Chapter 89

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We walked out for Good Morning America. Dean holding my hand with the one hand that wasn't in a sling. The two who I don't know greeted us. "Hi." They said. "Hello." Roman, Dean and I said in a chorus. "Before we start with fitness tips and talking the actual job. Dean, when can people expect you back in this ring?" She asks. "Well, I was just recently put out, so I'm hoping that by the beginning of next year." He says with a smile. "What happened?" The man asks. "I'm trying to be nice, but talking about it I don't stay nice." Dean starts. "He has a torn rotator cuff." I say looking at him with a smirk. "Well, what's your favorite thing about the job?" They ask. "I'm gonna go with the fans, like they are so cold, but they are just as loving and I live to hear the crowds." I say. "I love the amazing, incredible people I get to work with." Roman says. "I will go the route no ones said. I love beating people up." Dean says. "So, you guys are pretty dominant. Who is your favorite opponent?" "Paige. We had been frienemies on and off screen, she was the only diva who put up a fight and stood out to me." I say. "I'll go with my brotha. Roman. We don't take anything personally. We know its to further our careers, and if we have to pin the other in the center of the ring we will not take it personally whatsoever. Like when we fought at wrestlemania. Roman didn't take it personally, then the next night I didn't take it personally." Dean says. "I love fighting someone like John Cena, Randy Orton. Knowing that they've been there 10+ years beating them proves that you are gonna be in that position where people are lining up to fight you to prove yourself." Roman says. "Now, fitness or Diet tips. Who wants to go first?" He asks. I shrug. "I'll go." I say. They nod. "Well, I eat unhealthy all the time, but something I've noticed what works is not eating an hour before or an hour after I work out helps me stay in shape and gain more muscle than if I were to eat before or after." I say. "I switch it up. My work out constantly changes. Once or twice a week I'll go to crossfit with Dean, or I'll con AJ into going. Maybe I'll just work on cardio and things like that." Roman says. "Well, I feel that gyms aren't the best place to work out, if your easily distracted. Since I live in Vegas I'll climb a mountain or work out in the dessert. Then I'll do sparing with AJ or something." Dean says. "Have you hurt AJ by fighting and vice versa?" She asks. "I go easy on AJ, but she never goes easy on me. She's dislocated my wrist, given me a black eye, and I think she broke something in my arm with the black widow." He says. They laugh at that. "I want to win." I say. "Speaking of winning last question. Do you prefer to be champion or not?" They ask. "I surprisingly enjoy being without the title as much as I do with it. When I come back you can expect more titles with me." Dean says. "I love being champion." Roman says. "You are champion now." I say. He smiles and nods. "I lately love not being the champion. I've noticed a ton of divas are stepping up and they deserve to be champion. I don't want to become a 14 time champion when some divas have worked so hard and they aren't even a one time." I say. "You've only held the title 12 times." Roman points out. "I know. I'm close to the title, so its telling me that I can win that. Just like Diva of the year. I've been diva of the year so many years in a row. I love that I was chosen, but a bunch of Divas deserve it. Like Paige, or Bayley, maybe even a Bella twin." I say with a shrug. They nod going to end the show. We leave 30 minutes later. Roman drives us to the Kelly and Michael set. We get there and watch the show till its time for us to go on. It was just Dean and I. I think it was the first WWE studios movie that was going to be in theatre. We walked out holding hands of course and we greeted Kelly and Michael with hugs and handshakes. We sit down and they smile. "So, how's it feel to be back?" Kelly asks. "It's great, and you finally meet my partner in crime." I say with a smile. "Oh, that's very right. Lotta crime?" Michael asks. I laugh. "No, not really." I say. "How's the beginning of the recovery going?" Kelly asks Dean. "It's going by pretty slow. I have things to do other than sit around all-day. That's good." He says. We go to commercial. When we go back they introduce us again and the movie. "Marine 5. Was it fun shooting it?" Michael asks. "It was tons of fun shooting. The cast was super nice." Dean says. "What's the movie about?" Michael asks. "This couple. They are married. They have a child and the wife played by AJ are captured. I have 2 days to find them or I go to jail for not going back to the military." Dean explains. "How were you feeling when you were told about this role?" She asks. "I was more excited for being in my first WWE studios movie. I was also nervous who would be in it with me. It was between Roman and Dean. I didn't want to like wish for one to win." I say. "I was in pain when I was told. I loved working with WWE studios but, I wanted to have the title all mine." Dean says. We answer a few more questions then the show ends. We get in the car and I'm sitting in the passenger seat. Roman driving. "So, AJ. How was your night without me in the hotel room?" Roman asks. "Quiet. How was your night?" I ask. "Amazing. After I was out the hospital at like 2 am. I went to Gals hotel. She tells great stories." Roman says. I shrug. Not 100% sure where this is going. "Really? I hate stories. No need to tell any." I say. "I think you'll like this one. She told me you insisted on having a match against her." Roman starts. "Oh, well she was attempting to tell me how to do my job. I'm sorry that I stood up for myself." I say with a shrug. "You can't just be civil?" Roman asks. "Roman, she can't stand me. Snarky remarks, rolling her eyes at me, the glares. The one time I say something I'm the bad guy." I say. "I love her, and its annoying having you two constantly having this tension for what reason? Me." Roman asks. Dean staying dead silent in the back. I pause for a moment, carefully wording my words. "Don't get a big head. I think old feelings must be getting to your head. I certainly don't like her because she's married to you. I don't care who your married to. I get the fact love makes you blind, but you seem to blind all the time." I say. "What feelings? You know that she hasn't started anything. It's been you." He says. "No, the first day or two I meet her. She threatened me because she thought I liked you, then falsely apologized the same night. I'm sorry for finally standing up for myself. I try to be nice to her." I say frustrated. "She's protective of what's hers." Roman says. "I am too. She needs to learn that. I don't play nice when I'm pushed. I don't play nice when you mess with what's mine. She can decline the match. It's not up to me. I made the challenge. I can't accept it on her behalf." I say with a shrug. "You say that like I'm yours." Roman says. "Yeah right. You wish. The ring on my finger isn't because of you." I say. "I think if we just calm down-" "Shut up Dean!" Roman and I shout. "Let's be honest. You don't like her? Why? She made amends. You helped me out with her, she stepped on your toes. You blew up. What's gonna happen when she accepts. She doesn't run from a fight." Roman says. "They your wife, or girlfriend, exwife whatever she is to you this week will get her ass beat. I don't play when I'm in the ring. She's stepped on my toes for just about 3 years. It's between me and her not me and you. I'm going to the ring on Monday. I'm having a match, who its against is up to her." I say to him before ignoring any attempt he had to talk to me which was only one.

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