bayley and AJ vs the Bella Twins. In the mean time you better prepare, and quit de railing my show.'" He says. "See you guys tonight." I say before getting out the ring and head backstage where John is there looking pissed off. I smirk. "Hey John." I say as we continue walking. "Cut the shit." He says. "Okay. What do you want. Oh my gosh! If Nikki sees us together! Oh my god. How will your relationship take that?" I ask sarcastically. "That's why I'm here. It's kinda a thanks, because I'm hoping she breaks up with me." He says. "John. Now you can cut the shit." I say. "Okay fine. I didn't dump her. I love her too much." He says. "Awe romance. Like I care. Good bye." I say attempting to walk away. "You might of got her to dump me. What I told you was private." He says. "John. If was private. Like I said earlier. Anything you said to me while we were dating is now being used against you. What gossip did I tell you?" I ask. "You told me nothing." He says looking down. "Now babe. I believe that's how you keep friends close, but enemies closer." I say. "AJ. You didn't like me whatsoever did you?" He asks looking down. Now is when I feel bad. "I did. The first few days, then the dumping occurred and I kinda figured out a way to turn that around." I say. "No you didn't. You saw me as a chance to get back at Nikki for stealing Dean." He says. "You honestly think that makes sense. I always knew you were the pretty one. You certainly weren't the smart one. We started dating before them." I say. "AJ. I've had the hardest time understanding you. From the time we went out on screen and off. I still don't understand." He says. "Don't understand what?" I ask. "Don't understand you. I don't understand what you stand for. You change within two seconds. Your seriously crazy." He says. "Oh, I am. I'm sorry. Warn your girlfriend. I'll see her out there." I say before whispering in his ear. "You have enough wood to repair this burned bridge? I'll remember that when you need me...again." I then walk away leaving John probably more confused than ever. I go to the Shields locker room which has single handedly become my #1 hang out spot. I knock on the door and Dean answers shirtless. "Hey." He says letting me in. "Fighting over John now?" Roman asks. "Nah, more like getting Nikki to kick my ass." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Oh, What I told her John actually told me, so woopsie. John talked to me about that. I confused the hell out of him. Then we were done. I whispered in his ear something to annoy or confuse him even more then leaving before Nikki came." I say. "Who does she think she is. Real men? Look at me." Dean whines. "You whining sounds more like an 8 year old boy." I say. Dean glares at me. "When I think real men I think everyone you've dated on screen. They have been champion." Seth says. "I need to date someone else. That Nikki has dated. Just to keep this little feud going." I say. "This feud is pausing on your birthday. I mean we are doing a movie." Dean says. "Woa. Congrats. It'll be me and Roman." Seth says. "Whomever lost the match last night would be in the move with me. Playing my husband." I say. "Oh, perfect. Deans got the most experience with this." Roman teases. "Man, you marry twice and you are labeled for life." Dean says. "Twice?" Everyone says looking between Dean and I. "Not AJ." Dean says. "Wait what?" Roman says. "I got married while I was in cinci." Dean says with a shrug. "Oh, speaking of things that happened a while ago what were you guys talking about last night?" I ask. "So, we tried to return your room key Dean this morning, but you and AJ were knocked out." Roman says. "We were up till like 5." He says. "Doing?" Roman asks. "Nothing important." Dean responds. "Dean? What were you guys talking about last night?" I ask again. "Guys? A little help." Dean says. "Nope." Seth and Roman say. "Babe, lets go on a walk." Dean says wrapping an arm around my shoulder before flipping Roman and Seth off. He holds onto my hand as we walk past John who is even more confused. "So, what's up?" Dean asks. "Tell me, before I go to Roman or Seth." I say. "They wouldn't sell me out." Dean says. "Oh, lets see." I say with a smirk. "Okay fine. A while ago in my Moxely days..." He starts and I already know where this is going. "Who'd you sleep with?" I ask. "Um, Jake Roberts daughter." He says. I smack him in the back of the head. "Ow. What was that for?" He asks. "Dean. How do you manage to do this?" I ask. "I was either high or drunk. I don't remember most of what we did. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but she texted saying she had a great time the night before. I never responded, but anytime we have oldschool raw. He's there with her. I avoid her, and I get snaked." Dean says. "You are a dumb ass." I say. "Awe. Babe. I love you too." Dean says while rolling his eyes. "Anyways. What about you and John? I know there was a past and shit, but he's getting a little obsessive with you." Dean continues. "Obsessive? Yeah right. He's more interested in me not making a fool of himself in front of Nikki." I say with a shrug. "Is that so?" Dean asks. "Yes. Now. I have a match to prepare for. I imagine you have one too." I say. "Oh, actually I've got a segment with Roman." I say. "How fun." I say. "On Miz TV." He says. "I take that back." I say. "Thanks for your support." He says as he gives me a kiss. "Babe. Sometime during the night ask Mark for the script." "I'd love to if someone says please." He says with a smirk. "You just did. Please go get the scrips tonight." I say. Dean shrugs. "I'll see you after my match." I say before kissing him and walking off. I know it isn't safe to go into the locker room while the Bella's are in there.

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