Chapter 76

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I watched on to Raw as Dean was sprawled out in the center of the ring as Roman was celebrating. Roman wasn't in the ring. He was standing on the announcers table with title raised in the air. When Jake 'the snake' Roberts music hit. He walked out with his yellow bag and smirked as he went into the ring. Roman didn't dare walk in because he now it made sense. He didn't like snakes. Snakes before Dean I guess. He took the snake out of the yellow bag and set it on Dean. The entire audience laughed. He picked the snake up as raw went off the air. He hopped out the ring as Roman entered the ring to help his buddy up. I guess Dean's anger that will build up can also join mine. I go to the curtain and wait for Roman and Dean to come back. What do you do in this situation? Do you congratulate your best friend? Or do you console your boyfriend? They finally came backstage when Dean was aware of where he was. Dean went straight to me before acknowledging anyone. Many might I say did congratulate Dean and Roman on a great match. A ton of legends. Not even current people. This birthday would be very interesting to say the least. It coming up in a week. It was so weird that Wrestlemania was before my birthday. I had time to indulge in myself without any stress. He finally released ms from the bone crushing hug which probably really helped him out. He walked away just as quick. Roman walked over and I gave him a big hug. "Congrats. You did it." I say. He smiles. "I did. Nothing can make tonight any better." He says. "I have something for you. JoJo told me to give it to you after the match." I say before digging in my pocket for the bracelet. "Awe. Thanks. Now. I have a lot of celebrating to do. I imagine you and Dean are gonna be riding back to the hotel right after this?" He asks. "I'm gonna try and see if staying out late is an option." I say with a small shrug. Roman nods before walking away. I go back to my locker room. I pack all my clothes up and change into something other than my ring gear. When I finish there is a knock at the door. Dean with all his stuff. "Great to know we're in a movie together. Let's go. I'm 100% done with this night." Dean says. "Wait. I have something that might be beneficial for the both of us. I had got this for one of the many adventures we have." I say with a smirk as I grab my bag. We go to the car and I place our stuff in the back. I drive to the hotel and grab the bag of what I thought we could do, and Dean brings our stuff. We walk into the hotel room. I set the stuff down at the table. I make a pot of coffee knowing if Dean won't drink it I will. I walk into the bedroom area and Dean says "What in the hell are we doing?" "Sit at the table and would you like coffee?" I ask. "Sure. I guess." He says. I sit him at the table where I set the paint and canvases at. I pour two cups of coffee and fix his how I know he likes it and hand it to him before preceding to do the same. I sit at the table and Dean looks done before I could even begin. "What are we doing? AJ. This is pointless." He asks with a sigh. "Dean, let something out. Let some emotion out. You have had said nothing about loosing tonight. I wanted to paint, so you can either let something out, or were gonna paint for hours and hours." I say. "Can we do both?" He asks kinda hopeful. I nod. "Well, I don't want to cry. I'm on the verge of doing just that. Loosing the title. The title meant everything to me." Dean says. "The title once you grab it makes you want it forever." I say with a nod. "You understand more than anyone, but with me... It became what I craved when I had it. I kept track of the days because I needed some part of that title to be statistics and plain facts. It wouldn't say how I won, how I lost, who I won to, who I lost to. It would say how long I kept it, when I won it, and when I lost it." He says. "I'm assuming you wanted to hold it longer than someone? Who though?" I ask. We all had someone we wanted to beat in length. The first time I won the title I first wanted to beat Nikki's first title reign at 6 days, then Alicia's at 56, and going upward as I beat that." I say. "It sounds stupid, but I wanted to beat Seth. He was the next closest. 30 ish days." He says. "See. It feels great talking about these title reigns with someone who knows what it feels like." I say. "Yeah, what about you? How are you holding up with this?" He asks as we start painting. "I'm better. I'm not upset that I lost... As much. It's hard to win the title but its easy to lose it." I say. "Yeah, well. I talked with Mark yesterday asking him about my career. Where we saw me in a few years, and I was told that I might not last a few years at the top. I was just a flash in the pan. I'm at the top for now, but not for long. I want to prove myself, but they don't give me chances." Dean says with a sigh. "You get to prove how great that you are when you aren't there. Not while you aren't. Mark gets a chance to see how good you are without wrestling. What impact you have on the fans. Everyone knew Roman would win the title." I say. "Well, what have I done to prove that I'm worth it?" Dean asks losing hope. "Dean, you have held the united states title for the longest under the WWE banner, you've been champion for 3rd longest out of WWF and WWE. The fact that you are in the top ten for title reigns combined with one reign that's incredible." I say. "Okay, I believe in myself. I just need to prove myself. I know exactly how to do it." He says with a smirk. "How?" I ask. "Grandslam. The thing is. I need to convince Seth to tag team with me." He says. "Awe, babe. I think that's a great idea. I'll be in your corner the entire way." I say. He smiles. "Good. Now all I've managed to paint is absolutely nothing." He says looking down. "Well, I'm painting this blue." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Why not." I say. "Well, someone's birthday is coming up in a week, or so... What do you wanna do for it?" He asks. "Be with you guys. I'm not looking for an extravagant party. Just you, Roman and Seth." I say. "Well, what do you want?" He asks. "I don't really care. Whatever you happen to get me, don't have it be a bunch." I say. "Can we put a rule on this right now? Like for how much we can spend. This goes for birthdays, Christmas presents, just cuz." He says. "How much on maximum?" I ask. "$1000. That can cover everything. From birthdays, Christmas. The max is $1000." He says. "Okay, fine by me." I say. "Good, because I had my eye on a few things." He says before kissing my head. "Dean. I don't want a lot. Just you. I'm fine with something like a necklace, I'm not expecting the newest most coolest skateboard, or whatever." I say. "Okay, I have one thing." He says. "You are so stubborn." I say. "Awe how sweet of you to say." He responds.

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