Chapter 86

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We were sitting in the waiting room. We had been waiting about 5 minutes and John walked in with Nikki wrapped around his arm. His smile dropped a bit when he saw us. Deans name was called when they started coming closer. We went up into the room. I sat there watching him get checked out. He made a few grunts ever so often. "We're gonna do an MRI on him. If there is a tear then we can have surgery for tomorrow morning." He says to me. I nod and let them go. They come back 20 minutes later and Dean looks hopeful. They open up the pictures that were taken. I don't know what I was looking at but it was awfully gross. "Dean, I'm afraid you will need surgery in order to fix this." He says. "Are you sure?" Dean asks. "Yeah, its not long out of the ring. 8 months." He says. "Can you give us 5 minutes? Then we can discuss surgery." I ask. The doctor nods and leaves. "Dean." I start. "AJ, 8 months is a long time away. Outta sight outta mind with the WWE. I was expecting a month or two." He says. "This gives you a big chance to discover who you are outside the WWE. Spend time with our kids. Hell, I will be with you for as long as you need." I say. "It's great to have a wonderful soon to be wife at my side." Dean says. "So that's a yes?" I ask. "Yeah. You might want to talk with Mark about this though." He says. "I might. No, I will. I'll do the informing and see what he's got in mind." I say. He nods and smiles pecking me on the lips before playing with the ring on my hand. The doctor walks back in and Dean says "When can we get started?" "Um tomorrow morning at maybe the earliest 7 am." He says. I look to Dean. "That's fine." He says. "Okay, we will see you in our surgery room by 7." He says with a smile shaking our hands and leading us out. When we leave John and Nikki are leaving as well. Nikki walks over with John. "Hey." She says giving me a hug. "Hey." I say to her. "Are you two up with a little double date lunch date? We could after the news we've been given." John suggests. Nikki shrugs. Dean looks to me and attempts to shrug but stops himself. "Why not. I think that's what we need as well." I say. I smirk. Look at Dean trying to be the people pleaser today. "Okay, well we were gonna head to the restaurant Belles down the street." She says. "Okay, we can meet you there." I say. They nod and we walk away as I start calling Mark. He answers after a few moments. "Hey!" He says. "What's up AJ?" "Um Dean will be receiving surgery. Tomorrow morning." I say. "How long an estimate?" He asks. "8 months to a year and a half." I say. "We can work something out. Since Dean is injured we could make the best out of it. Turn it into something like a documentary for the WWE network. If your up for filming this." He says. "That sounds like so much fun. I'll grab a camera and start tomorrow." I say. "Okay. See ya at work AJ." He says before hanging up. When we get there I shut the car off and get out holding Deans free hand. We get the table together order drinks and Nikki smiles as I grab my drink. "Woa, that's a pretty nice rock." She says. I smirk. "When did that happen?" John asks with a smile. "Yesterday." I say. "Well, how'd the visit go at the doctors?" John asks rather quickly. "Poorly." Dean says. "How'd it go for you?" I ask John. "It went actually really good. Turns out what we thought was a broken bone is actually bone that was popped out of place. They put it back and I'm in ship shape condition." John says beaming. "What's up with it?" Nikki asks Dean as I start diving into a conversation with John. "When you are out of the WWE what do you do? What keeps you okay when you have an injury?" I ask. "I've noticed that us superstars kinda shut out our wives/girlfriends if we do get injured. It's our way of processing and feeling so don't worry if this happens to you." He says as I nod. "I think busying yourself into something helps, you two have kids, and various animals. He has family. Have him into something good. Maybe he'll find something he likes other than WWE. Me personally I learned to like fishing." John says. "So, just get him into a hobby of some sort." I say to myself. "And this is for you. I know how you want to baby him, but don't. I hated it. I felt as if I wasn't trusted to do anything by myself. Don't think there's anything else." He says.
A few hours later we were back in the hotel in time for us to grab my bag and to Smackdown. We walked in with Roman and I went into hair and makeup. I put my ring gear on and while I was getting that on someone turning on the TV for me to see Dean giving a promo. I watched sitting down as everyone kept their eyes on me and the TV. He was calling out Seth. "Why?" He asks as soon as Seths music hits. "Why? Because I'm tired of Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns battling for the WWE world heavyweight title while where am I? Not even having anything. My time is now. I have eliminated you. Now it's Roman and I. Romans gonna be able to taste what it feels like to loose that title. Not like you can do anything either." Seth says stepping into the ring. "You don't know that." Dean says nailing Seth with everything except his injured arm. He then throws the sling off and hits him with that arm only once. That's when I knew if Dean wasn't going to the trainer I was gonna knock him out. I left the room. I didn't need to see anything else. I waited at the curtain where Dean had a grin on his face. "Hey." He says kissing me on the head. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "I guess." He mumbles. I pull him with me and slap him hard in the face. "What was that for?" He asks calmly. "That was for you doing a promo, not the promo actually it was beating him up. No that wasn't it. You didn't use the bad arm. Then ya did. You fucking idiot." I say to him. "I'm gonna cool off. Then I'll say what I have to." He says before walking away. "Actually. No. I'm not gonna wait. I'll say it now. I'm sorry. I had to. It felt so right. I did deserve that." He says. "You back in reality?" I ask. "Just about. My arm hurts like hell." He says. "Did you talk to Mark at all about your arm?" I ask. "No, not yet. Thanks for the reminder. See you later. I love you." He says quickly kissing my forehead and leaving. I start walking getting into the right mindset, but I can't. My mind continues to drift to Dean. "AJ?" I hear John say. "Yea?" I ask turning to him. "It was really great to see you and Dean getting along for once." He says. "Yeah. Thanks." I say with a shrug. "Maybe we could get along too. You drop Dean, I drop Nikki." He says. "Oh, John. You really think that could happen?" I ask pretending to be hopeful as he steps closer. He leans in about to kiss me and I slap him. "Nikki is my friend. The fact that you disregard her feelings like that is sad. She loves you. You don't realize how good of a woman you have till she is no longer yours." I say to him. "But I need someone who doesn't care where the relationship is headed." He says. "I care. I might not care as much as Nikki, or talk about it as much as Nikki but I know where its going." I say with a glare. "You care about being with them. Not how." He says. "No, I know I've said to her face that you told me you hated her. I still know you love her. You want to be fun and get into my head. Guess what. Nikki is my friend. I'd rather loose you than loose her. No matter how awful we've treated one another." I say. "Wait. Don't tell her. I will." He says. "No, I hadn't told her about the things we've said to one another because it was our thing. I hadn't told her when you told me you were gonna dump her because we weren't friends at the time and I knew you wouldn't." I say shaking my head. I walk away. I go into a different hallway and hear footsteps following. By the looks of it I thought it was Nikki. That's when I thought Oh shit. "AJ." She says is only when I realize that it's Brie. "Your match is next." She says. "Thanks." I say. "After I think we need to talk." She says. I shrug as I make my way to the curtain barely in time. My music hits and I walk out. I was way too distracted. Ellisabeth walks out with Seth next to her. I glare trying so hard to keep my mind focused on Ellisabeth. I couldn't as soon as I saw an opening to go after Seth I did. Punching and kicking, slapping and doing everything till the ref pulled me away. I hopped out the ring. I couldn't do it. My mind was on Brie, John, and Dean. Bow could I focus on Ellisabeth? That backstabber! I got back into the ring and the ref rang the bell. I tried my hardest to go after her, but no matter the attack she had a counter just in time. One off night and the rest is history. Seth started cheering for Ellisabeth getting on the apron and I went to go after him and I got speared and pinned in the center of the ring. I quickly rolled out the ring and stormed up the ramp. Tonight was my fault. I was stupid for getting distracted. Usually I'm not that bad. "AJ." Brie says pulling me along. "Hey." I say. "I saw what happened between you and John." She says. "Okay? What are you gonna do? I have no clue what I'm gonna do." I say with a sigh. "Maybe you can plan it to happen again. Only Nikki around this time." She suggests. "No. Nikki deserves to know." I say. "She won't believe you. She needs to find out on her own." Brie says. "No. I'm telling her." I say before walking into the divas locker room. "Nikki." I say. "Yeah?" She says walking over. "I need to tell you something about John." I say. "Isn't he so sweet?" She asks with a smile. "I think you should be told this." I say. She nods sitting down with me. "John tried flirting with me earlier." I say. "What? No. He wouldn't. Your lying." She says. "I'm not. I swear. You want to find out?" I ask. "Yeah. I don't believe you." She says. I stand up leaving the locker room with her hot on my trails. I find John who the second he spots me he walks over. "AJ. I saw your match. You did great." He says. "Oh I did Great? I lost. Want to know why? You. I can't believe I'm saying this but you've gotten in my head. You have finally reached your goal and gotten in my head. Are you happy?" I ask stepping away as he steps closer. "See. Isn't that great? We're even. That's all I needed. When I tried flirting with you or even kissing you. If wasn't true feelings. I needed payback. I needed to give you a taste of your own medicine." He says. "Oh, no I get it. I'm only your toy. Nikki, she's the real deal. I'm just the one who you used for what?" I ask. "No, I take that back. The kiss and some of the flirting I meant." He says with a smirk. "John. Cut the shit. You've won. You've won this game. I don't want to play anymore. What do you want? Me to admit I lost. I have!" I say. "But being inside your head is the fun part. I can make you tick. Just like you did. When I told you things about Nikki it wasn't for you to repeat to her." He says. "At first it was to destroy your relationship. I wanted revenge. Then it became how can I show Nikki the real you without loosing her as a friend. Look deep into your soul and tell me what you want?" I ask. "I want a few things. I want a girlfriend who gets me like you do, I want to be the one and only person you love. I want to have a real woman, not a plastic barbie." He says. "What a shame if Nikki heard that. What a shame if Dean heard. I love him. Not you." I say. "What are you saying?" He asks as I start walking in the direction I came from. Where Nikki is crying against the wall. "How could he?" She asks. "I wish I knew. He's just not for you." I say. "He was my soulmate. I should blame it on you for this, but its mine." She says before swiftly getting up and literally running away. I sit there for a moment then go to the divas locker room and change. I then head to Roman and Deans locker room. Gal and JoJo are in there with Dean and Roman. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" He asks. I shrug. "Nothing. I'm fine. How's your shoulder?" I ask sitting down. Dean gives me a look. I don't think I should tell Dean. He was so angry today, telling him about John will make it worse. "So, I talked to Mark." Roman says before Dean can respond. "What's the storyline?" I ask immediately. "You'll be pretty happy to know that from here until further notice you are apart of a tag team with me." Roman says. "That's boring. Where's the fun part?" I ask. "I figured you would get bored with this match. Mark and I were talking and he said something about adding some sort of love story into it down the road." Roman says. "Wait with you?" I ask trying to sound uninterested. "Probably. I tried to get out of this storyline in general, and focus on this title. I was told that not everything is about this title so now I'm stuck with you." Roman says. "I'm offended you think I'm that bad." I say to him. "No, its not you." He says. "It's not you it's me? So I'm assuming I'm rooming with you?" I ask. "Nope. I've actually got John, again. Word is you have Nikki. They will probably try to switch." He says. "Yeah, I don't count on it." I mumble. "Why? I'm interested now." Dean says with a smile. "Well, without going into detail. John was caught flirting with one of the divas." I say. I know one of them suspected it to be me.

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