Chapter 21

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(A/N I'm going to SummerSlam tonight. Excited. Comment if you've ever been to a ppv, or a live event, Monday night Raw, or the taping of Smackdown. If you have a story you can pm me it and I will include it in the book somewhere or in a new book. I've been to Smackdown, a live event, and tonight will make a ppv. Now all I need is Raw. I look forward to interacting with you! I don't live in Brooklyn though. I live in North Carolina, so it's not here often.)

Monday Night Raw

I watch on again, same old show. We are in Dean's hometown. Dean said he was taking me somewhere after the show. The show starts off with Hunter talking to Kane and Seth. The 'We want Ambrose' chants break out. The arena is chanting Ambrose. Dean smirks at me. "I think they want me." He says. I chuckle. "Maybe." I say. Dean hops up as Hunter puts him in a handicap match with J&J. Dean goes out there which excites the crowd. Deans match is soon over and he bows before coming back here. "After I take a shower we are going." He says. I nod. I just sit on the crate and watch the match. Dean comes back and we leave the building. He rented another car incase Raw was over and we weren't back. He drives us to this neighborhood and he gets out and helps me out. He knocks on the door and this man opens it. "Dean." The man shouts giving him a hug. "Sami." Dean says. "What brings you here? With a person?" Sami asks. "We are here for Raw tonight and I decided to bring her to see where I'm from." He says. No way this is awesome I get to see why Dean is who he is. "Sami this is AJ." He says. I smile. "Awesome. Where shall we start first?" Sami asks. "You cool with the woods?" Dean asks. "Yeah. I don't mind." I say. He nods and says to Sami "Grab your flashlight. Lets get started." Dean says. Sami grabs one and Dean goes in the car and grabs two. "This house used to be mine." Dean says pointing to the house next to Sami's. We go in between the houses into the woods and turn on the flash lights. After five minutes of walking We stop at a place that has no grass like the rest of the place. Tons of dirt. He sees a light. "Cool, the light is still here." He says. "What is this place?" I ask interested. "It's where Sami and I first met. Then we would just hang out here." Dean says. He sits on a giant rock and has me sit next to him. He wraps an arm around me and I ask "How did you two meet?" "I was climbing up in this tree and Dean was right below me as I fell down. I landed on him and broke his rib. I kinda made him stay here for a few hours to make sure he wouldn't tell on me." Sami answers. "How do you still know each other now after so long?" I ask. "We aren't old." Sami says. "How old are you?" I ask. "27." Dean nods. "I'm older than you." I say. "How old are you?" He asks me. "28." I say. He nods. "But to answer your question we were also in combat zone wrestling. Where we teamed up as the Switchblade Conspiracy." I nod. "Where else is there to go?" Dean asks. "You're house. I have been told to take care of the house. Which means I have a key." Sami says with a smile. Something that is similar to Dean's. A crazy one. We go back out the woods and I get scraped by a branch on the way out. I look at it and see it's bleeding a tiny bit. Sami lets us in as he gets the key. We go into Dean's old house. "Man. I never thought I'd be in this place again." Dean says. We look in every room. Dean finds some pictures. One of him and one of I'm guessing his father. It's a mug shot. There is a broken kitchen window fixed with duct tape. We go upstairs in every room. The last room is his. It has a few wrestling things. It had a TV and a gameboy color. On his bed it was a pink pillow with black blankets. "Why pink?" I ask. "I have no idea. Might have been to piss people off." He says. There is one bathroom. He opens the door and says "This is where my mother died." We nod and a chill goes down my spine. Strange to think that. He opens the shower curtain and jumps a tiny bit. "What is it?" I ask. "A mannequin. I put in there when I was younger to scare people." He says. We nod and go out the door. "You clean that place?" I ask. It was covered in dirt and dust. "No, I was told to try to. I have not." Sami says. My phone goes off. I see it's Paige. I hit ignore. A few seconds later Roman calls me and I hit ignore. No more calls. They know not to call Dean. He doesn't answer. "Lets go to the park." Dean says. "They put a fence up. No one even goes in it." Sami says. "Hop the fence just like we did at school." Dean says. Sami nods. We go to the fence and it isn't little. At least 7 feet in the air. Sami goes down. Dean goes next, but falls. "I've lost my touch." Dean says sadly. "Don't worry we aren't done." Sami says. I climb over and Dean helps me down. We walk around in the park at 10 at night. We spend a few minutes there. We hop the fence again and Sami says "Want to go in the gym? It's run down." "Do you have a key?" Dean asks. "No, but there is this vent on the side of the building. I can't fit but your lady over there can." Sami says. Dean and Sami look to me. I shrug. "Fine but you owe me." I say. We go to the gym a few blocks down. Dean and Sami pry the vent open. I go through the vent causing only a little pain in my neck. I unlock the door and open the door for Sami and Dean. We leave the lights off as we explore the gym. "The place I got in my first fight." Dean says with a smile. "Right here?" I ask. "No in the corner. I lost. Where my blood stained the carpet. We look around in the back office. Dean sits on the desk and turns on the computer. It has a cracked screen. I look through it and see Dean's name. Further down I see Sami's and a Katrina Ambrose. I show it to him confused. "That was my wife." He says. I give him a confused look. "When I was like 18 I got drunk with this girl and she said it would be funny if we got married. That lasted for a month. She divorced, Might have gotten her pregnant. Then I moved to Vegas." "The place you're in now?" I ask. I don't want to flip out over something that happened 10 years ago. "No, I've moved like 3 times since then." He says. We leave the gym and walk past a school. "This is my old school." Sami and Dean say. "What happened to it?" I ask. "It's still a school. Now it's a high school." Sami says. "I want to go inside." Dean says. "Why?" I ask. "There is this room that I spray painted with Sami and I glued a mug to the ceiling and wall." Dean says. "Not to mention when you smoked weed in the teachers lounge. Besides they got them down a year ago." Sami says. I roll my eyes. "Damn it. Anything else that I'm forgetting?" "The place you stole a dog." Sami says. We go there and through the chain fence is this giant ass bunny. "Woah." I say. "That is Trixie. She is the school mascot." Sami says. I nod and then we walk like a mile back to the car. We turn off the flashlights and throw them in the car. Dean and Sami say bye. I wave bye and we head to the hotel taking 40 minutes. Dean parks the car and says "Did you have fun?" "I did. It was cool to see where you're from." I say. "Well, maybe you can do this for me when we are in Jersey." Dean says. He leans over and gives me a passionate kiss. I take the flashlight and screwdriver out. Dean returns the car. We go to our rooms. I unlock the door and Paige asks "Where were you?" "Out with Dean." I say. She gives me a judgemental stare. "Where did you go?" She asks. "On an adventure." I say. "Yeah, from the messed up hair and scrape on your arm it must have been some adventure." She says. I shrug and take a shower hoping that when I get back she will be asleep. I get out of the shower and head to bed. I am woken up a little later. It's two pm. Paige tells me that we are leaving. Dean drives today with me in the front. We have to go straight to the arena. Dean goes with me to see Sandra. Becky and Paige go into hair and makeup. Roman goes to scope out the arena. "So this is the first idea." Sandra says showing me my love bites shirt with it cut up in a butterfly design. I nod and she shows me the second with the bows. I like it. "I will wear this one tonight." I say. I take that one with the bows and Dean says "I like that one." "Okay, I didn't know you had a fashion sense." I say. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks. "Ever been a day you haven't worn jeans and a tank top." He shrugs. I go into hair and makeup. Dean walks off. When hair and makeup is done. I get changed. She had to make it a size bigger for me. I go to the trainer and he tells me "You won't be able to compete at payback. Come back here in a week and we can determine whether or not you need surgery." I nod and walk out. I find an empty hallway and sit on the crate. Dean sees me and smiles. He kisses me on the lips. "What's up?" He asks. "I was just talking with the trainer and I was told that I can't compete this Sunday. I have to go see him again in a week to see if I'm gonna need surgery." I say sadly. "Well, I'm sorry. I hope you are cleared." Dean says. Someone tells him that he is due any moment. He leaves me to go to the curtain. Dean talks about why he hit dirty deeds on his best friend. Roman comes out there and they agree on what's to come Sunday. Before they were able to shake on it Kane goes out there and says something about their bromance of the year. Dean lands himself in a match against Sheamus. Dean won. A little while later a producer tells me that I'm on. I go to the curtain and grab a microphone. My music hits and I walk to the ring. "No one has." I stop because they start chanting my name. I pick up my sentence. "No one has really heard from me since Monday night Raw last week. When this happened." They show a replay of my getting clotheslined and landing on my neck. "I have an issue that has come up in my neck and that's why I'm wearing the neck brace. I have been talking with doctors and trainers about my neck, and what I originally was told was I would be able to compete this Sunday and now not so much. I won't be able to have my match at Payback for the divas title." Like planned Paige comes out there and says "While you aren't able to compete in the ring I have a proposition for you. Someone needs to keep this Divas division in shape. How about me, you and my buddy from NXT Becky Lynch dominate the divas division. You rock the mic and we rock this ring." She says as Becky's music hits. She gets in the ring and I smirk. Becky and Paige stick their hands out. Just as I go to shake it Brie comes out. "A little strange you aren't able to be a fighting champion. I think that's what we divas need. A fighting champion. It isn't you. It should be me and a few divas I have rounded up." Is there one time where I can say something then leave? Alicia and Rosa walk out. Followed by Naomi, Sasha Banks, and Tamina. "No, I think it's quite obvious that the divas division needs someone like me Sasha and Tamina. Bad. Beautiful and Dangerous." Naomi says. Stephanie walks out. "I see all of you ladies think that your team is better. Why don't we find out this Sunday in an elimination tag match. Choose the two best from your teams to fight. Whomever doesn't compete in that match will have a singles match on raw the following evening." I shake hands with Paige and Becky. Thus making our 'shield' a unit. I left the ring with Paige and Becky. Stephanie stops us on our way to the locker room. "After you finish getting changed and everything come to my office." She says. We nod and on my way there Dean picks me up and carries my bridal style. "We are going on a date tonight. I miss our nights." I shrug and agreed only if he put me down. He set me down and I changed clothes as the girls showered. We all left the locker room at the same time. We went to Stephanie's office and I knocked on the door. She let us in and says "Now that you all are a cohesive unit I want you guys to go out to the ring together to new music and have matching outfits." I look from Paige to Becky then to Stephanie. "I don't think that will work. I bring something different to the table than they do when it comes to looks." I say. "Well, we are thinking about getting you out of t-shirt and maybe get gear like you used to. Something so that you all match. Have a theme of colors whenever you do wrestle." "Do I have to get rid of the converse? Its my thing." I say. She shakes her head. "Now for music I'm thinking something edgy with that light music AJ has. Like Shots by imagination dragons." She says. We both look to one another. "That sounds like a great song. We agree on that?" Paige says. We nod. "Names?" Becky asks. "As we have said we are trying to make you be like the next version of the shield. Which leads us to a name. It needs to badass. Any ideas?" "Us to not be the shield." I say. "Well, We are like the different Divas. I'm the only one with black hair and a lip piercing, Becky is the only one with orange hair and AJ is the only one who is nerdy why not be the anti-divas." Paige says. She won't give up on that anti-diva idea. "Better than calling us the freaks." I say. Everyone ends up agreeing on this idea. "AJ. You will be put on commentary next Sunday." She says before dismissing us. Dean finds me and says "You in trouble again?" "No." I say rudely. "Don't be mean short stack." "Whatever are we leaving?" I ask. "Yeah." He says. We grab our stuff. Paige, Roman and Becky join us. We go to the hotel and drop our stuff off. Dean tells them we are taking the car. He drives around for a little bit and he stops on this hill. We get out and sit in the trunk with the trunk open and the last row down. He wraps an arm around me and says "I love you short stack." I smile. It's the weird places he brought me on dates that made me love him even more. He had taken me on 1 normal date of the million we have been on. "I love you too crazy." I say. He takes out a pack of cigarettes and hands me one. "Can I do something weird?" He asks. "How weird?" I ask. He brings his face close to mine and licks it before shoving his tongue in my mouth. He pulls away and smirks. "Just about that weird." He says. "Times like this I wish we had our own room. "Good. That's what the purpose that was." Dean says. "Wow." I say looking up into his eyes. "We might not have a bed to do this but we do have a back seat of the car." He says. "How about this, when Roman's not at your room." I say. He smiles. Dean lights my cig and his. I take a larger puff of smoke than intended and I cough. "How's bromance of the year going for you?" I ask playfully. "Great. As far as I'm concerned we got that slammy in the bag." Dean jokes. "Are you upset about you and the shield getting together possibly?" "Yeah, I love working with Roman. I love him like a brother but Seth kinda ruined the most dominant force in the WWE all for what to lose against me at payback and cause Kane to be out of a job?" He asks. "You want to be in the next version of the shield? Comparing Paige, me and Becky to you, Roman and Seth?" I ask. "Man we're fucked up." Dean says with a smile. "Not as fucked up as comparing me to Seth." I say. "Who is Paige and Becky?" He asks. "I see more Roman in Paige." I say. "I see more of me in you." He says. I smirk. "Sounds like you are trying to seduce me." I say. He smirks. "Who says I wasn't?" He says. "So, you know how Paige was trying to get Jade to stay with us all of our time off. How come she didn't say for the whole time?" I ask. He finishes his cigarette and stomps it on. He takes out his phone and starts playing our song. He played it for us on the 2nd date and it instantly became our song. Now we play it every date. Once in a blue moon its on the radio. He kisses me very passionately and says "This has probably been the best year of my life. I love you." "I love you too." No matter how many times he says it to me I never get tired of hearing it and I don't get tired of saying it. "You ready to head back?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. We fix the seat and head to the front of the car. I close the trunk. I sit in the passenger seat of the car. We get to the hotel at 12. He kisses me just like he did when we parted ways last night and I go to my room and unlock the door being quiet. "What did you and Dean do tonight?" Paige asks scaring the living daylights out of me. "To hang out. We just sat in the car." I say. "You have fun?" She asks. "Yeah." I say truthfully. I go to bed.

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