Chapter 17

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I've spent all week with my friends and family but today I get to reunite with Dean. He and I have been face timing every night for like 5-10 minutes. I watched wrestling to make sure my friends were okay. I had to pick them up at the airport today so I left early so I can get to Albany and the airport in time. "Bye. I'll see you soon." I said to them as I left the house and drove a long while to Albany using my car. My car had to be cleaned because of all the dog fur in the back seat. I arrived at the airport and waited. Dean texted me and said they landed. I got out and walked in and I spotted them with their bags. I walked over and said "Hi." They wave. We go out and they all get comfortable in the car. Roman in the front next to me. I drove to the hotel and Dean asks "This your car?" "Sorta." I say. Erica and I shared cars because I wasn't here often. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I share with my sister. Just like I share a house with my mother." I say. "Cool." I nod. We drop off our clothes and such. Paige and I had floor 12 while Dean and Roman had floor 5. "Your family coming tonight?" Paige asks. "Nope. They are reading." I say. Paige gives a strange look but doesn't question it. We stay at the hotel till its time to go to the arena. We grab our stuff and head to the car. Dean and Roman picked up a rental. We get to the arena. Paige and I go into hair and makeup. I end up missing Deans match because makeup took forever. I quickly get into my ring gear. Tonight I face Naomi. She was upset that she can't have a match against Paige. Paige was on commentary. I skip out first and I look out in the crowd and I see my Mom there with Erica and Robert. They said they couldn't make it. I get out of the ring and give my mom a hug then slide back into the ring. Naomi comes out unhappy. Paige grabs a microphone. "Hey, Naomi why do you think you need a title match. I mean AJ I get. As crazy she is she deserves her rematch." Paige says. Naomi and I grab microphones. "I want my rematch because I'm a much better competitor than you or this freak." Naomi says. "AJ at least has been champion and maybe in order to have a long reign like AJ I need to be Crazy or date any guy in sight." She says. "No, you need to have talent which is something I only have." Naomi says. "Well, I'm not here to argue about who is better when clearly I'm better. I want to wrestle." I say. Stephanie comes out. "Oh here comes the boss to save us from this catastrophic problem." I say sarcastically. "I am AJ. I am now making this match at Extreme Rules that you have 'earned' a triple threat." Stephanie says. "That is so unfair." Paige says. "I think its fair for us. We have nothing to lose but everything to gain." I say. "Glad you feel that way AJ. You might have everything to lose in this match. If you can't win it will be a 1 on 1 match. Naomi vs Paige at Extreme Rules." I smile. Stephanie walks out and I toss my microphone out of the ring. The bell rings and go after Naomi. When I go for the pin Brie comes out. "You won't win here tonight. You broke my sisters Jaw. Now I will break yours." She says. She goes to hit me but I distract the ref and move out of the same way causing Naomi to get hit. I get Naomi in the black widow and she taps. I smile and Paige gets Brie off the apron and she enters the ring. I leave the ring and she does to she hits my head on the ring post causing it to open up my head and blood to pour out. Paige picks up a microphone and says "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to possibly put you out of action for this Sunday." She says before helping me up and clothes lining me. The medic comes out and helps me out as Paige, Naomi and Brie leave. I get up and exit going to the curtain. Paige comes over and says "I did not think this would happen." "Its fine. I'm fine." I say. My mom walks over to me with a frown. She follows me to the trainers room. He cleans off my face that's covered in blood. A few seconds later Dean walks in. "Hi." He says cheerfully. "Why are you so peppy?" I ask. "Why are you so grumpy?" He asks. They start working on my head and Dean smirks. "How's it feel for the rolls to be reversed?" He asks. "I gotta say how do you do it?" I ask. "Pain is only in your mind." He says as he puts a finger up to his head. "Guess what?" I say. "What?" He asks. "You're an idiot." I say. He sticks his tongue out at me. They finish stitching me up. We leave the trainers room. "Who's this?" My mom asks. "This is Dean." I say. "I'm going to assume this is your mom." Dean says. "You'd assume correctly." I say. Paige stops me. "Can you compete Sunday?" "Yeah, even if I can't I still will try." I say. "You are becoming like him." Paige says. "Oh well." I say. My mom leaves and goes to take her seat again. When I look over at the TV I see Roman is talking. He leaves the ring and poses for the crowd. After a little while Dean goes to take a shower and Paige goes over to me. "Hey, can you and Dean hang out tonight? I want you to meet someone." She says. "I guess. I can check with him." I say. She nods and smiles. I walk in my locker room and wipe my makeup off. I hop in the shower and I put my hair in a shower cap then clean myself off. I take off the shower cap and leave the shower. I put on my love bites shirt on. The only other shirt I had was a Paige shirt and I don't really feel that it would be best. I know Paige didn't mean to split me open but she did mean to hurt me by pushing me into that ring post. I put on Deans Jacket. Stephanie stops me and says "Hey, We just had the idea of making you and Dean get back together in the story line. Tonight." She says. "Wait are you serious?" I ask. "Yeah. What do you think?" She asks. "I think it isn't the best idea for right now considering we are just 6 days away from Extreme Rules. Dean and I both don't need distractions." I say. "You both are dating off screen though." She says. "We are, but I don't think this date and time is perfect." I say. "Okay." She says before walking away. I go to catering and eat my cupcake of the night. None of my friends were there. So I ate then left. I went into the Divas rec room and played some video games. I left then watched Raw in my locker room. When it was over a producer approached me with my family. He also told me that I had an interview with Renee. "Okay." I say. "If you wait in here for a few minutes I will be back." I say to my family. I sit on a crate as Renee walks over with a camera man. "Hey, AJ. Do you have any comments on tonight's win and what Paige did to you?" She asks. "I'm fine. Bumps and bruises come and go. Just like title shots. My rematch is now a triple threat match but I will come out on top and become a 5 time divas champion." I say before skipping into my locker room. I notice that Dean is now in there with my family. "Hi." I say. My mom smiles. "I didn't know you were coming." I say. "We had already made sure to come and it was a surprise." She says. Dean nudges me. "Oh, sorry. This is my older brother Robert, and my older sister Erica." I say. He nods. "Awe is AJ the baby." Dean teases. "This is Dean." I say. "Hi." Dean says awkwardly. He grabs my hand. "So, what'd they do to your head?" Robert asks. "Stitched it up." I say as I move my hair out of the way so they can see it. "Okay." Erica says. I toss her the keys. "When are we leaving here?" Dean asks. "Be patient." I say. "Do you have any interesting storylines coming up?" My mom asks. "I was approached with a match for the next pay per view." Dean says. "I have a match if I can beat Paige and Naomi." I say. "Well, we should get going. It was great seeing you. Stop by soon." Robert says. They get up and leave and Dean says "They seemed nice." "Yeah, I'm thinking about moving though. I love them but I haven't lived anywhere besides that house." I say. He nods and we leave the locker room. A producer tells Dean "You have to be on the news tomorrow morning. Thought it'd be great be up bright and early." "Okay, that sounds great, what time do I have to be there?" Dean says. "You have to be there for 6:30." The producer says. Dean nods and we go to the car. Paige, Roman and some stranger are waiting impatiently in the car. Dean and I put our stuff in the car and sit in the back. Dean made me sit in between them two since I'm smaller. "Okay, So friends this is Kevin. Kevin this is friends other wise known as Dean, AJ and Roman." Paige says. I wave. I'm honestly not in the mostly to be nice. I'm not really up for meeting anyone new. "Hi." He says. Everyone stays silent. Oh, Dean did I tell you Stephanie tried to put us in a new storyline?" I say remembering my conversation with her earlier. "No, what is it about?" He asks curiously. "Notice I said tried. I turned down." I say. "Okay." He says. We get to the hotel and set everything where it needs to go. Kevin was in there with me and Paige. Paige is face timing with Samantha and Jade. "How's fathering going?" I ask her. "Pretty good, he isn't there when we face time but he does give me $200 a month and the fans still don't know." She says. "Okay." I say. Dean texts me.
D-Hey, so I was thinking about how you said you were thinking about looking for a place and I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me.
I smile. I've not really thought about that, we had been dating for almost a year. The end of June would mark our full full year together. "What are you smiling about?" Paige says as she hops on my bed. "Well, I have to go. I will see you sometime later." Kevin says before leaving. "The real question is who is Kevin?" I ask. "He is a friend." She says. I shrug fair enough. I don't think Paige will date after a past relationship. "Cool." I say. "AJ, you've been giving me the cold shoulder all night. What's wrong?" She asks. "Nothing." I say. "AJ?" She asks in that concerning way. "Its just I know that you didn't mean to cause me to split open but you did mean to hit my head on the post." I say. "It was in the script." She says. "Oh, okay." I say. "Now, what are you smiling about?" She asks curiously. "Dean asked me to move in with him." I say. "What'd you say?" She asks. I got caught up with Paige and Kevin I forgot to answer.
A-Yes. I'd love to.
"Hey, some the Total Diva's are coming over. Is that cool?" She asks. "Yeah, sure." I say. She nods and precedes to text them and in about five minutes all of them are gathered in our room. "How's everyone's night?" Brie asks. "Good." I say. "Great." Paige says. "Anything interesting happen?" Alicia asks. "AJ." Paige says. "Paige?" I say. "What just happened to you?" She asks. "Dean asked me to move in with him." I say. "Aw that's awesome." Rosa says. "And nerve wracking." Brie says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Everything about the relationship changes, you get to see all of this person that you typically don't see. It makes or breaks the relationship. You either fall more in love or you break up. These flaws and habits they don't show you." She says which now has me scared that Dean and I could break up. "That makes me feel less happy from when I said yes." I say. "It'll be alright." Alicia says. "I hope." I say. "Yeah, you've pretty much seen the worst." Paige says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Him taking showers at weird times, always losing things." She says. "Well, true." I say. "Yeah, plus tons of other things you had complained about before. Its like that but more of an everyday thing, and whatever habits him and Roman gossip about." I chuckle and get psyched out the more we talk about it. It scares me that Dean and I could be over. It scares me that I'm gonna mess up. I say "I'll be back." I get up and just go for a walk with Deans leather jacket. After about 5 minutes I go back with a semi cleared mind, but there is still a voice in the back of my head saying that I'll mess things up with Dean. I open the door and just decide to fall asleep right there as I let my thoughts consume me.

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