Chapter 26

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Dean and I took a trip down to Union City. We did what Dean did for me a little bit ago. When we were leaving at 1am Dean asks me "Are you okay? You seem a little off tonight." He says. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say. I know I probably shouldn't have lied but the guilt was eat me up from the conversation Punk and I had to the conversation with Erica and I had. "You sure?" He asks concerned. "I did something bad." I say. "What did you do?" He asks concerned. "How would you feel if I let someone stay at our house while we aren't there?" I ask. "I'd be pissed off you didn't tell me or involve me in the discussion. That was selfish." He says. "Selfish? You are extremely selfish and and Erica is watching Nacho while we are away. The place she's moving to doesn't allow dogs. You would have said no if I didn't say yes right away." I say. "You're right I would have because I'm selfish. I accept that. You can't have someone watch your dog from our house? A neighbor that I trust. Anythings better than having someone over. Why do you have to keep the dog? It makes things complicated." He says angrily. "Are you really asking me to chose between you and a dog?" I ask dumbfounded. "Yeah. I am." He says quickly. "Well, in that case I chose Nacho. He's been there a hell of a lot longer than you." I say frustrated. When we get to the hotel after the heavy silence I parked the car and Dean didn't give me a kiss or say he loved me. We just went our separate ways. I went to my room and he went to his. We were right next to each other, so I made up some excuse. I went and got a bottle of water. I walked in my room and for once no one was awake. I took a shower and went to sleep. When I woke up it was 10 am. Meaning I didn't get too much sleep tonight. I got a cup of coffee from downstairs and went back to my room. Becky was awake by that time. "Hi." She says with a smile. "Hey." I say. "What were you up to last night? No one saw you come back." She says. "I was chillin with Dean." I say. "Cool." She says. "I guess. What time are we leaving today?" I ask. "Any time. You can leave without us though. Since you have your own car." Becky says. "Sounds like a great idea. I'm actually gonna leave right now." I say. She nods and I pack my stuff up and head downstairs. I go and put my stuff in my car. I drive off to Providence. It feels all too familiar this route. When I get to the hotel after a long drive I return the rental car and rent a new one. This one is bigger. I got us checked in and everything. The room was under Paiges name, so I had to get her clarification through the phone. I told her what room and got three keys and three car things. I ended up sleeping for about 30 minutes. Paige then texted me saying Becky and her are there. I had to go down there and give them the key, and car. I then went to the gym for a little while and got some french fries. It was then 5, so I went and left for the arena.
Dean Point of View
I was sitting down in the locker room with that little weasel Seth and Roman. I was taping up my hands. I was back with the shield, but Roman and I had a plan. "How are you and AJ?" Seth asks. I shrug. "We've been better." I say. AJ did something shady and underhanded. I think I'm rubbing off on her. "What happened?" Roman asks. "She invited her sister to live at my house while we are away. She didn't ask, and the whole purpose is her dog can't stay with her at her new place." I say. "Your place? I thought it was the both of yours." Roman says correcting me. I shrug. It's gonna take some time to get used to that. "I'm used to being alone, so yeah I said mine." I say. "Did you say anything that would piss her off?" Seth asks. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask defensively. "When someone pisses you off you usually end up pissing them off by saying something you shouldn't be." Roman says. "I asked if it was necessary that she lived with us and said did we really need to keep the dog." I say while taping up my other hand. "So, basically you just made her choose between you and her dog and if we know AJ she chose the wrong thing in your eyes." Roman says. "Yeah, pretty much." I say. "What else did you say wrong?" Seth asks. "Nothing." I say. "So, pretty much your upset with another person in the house you can't have sex every second of every day." Roman asks. "Am I that predictable?" I ask jokingly. "Pretty much. I think you should apologize." Seth says. "I didn't do anything wrong though." I say. I don't need life lessons from Seth. He needs them. He stabbed us in the fucking back! "You did though." Roman says. That's how I know I messed up if Roman thinks that. I still don't think I should. "I'd go before your match." Seth says. I groan but get up and find AJ talking with Brie, Randy, and Eva. I walk over and lean down and whisper in her ear. "Can we talk?" I ask. She shrugs. "It's weird to think that I've been here for almost 5 years." She says. "What's even weirder is the fact that you ended up in 3rd during NXT, but your the most successful diva." Randy says. "He's right. Most your time here has been you as Divas champion." Brie says. AJ smirks and shrugs. "Well, as fun as this fun conversation was about me. I have to go get ready." AJ says. She walks away pulling me with her. We go to her locker room and we stand outside of it. "What do you want?" She asks. "To say I'm sorry for making you chose. After talking with Roman. I kinda learned that you aren't the only one who was wrong." I say. "I should have told you. I guess." She says. I smirk. "Does that mean we cool?" I ask. "Yeah, I have to change though." She says. "Can I join?" I ask hopefully. "Fine." She says. We both go in there and AJ starts to get changed. When she finishes I push her against the wall and kiss her passionately. She doesn't kiss back for a few seconds. She smiles and sticks her tongue down my throat causing me to gasp a little. This girl full of surprises. We then have a rough game of tonsil hockey going on until there is a knock on the door. "AJ, you are on in 5." Someone says. "Alright cool." She says in response. She grabs her title and we head out. We walk to the curtain and warm up. "Who's willing to compete first?" Hunter asks. AJ raises her hand. "I've got a little open challenge." She says.
AJ Point of View
Paige, Becky and my music hit. The guys follow us out to the ring. I grab a microphone and start my promo. "I have proved time in and time out that I am the best diva on this roster. I still hold this title after everything the Bella bitches have thrown at me, so to prove how great of a champion I am. I am issuing an open challenge. Against any diva back there. You can be from NXT, Raw, Smackdown. It doesn't matter I will beat you." I say. Then I hear turn it up. Who's theme? Oh that's right Bayley Beside her is Alexa Bliss and Charlotte who copies her father but gets all the credit. They walk into the ring I smirk. "So which one of you thinks she has what it takes?" I ask. "Me." Charlotte says. I look up and over. "Fine by me." I say. The shield, Becky and Paige leave the ring. I hand the ref my title. As soon as the bell starts to ring she jumps on me putting me in a headlock. I fight out of it then she hits a few chops like her father does. I kick her in the face. I figured I minus well win with Flair. She then goes for a moonsault and I move out of the way. She clutches her sides as I pull her in for her submission move. The figure 8. She tries so hard to not tap. She punches me in the face a few times and I release the hold. I take a moment to think up a new plan and I get speared. I know there was no way in hell I would kick out of this, so I put my foot on the ropes. At the last fucking second the ref sees my foot. Charlotte starts to argue with the ref but then drops it and goes for a backpack stunner, but I stop her with a drop toe hold and hit her with a hurricane. I then set her up for the black widow. Bayley and Alexa go on the apron but Paige and Becky pull them off. As I turn around Charlotte goes to give me a big boot, but I pull the top rope down and she goes flying out the ring. Becky and Paige start arguing with Alexia and Bayley. I then go on the top rope and take everyone out including my partners. "Sorry." I say to them as I pull Charlotte in the ring. I put her in the black widow. She taps almost instantly. I release her and raise my title in the air. Becky, and Paige get in the ring and raise my hands and titles. We leave the ring and head go the back. Stephanie approaches us and says "This match that you want, won't be able to happen at night of champions because you are champion." "Oh, okay. Who do I get to fight?" I ask. "Well, after this week. I think a battle royal will suit you." She say. I shrug and walk to the back. I take a shower and change into my street clothes. I want to add something to my appearance going to the ring, but I don't know what to add. Not to mention Dean and I end up doing it at least three times a week. Dean couldn't help it. He after all was a guy who enjoyed me and sex. He had started to get turned on if I went in his hotel room after the gym. Sweat covering me. He's a strange lunatic. The bad thing is once or twice he wouldn't use protection. That meant I would have to talk to him about birth control pills. After Smackdown taping and Punk won the title Dean took me down to the lake. We had brought the blanket that was in the rental car. I sat down on a giant rock and say "Can I ruin this night?" He gives me a confused look. "Let me ask you this. How do you feel about the shield?" Dean asks. "I loved it, but you're like Robin. Poorly credited for what he does, but widely known." I say. He smirks at the fact I used a comic book reference. "That is probably the sexiest thing you have ever said." He says. "Alright. Continue." I say. "Well, I won't say this then. I'll tell you closer because you're so pro shield." He says. "Alright. My turn." I say. "Shoot." He says. "Well, as physically active as we've been..." "Just say sex. You have said dirtier things to me." He says cutting me off. "Okay. As much sex as we have had recently and how little times you've used a condom. I'm thinking about taking birth control pills." I say. "Two things. I don't use condoms often, so feel special. I've stuck my dick in so many places. I'm not sure how many kids in the world are mine, but I do have 2 others that I know about." He says. "One being Paige's?" I say. "No, not including Paige's." He says. Wow. I would call him a dirty whore, but Dean loves sex. It makes him even more Dean than if he didn't. Of course he can carry normal conversations without bringing up sex. "Okay." I say. "Just one thing. Why are you so anti kids?" He asks. "I'm not so much anti kids as I am leaving the ring. I of course do feel the need to have a kid by the time I'm 30, but I'm not emotionally ready to end my in ring career for a little bit. I also had this idea that I was quitting in ring competition by 35." I say. I did have this whole idea planned out. I'm this huge main card diva and the fact that I would have to leave it for at the least 9 months upsets me. Unless Dean wants a kid. "Well, lets say hypothetically speaking you got pregnant tomorrow. You would feel?" He asks. "I would be fine with that because I'd be with you. But upset I'd have to give up my title and I wouldn't be marrying batman." I say. "At the end up the day what is most important? This career you have or actually living a life. No offense." He says. Its weird to have Dean have a normal conversation with me. We don't talk about kids or even this ring on my finger. "I want both, but as I have serious Dean with me. What about this wedding? What are we doing?" I ask. "I want whatever you want. The sooner the better." He says. "Well, I say the next time you and I both are off and home. Why don't we have it done." I say. "I know you were expecting some sort of romantic ceremony, but would you be cool if if were just something we did at the court or even some shitty wedding chapel without anyone?" He asks. I did want to at least want down the aisle. To know that he doesn't really want to do that made me respect it but upset me. I at least know he doesn't want it to be an everyone thing. The court basically symbolizes our relationship. Down low. "I think, if we do go down the court road its more of a party for us afterwards." I say with smirk. He smiles widely. "Now were talkin. Except I don't want to do anymore of that. How about we go skinny dipping?" He says. "How about we not." I say. "Why not? Its this or the car." He says. "I have at least done it in the car. Come on. I can't be home at the asscrack of dawn." I say. "Fine." He says. We go and get in the car and drive 10 minutes to the hotel. He kisses me and says "See ya later." I nod and go to my room. I fall asleep. I wake up around 11 ish. I go and take a shower. I head to the gym. Dean calls me thirty minutes into my work out.
"Hey." I say
"Hi. You busy?" He asks.
"I'm currently working out. Why?" I respond.
"Roman and Seth just left for crossfit. You up for a shower?" He asks seductively.
"I guess." I say. I pack my stuff up and go to the hotel. I go to Dean's room. I knock on the door and he opens it. He lets me in. As soon as the door closes he ushers me to the bathroom. He turns on the water. We hop in and start to have a little fun. After that we got dressed and he asks "Is there time for round two?" I smirk. He hovers on top of me. He kisses me softly before the door opens. Dean groans and lays down next to me. "Find a room." Roman says. "We did." Dean says. "Well, we are heading to our signing. Come on." Seth says. "Fine." Dean says. "Now I can finally work out." I say. "You've worked out enough." Dean says. I smack him in the chest. I get up and kiss him. I tell them I'll see them later. I go to my room.

The Sky Is Looking Great For April - A. Lee / D. AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now